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There was this guy перевод на французский

616 параллельный перевод
- Six years ago, there was this guy- -
Il y a six ans...
There was this guy...
Il y avait ce type...
There was this guy, who decieved his friends.
Il y a longtemps, y a un type qui avait trahi ses amis.
I came home one day, there was this guy in the closet.
Un jour, en rentrant, j'ai trouvé un type dans l'armoire.
There was this guy, basketball player.
Il y a bien eu un basketteur.
So, there was this guy selling Black Panther papers.
Un mec des Panthères Noires vendait ses journaux.
There was this guy that my father used to drink beer with and shoot pool with down in the Village.
Un type que mon père rencontra au village.
A long time ago, there was this guy- - maybe a couple hundred years ago- - he was fightin'in the- - I think it was around Philadelphia.
- Neuf minutes. Il y a longtemps- - peut-être bien il y a 1 00 ans... y avait un boxeur, je crois bien que c'était à Philadelphie.
There was this guy there.
Le type était là.
And there was this guy on the TV. And he was talking about Freddie.
Et sur l'écran, je vois un mec... qui parlait de Freddie.
Years ago there was this guy who had a similarjob to yours.
Autrefois, il y avait un jeune homme qui faisait ce métier-là.
Back in the 50s there was this guy who played a sax.
Dans les années 50, il y avait un mec, il jouait du saxo.
And then after he'd gone, I turned the television on... and there was this guy who had just won the something-something. Some sports event - some kind of a great big check and some kind of huge silver bottle.
Ensuite, j'ai allumé la télé, et il y avait ce type qui avait gagné un concours sportif.
There was this guy at the funeral.
Il y avait un type, à l'enterrement.
There was this guy.
Il y avait ce type
There was this guy once... You see this scar?
Une fois... vous voyez cette cicatrice?
My first week of college there was this guy. He was an upperclassman.
Il y avait ce type à l'université...
There was this guy once, Morrie GIuck, a numbers runner.
Il y avait ce type, Morrie Gluck, un bookmaker.
There was this guy Pete- -
There was this guy who scared me a little tonight.
J'ai vu quelqu'un qui m'a fait peur ce soir.
Well... Don't tell Steve, but there was this guy in high school. He had a GTO.
Eh bien... ne le dis pas à Steve... mais y avait un type au lycée...
- First there was this guy a real son of a bitch, but I didn't give a shit about him.
- ll est super avec les gosses. - Ce type... un vrai salopard, mais je m'en foutais...
There was this guy at school Nick liked to imitate saying this.
Il y avait ce type à l'école que Nick aimait imiter en disant ça.
We started drinking, shooting off at the mouth and before we knew it there was this guy called Sorenson involved.
On s'est mis à boire et à l'ouvrir et d'un coup, y a eu ce Sorenson sur le coup.
There was no dame with this guy in my cab last night.
Il n'y avait pas de femme avec lui dans mon taxi.
But there was something about this guy... a look in his eyes...
Il y avait un truc bizarre dans ce type... un regard... 127 00 : 14 : 32,567 - - 00 : 14 : 33,528 froid!
There was a guy who danced like this.
Vous auriez dû voir comment le type dansait ça.
Basically, a guy from your home you know, comes around there and than you sit and talk about old times when this was good.
On retrouve des gens de chez nous, on s'assied et on parle du bon vieux. temps.
There was this one guy in particular.
Un type en particulier.
Well, this guy, Gandy, was standing there and, you know, a little too cool, like he had nothing to hide.
Ce mec, Gandy, se tenait là de façon un peu trop cool, comme s'il n'avait rien à cacher.
There was this older guy on, you know, that steel platform between cars?
Il y avait un vieil homme... sur la plate-forme entre les voitures.
I was there when it happened. This guy just pulled up out front.
Il était devant.
There was this one guy who said that he knew her and went to a party with her, and she...
Un type a dit qu'il la connaissait, qu'il était allé á une soirée avec elle, et qu'elle...
The air corps turned it over to me and they said, "Make a hero out of this guy". Because there was a lack of heroes at the time :
L'armée de l'air me l'a donné et m'a dit, "Faites un héros de ce gars"... il y avait une pénurie de héros dans le temps.
There was this beautiful guy.
C'était avec ce... type superbe. Willis.
There was something different about this guy. Different? !
- Non non il est different de ce genre d'individu.
So I went down to meet this flag maker that I'd heard about. And you know, there was this very straightforward-looking guy. You know, very sweet, really healthy-looking and everything.
Je suis allé voir un artisan, un type à l'air très ouvert, très sain...
I heard there was this motorcycle chase outside the Bowl-a-Rama, and according to Paulette Rebchuck, this very mysterious and gorgeous guy knocked Stephanie Zinone right out of her bobby socks.
J'ai entendu parler d'une chasse au motard hier soir. Et, selon Paulette, ce mystérieux et sublime jeune homme a complètement subjugué Stéphanie.
There was this new guy at school, Paul Morgan. He transferred from Taft.
Il y avait un nouveau à l'école, Paul Morgan, qui venait de Taft.
There was this big guy and this girl and this little kid.
Un grand type, sa femme et un gosse.
Once upon a time... there was a happy guy that love finally found... and this time, love didn't pass him by.
Il était une fois un type heureux que l'amour avait fini par trouver, et cette fois, l'amour ne lui passa pas sous le nez.
I was always one step ahead of this guy's life. - There just were no surprises!
Elle était sans surprises!
I just, I was on my way out, and I couldn't wait for these cops anymore to tell me what was going on with this guy, Nick, so I just thought I would go over there
J'étais sur le point de sortir, et je pouvais plus attendre que les flics me disent ce qui se passait avec ce type, Nick.
He had this really great'59 El Camino, didn't run of course, but he was always out there working on it, sweaty, grease all over his hands... what a guy!
Il avait cette magnifique 59 El Camino qui ne roulait pas bien sûr, mais il travaillait toujours dessus... en sueur, les mains couvertes de graisse. Quel gars!
There was no sort of particular security... and one of our assistants told us that there was this strange guy... that was just staying in our gardens almost every night.
Il n'y avait pas vraiment de sécurité, et un de nos assistants nous a dit qu'un type bizarre passait presque toutes les nuits dans notre jardin.
This one day I went in and I looked up and there was a guy up there that I'd seen in the connections apartment.
Un jour en entrant, j'ai levé les yeux, il y avait un type que j'avais vu dans l'appartement du dealer.
Look, I know how this sounds... but I answered the phone out there... and the guy on the other end, he was very, very frantic.
Écoutez, ça va vous paraître dingue, mais... j'ai répondu au téléphone dehors... et le gars au bout du fil était vraiment affolé.
You know, if there was a Nobel Prize for fathers... this guy should get it.
Si on décernait un Prix Nobel de paternité... ce type le mériterait.
There was this skinny black guy. The oldest was talking to him.
Il y avait aussi un Noir riquiqui, qui parlait avec le plus âgé.
There was this Jewish lady walking down Beverly Drive, and coming the other way, this flasher guy in his overcoat.
"C'est une Juive qui descend Beverly Drive. " Elle croise un exhibitionniste vêtu d'un imper.
- There was this strange guy...
- il y avait ce type etrange...

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