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They were everywhere перевод на французский

105 параллельный перевод
They were everywhere.
Ils étaient partout...
They were everywhere in the house.
- Il y en avait partout, dans la maison.
They were everywhere, bullying and arrogant.
Ils étaient partout, brutaux et arrogants.
I was saying they were everywhere.
Je voulais dire qu'ils étaient partout.
They were everywhere and their performance was just electric.
Ils n'arrêtaient pas de bouger, et leur performance était électrisante.
Get back! But they were everywhere outside.
J'ai perdu mes parents... mais la mère de Sean m'a attrapé.
Suddenly, they were everywhere.
Ils venaient de partout.
But they were everywhere. They kept popping up all over the place.
Mais elles étaient partout.
I just went shopping and I came back and they were everywhere.
Je suis sortie et quand je suis revenue Il y en avait partout.
TV, radios, all channels - suddenly they were everywhere.
Télévisions, radios, sur toutes les chaînes... Soudains, ils étaient partout.
And when I started looking, they were everywhere.
Quand je me suis mise à observer, j'en ai vu partout.
They were everywhere :
Il y en avait partout. :
They were everywhere.
Elles étaient partout.
They were everywhere.
Ils étaient partout.
They were everywhere.
Il y en avait partout.
Ohhh, they were everywhere!
Ohhh, ils étaient partout!
- They were everywhere.
- Ils étaient partout.
No, they were the British, dude. They were everywhere.
Mais non, mon vieux, c'étaient les Britanniques, ils étaient partout.
And they were everywhere.
Et il y en avait partout.
Everywhere on their journey now, they were treated as people with powers, people who could heal,
Partout dans leur voyage maintenant, ils ont été traités comme des personnes puissantes, Des personnes qui pouvaient guérir,
They now began to see canoes everywhere, They were approaching even richer lands,
Ils ont maintenant commencé à voir des canoës partout, ils approchaient encore de terres plus riches,
I was afraid they'd find me. They were looking everywhere for you.
Pour brouiller les pistes, ils te cherchent partout.
They were here again this afternoon, searched everywhere.
La police nous a à nouveau perquisitionné, cet après-midi.
They behaved well everywhere in the woods, in the routes in agriculture and everything they were asked to do.
Ils ont bien travaillé dans les mines de sel dans les chemins dans les champs et ils ont fait tous les travaux.
Yes, they were given back their freedom, but their old convict's passport that had to be stamped everywhere was bound to their steps like ball and chain.
.. dans la résidence de l'Evêque.
During the night, hundreds of notices were secretly posted everywhere. They were found stuck up in the marketplace. Even painted on temples and other holy places.
Cette nuit, des avis ont été placardés... sur la place du marché... mêmes sur les murs des temples.
They were taken by the Zarbi, who were everywhere.
Ils ont été capturés par les Zarbi qui venaient de partout.
They were chasing this four-wheel deal, a real neat ORV. Bullets flying everywhere. It was the most amazing thing I ever saw!
Ils coursaient une jeep... ça tirait dans tous les coins.
they were everywhere.
- Où étais-tu?
They ran through the woods, but everywhere they'd see the wild animals were waking.
Ils fuirent, mais partout, des bêtes sauvages les guettaient.
kisses everywhere, they'll know you were out fucking around.
Ils vont penser que tu as fait la nouba.
Coming where they were I have found that this shirt And blood everywhere on the floor
En arrivant où ils étaient je n'ai trouvé que cette chemise et du sang partout par terre
Everywhere they went they were brought cripples
Partout, on leur amenait des handicapés
Whereas, the next day I mean, it was more spectacular with the news and they were there from everywhere.
Mais le lendemain, c'était plus spectaculaire á cause des journalistes qui venaient de partout.
Suddenly, they were everywhere.
Stoppé net. Tout d'un coup, ils étaient partout.
I looked for you everywhere, and they told me you were here.
Je vous cherchais partout...
- Man, all hell broke loose. Black people everywhere demanded their rights. White people had a major, freaky-feel meltdown and they were all, like :
Les Noirs exigeaient des droits, les Blancs balisaient à mort et hurlaient :
Everywhere I went... they were with me.
Partout où j'allais, elles étaient avec moi.
By the time my folks got home, they were pissed... dead puppy everywhere.
Quand mes parents sont rentrés, il y avait du chien mort un peu partout.
Everywhere they went, the crowds were vast and impassioned.
Partout où ils allaient, les foules étaient en délire.
Everywhere they went, they were stalked by girls.
Partout, des filles les traquaient.
They were greeted with great enthusiasm everywhere and fanfare.
Ils furent accueillis avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme et d'égards.
There were these reptilian alien women everywhere. At first, they were hot.
Des reptiles femmes, et elles étaient chaudes...
I was rolling, I was throwing, pins were flying everywhere, everywhere they were.
J'ai joué... et les quilles volaient partout, partout.
They say that the corpses were bleeding from everywhere, even though there wasn't a cut on them.
On parle de corps sanglants, mais nulle trace de blessure.
We had to come back way. They were road-blocks everywhere.
On a fait un détour pour éviter les barrages.
They cut off his finger to prove that they had him and, uh, when we went to retrieve it at the park it was all roped off, and there were police everywhere.
Ils lui ont coupé le doigt pour nous prouver qu'ils le détenaient. Quand on est arrivés au parc, le secteur était bouclé. - La police était là.
I mean, they were looking everywhere, going through all my drawers, and I reached for my underwear drawer, to get some underwear,
Vous savez... genre... ils regardaient partout et fouillaient tous mes tiroirs. Je m'approchais d'un tiroir de sous vêtements pour en prendre un et ils dirent :
We believed they were run by a group of Twelve... whose power was everywhere and nowhere.
Selon nous, 12 individus étaient aux commandes.
They were scattered everywhere. Besides this, the worst thing, there were no labels for them.
Ils sont éparpillés partout ; en plus de ça, le pire, c'est qu'il n'y a même pas d'étiquette pour eux.
I wanted to bring you your toffee-tastees, but they were out of them everywhere.
Je voulais des caramels, mais il n'y en avait plus.

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