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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ T ] / They were killed

They were killed перевод на французский

880 параллельный перевод
Huh? And they were killed with bullets- - bullets from repeating rifles.
Et ils ont été tués avec des balles- - des balles de fusils à répétition.
They were killed, I grant you, but not by me.
Ils ont été tués, mais pas par moi.
And they were killed.
Et ils se sont fait tuer.
They were killed by a machine gun!
Ils étaient tués pour une mitrailleuse!
No, I just know they were killed in an accident.
Non, mais je sais qu'ils sont morts dans un accident.
And because of this they were killed and their bodies thrown into Havana Bay.
À cause de ça, on les a tués et jeté leurs corps dans la baie de la Havane.
They say these guys weren't killed by the Nips, they were killed by the Chinese.
Les Japonais n'ont pas attaqué, c'était les Chinois.
They were killed in an air raid this morning.
Ils ont été tués ce matin par un raid aérien.
They- - They were killed together.
Ils... ils sont morts ensemble.
They were killed instantly by a high mortar shell.
Ils ont été tués tous les deux sur le coup par un mortier.
They were killed in an airplane crash 11 years ago.
Morts dans un crash d'avion il y a 11 ans.
They were killed.
Ils sont morts! Morts?
- Because they were killed at the front.
Parce qu'ils sont morts au front.
While you were listening to your Mozart... my mother and my father were marched... to the gas chamber where they were killed.
Pendant que vous écoutiez votre Mozart ma mère et mon père ont été conduits à la chambre à gaz où ils ont été tués.
They were killed my nerve broke, and I fled.
Ils sont morts, mes nerfs ont lâché, j'ai fui.
They were killed.
Ils ont été tués?
They were killed because of Takeda's desire.
Ils ont été exterminés sous les ordres de Takeda!
They were killed by the flood.
Ils sont morts. Qu'est-ce que ça peut faire?
I never knew my parents. They were killed in a balloon ascension.
Mes parents sont morts dans un accident de montgolfière.
They were killed in the evacuation.
Ils ont été tués lors de l'évacuation.
They were meeting openly, conspiring openly against your life... and Marcus wouldn't permit them to be killed.
Ils se rencontraient ouvertement, ils conspiraient contre votre vie, et Marcus nous a empêchés de les tuer.
Then the slaves were killed... so they could not tell what had taken place.
Puis les esclaves ont été tués... pour qu'ils ne puissent révéler ce qui s'était passé.
The men that killed father weren't Yankees. They were renegades hiding behind their uniforms.
Ce n'était pas des Yankees mais des renégats!
He was killed by an ax murderer. They all were.
- Il a été tué par une hache!
The slaves were killed... so that they could not tell what had taken place.
Les esclaves furent tués... pour qu'ils ne puissent dire ce qui s'était passé.
- They were all killed.
- On les as tous tués.
Neither of them killed Brignon. But they were both there.
Martineau n'a pas tué Brignon et sa femme non plus.
They got a direct hit, and the others were killed.
avec d'autres hommes qui furent tués.
They him trappers like my father were intruders and enemies to be hunted and killed.
Pour lui, les trappeurs étaient des intrus, qu'il fallait tuer.
We heard the last ship you were on was captured. They say all hands were killed.
On a su que ton dernier navire avait été pris et son équipage tué.
Were they killed?
- On les a tués?
They are suggesting that Margot killed him intentionally. I wouldn't say that if I were you, sir.
La police croit à un meurtre avec préméditation!
They were both killed instantly. Killed? Both of them?
Tués tous les deux sur le coup.
We thought they were killing 10 of us for the one fascist killed.
Ils nous envoient travailler! Avant on était dix, on pensait "dix pour un".
How were they killed?
De quoi sont-ils morts?
They were all killed.
Tous ont été tués.
They were honeymooning in the Alps... and he was killed by an avalanche.
Pendant la lune de miel au ski, une avalanche l'a enseveli.
- They killed your wife, you had nothing to lose... Or were you frightened for your own skin?
J'ai peur pour ma petite Jackie.
Lyakhov and Moroz were killed because they were big.
Lak et Moroz sont morts parce que c'est des grands.
They say his mother and sister were killed.
Je crois que sa mère et sa sœur ont été fusillées.
When they were running low on oxygen, they killed the crew with Tigger Fun, so that they would survive longer.
- Ils devaient manquer d'oxygène. Ils ont empoisonné les autres pour survivre plus longtemps.
Because the purple and grey people, didn't want the others to know, so they were bad and killed the cat.
Les violets et les gris ne voulaient pas qu'on les découvre. Ils ont tué le chat de rage.
They were all killed?
They were all killed and disfigured.
Ils ont tous été tués et défigurés.
The only men I've killed in this war, they were both French
Tout ce que j'ai tué, durant cette guerre, c'est deux Français.
And every day, a man has been killed for thinking they were just over the hill. I say to hell with it!
Chaque jour, des hommes meurent parce qu'ils espèrent leur arrivée.
They were standing near him when he was killed.
Ils étaient à côté de lui quand il a été tué.
Her parents were also killed by the A-bomb, weren't they?
Ses parents ont été tués dans l'explosion atomique, n'est-ce pas?
They say the Fujibayashi's best ninja were killed there the other day.
Il paraît que le meilleur Ninja des Fujibayashi s'est fait tué.
They sent a couple of shots through the windows. Three men were killed.
Ils ont tiré dans les fenêtres.
That the next of kin of those prisoners who were killed be advised that they lost their lives in the line of duty. "
Quant aux parents de ceux qui furent tués, qu'ils soient avisés que ces derniers sont morts au champ d'honneur. "

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