Torture him перевод на французский
640 параллельный перевод
They'll torture him to death. Your noble friends!
Vos nobles amis vont le torturer!
- They did torture him.
- Ils l'ont torturé.
Did they torture him, beforehand?
L'ont-ils beaucoup fait souffrir, avant?
Every time elapsed since Saturday had to torture him.
Chaque heure écoulée depuis samedi a dû le torturer.
Slug him, torture him!
Le frapper!
Torture him until he speaks true.
Torture-le jusqu "à ce qu" il dise la vérité.
We could torture him, and you see how he'll sing, and just in case we can pick a sheriff.
On pourrait le torturer, et voir comment il chante, et au cas où aller chercher un gendarme.
- Yes, he is OK now. - We shouldn't torture him any more.
Pourquoi le torturer davantage?
Under our code of honor, we have every right to truss him and throw him in the river, or to slowly torture him to death.
Selon notre code d'honneur, nous avons le droit de le jeter ligoté dans la rivière, ou de le torturer à mort.
Going to torture him?
Vous allez le torturer?
Torture him.
Torture him some more.
Continuez de le torturer.
Find him, torture him, hang him!
Trouvez-le, torturez-le, pendez-le!
Torture him in front of the blind widow.
Le torturer devant la veuve aveugle.
Hyoma will be child's play. I'll torture him to death.
Tuer Hyoma est un jeu d'enfant.
- He is correct. We shall torture him.
- Nous le torturerons.
I'll just... let's say... torture him.
Je pensais... Je pensais plutôt... le torturer.
They will interrogate him under torture.
On le soumettra à la question.
- It's needless torture to tell him anything.
Inutile de le tourmenter. Attendez.
Secrets I tortured out of him.
Je lui ai arraché ses secrets sous la torture.
He's gone to torture a man to make him betray his fellows.
Il torturera un homme pour qu'il trahisse les siens.
- They're torturing him. He'll tell.
- Sous la torture, il parlera.
If that's the way Mohammed Khan tortures his victims I'd like to change places with him for 10 minutes.
Si Mohammed Khan torture ses victimes de cette façon, je prendrais bien sa place.
They mutilated him and tortured him.
Ils l'ont mutilé et torturé.
Torture for those who have tortured him.
La torture pour ceux qui le torturent.
Though you tortured him, he wouldn't speak.
Même si vous le soumettez à la torture, il ne parlera pas.
Trying to twist and torture it out of him that you used Julian's death as part of an escape plan.
On le torture pour qu'il révèle votre plan d'évasion.
They'll give him torture.
Ils vont le torturer.
And it will hurt you no less than it will me. Take him to the torture chamber.
Nous tournerons impitoyablement les vis tant que vous ne parlerez pas.
I used to listen to him walking up and down, up and down, all night long, night after night, thinking of her, suffering torture because he'd lost her.
Je l'écoutais faisant les cent pas, nuit après nuit. Il souffrait le martyre de l'avoir perdue.
What do you know about what could happen to a poor girl when... when she loves a man so much that even to lose sight of him for a moment is torture?
Que savez-vous de ce qui peut arriver à une pauvre fille quand... elle aime tant un homme que le perdre de vue devient une torture?
Only when I knew what had happened to him... only when I had looked once more upon that tortured face... could I make my decision.
Il fallait que je sache ce qui lui était arrivé, que je revoie son visage torturé pour pouvoir me décider.
If your conscience bothers you, wake him up. Only, get the ticker.
Si ça torture ta conscience on va le réveiller pour prendre sa montre.
They won't get anything out of him.
Il ne dira rien, même sous la torture.
He speaks gratefully of the pain you inflicted upon him, pain which cleared the mist from his eyes and showed, with the sharpness of torture, exactly why you must know where our bombers came from.
Il parle volontiers de la douleur que vous lui avez infligée, laquelle lui a ouvert les yeux et fait comprendre, sous la torture, pourquoi vous tenez tant à savoir d'où on venait.
He ought to have the screws put to him.
II mériterait d'être torturé!
They shot him, tortured him.
Ils l'ont tué, torturé.
- They tortured him. They tortured him to make him talk. But he wouldn't.
Ils l'ont torturé... pour le faire parler.
For this accursed slave - if there be any cunning cruelty that can torment him much and hold him long, it shall be his.
Quant à cet esclave, si par quelque torture raffinée on peut le tourmenter et le laisser vivre longtemps elle sera son partage.
No torture will persuade him like a woman's gentleness.
Aucune torture ne le persuadera comme la douceur d " une femme.
Did he cry for mercy when you tortured him?
Il t'a supplié d'avoir pitié quand tu l'as torturé?
Don't torture me, I can't live without him!
Je ne peux pas vivre sans lui.
Even tourture cannot break him.
- La torture ne l'a pas fait craquer.
May the Lord strike him dead! Let him be dead and not torture me any more!
Fais-le mourir une fois pour toutes, je veux qu'il crève, qu'il ne me fasse plus souffrir!
They tortured him. When they were sure he was hiding nothing, they let him go.
Ils l'ont torturé... puis, convaincus qu'il ne savait rien, ils l'ont relâché.
They tortured him.
Ils l'ont torturé.
Let's lynch him. Is it true that you torture prisoners?
Alors, vous torturez les prisonniers?
All our best torture is wasted on him.
Il a résisté à nos tortures les plus raffinées.
Somebody else thought otherwise. Decided to torture him to find out.
Quelqu'un en a douté, et l'a torturé pour s'en assurer.
We must arrest him and torture the villagers and send them all to Safar Barlek
Il faut l'arrêter, torturer les villageois et les envoyer tous à Safar Barlek.
It's tearing him apart, and there is nothing I can do because I don't know where his inspiration comes from.
Il est torturé et je n'y peux rien. Je ne sais pas d'où vient son inspiration.
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him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
torture 179
tortured 86
torture me 18
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
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torture 179
tortured 86
torture me 18