We have to move перевод на французский
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As soon as we get married we have to move.
Dès qu'on est mariés, on déménage.
In order to do that, we have to move you backwards off the pole.
Il nous faut vous tirer en arrière.
The compression of her nerve endings is the only thing keeping her from passing out from the pain, and we have to move her fast.
La compression de ses extrémités nerveuses est la seule chose qui lui permette de supporter la douleur, et nous devons la bouger rapidement.
But still, the both of us, we have to move on.
Mais nous devons aller de l'avant tous les deux.
We have to move in.
- Do we have to move?
- On doit déménager? - Non.
We have to sort this out, Claire. We have to move on.
Pourquoi je dois me justifier devant toi?
We have to move again.
Il faut encore déménager.
Find Danny and tell him we have to move again.
Dis à Danny qu'on déménage.
What if we have to move like this guy says?
Et si nous devons nous en aller comme ce type l'a dit?
We have to move.
- Il faut partir.
You said we have to move fast. We do.
T'as dit qu'on devait déménager rapidement.
We have to be able to move in at the first sign of trouble.
Nous devons être prêts à entrer au moindre signe de problème.
We'll move in as soon as we've intercepted his men, but until then, you'll have to stall.
On interviendra une fois ses hommes maîtrisés, mais en attendant, faites-le patienter.
We have to assume they're tracking our every move.
On doit supposer qu'ils suivent tous nos mouvements.
We will have to move up our timetable.
Nous allons devoir avancer notre emploi du temps.
If we're going to make it we have to keep on the move.
Si on veut s'en sortir, on doit continuer à bouger.
And we'll have to move up more.
Et on devra pousser un peu plus.
If we are to work together, we're gonna have to move quickly.
Car si on veut faire équipe, on va devoir faire vite.
We're gonna have to be ready to move on if this one goes away.
On devra être prêts à en présenter une autre si celle-là s'enfuit.
Look, I feel really bad about Dierdre, and I know that you must want to find out who killed her, but if we're going to move in together, we can't have this stuff hanging over us.
Ecoute, je compatis pour Deirdre et je sais que tu veux découvrir qui l'a tué mais si on doit vivre ensemble, on ne peut avoir cette histoire entre nous
Do I have to say it so that we can move on?
Est ce que je le dois dire pour qu'on passe à autre chose?
We're gonna have to move again, aren't we?
On va encore devoir déménager?
Sir, we're gonna have to move you.
Mesdames et messieurs, on va devoir vous déplacer.
We have to move you folks- - l am so sorry about my dad.
Je suis désolée pour mon père.
At warp 5, we'll have to move within 50 metres of each other.
En distorsion cinq, nous devrons être à 50 mètres l'un de l'autre.
What amazes me about the human spirit – no matter how devastating yesterday may have been we always manage to move forward.
Ce qui me stupéfie avec l'esprit humain, c'est que peu importe à quel point le passé a pu être dévastateur, on parvient toujours à avancer.
We have to move her now, ma'am.
Nous devons la déplacer maintenant, m'dame!
If nothing goes with him, we may have to move.
Si rien ne lui va, il faudra déménager.
We have a great duplex right near campus, lots of room, separate bathrooms, and it's a two-bedroom, so I was thinking maybe you'd like to move in with us.
- Merci. On a trouvé un grand duplex à côté du campus. Il y a plein de pièces.
Yes, I do, but you always said that when we have kids, you wanted to move out of Manhattan.
Oui, mais t'as toujours dit que quand on aurait des enfants, tu voudrais partir de Manhattan.
We'll have to move fast, so it'll have to be the poker.
- À l'Aylesham.
We're gonna have to move you to a room without a window
Nous devons vous mettre dans une pièce sans fenêtre.
I'm going to have to recommend we move this to the hospital.
On devrait aller à l'hôpital.
Now, we have to either pull the plug on Mr. Edelman or move him to a private intensive care facility.
Maintenant, nous devons soit débrancher la prise de M. Edelman soit le déplacer dans un établissement privé de soins intensifs.
A ton of variables, but we actually know more than we think we might because, for example, we know that their target is urban, because they must have the ability to move the material.
Des tas de variables, mais on en sait plus que ce qu'on croyait. On sait, par exemple, que leur cible est urbaine, car ils doivent pouvoir transporter la matière.
If the swelling doesn't go down, we'll have to move her to New Brunswick right away.
Si ça ne désenfle pas, il faudra la transférer au Nouveau-Brunswick
So we're gonna have to move against you, and in the current climate, there's no way you're gonna avoid jail time.
Alors nous allons devoir bouger contre toi, et dans le climat actuel, Il y a peu de chance que tu échappes à la prison cette fois.
We just have to accept it and move on.
Il faut l'accepter et tourner la page.
We're going to have to move sooner than we thought.
On doit bouger plus vite que prévu.
He told Mother we'd have to move.
Il a dit à maman que nous allions devoir déménager.
Do you realize we've got less than five days till you have to move?
Tu te rends compte que nous avons moins de cinq jours jusqu'à ce que tu doive dà © mà © nager?
We'll do a tracking shot, but you have to move very slowly.
On va faire un travelling, mais tu dois avancer très lentement.
Get a move on, we have 100 miles to go.
Dépêche-toi. On a 160 km à faire.
We have to get some plastic or some tarps over these walls... and move everybody back through the kitchen into Dawn's room.
Il va falloir utiliser des bâches... pour colmater les murs. Et déménager tout le monde dans la cuisine. Dans la pièce de Dawn.
We're going to have to move you.
Vous allez être mutée.
We'll just have to move the event till March and hope the Pratts come through.
alors nous devrons reporter l'évenement jusqu'à Mars en espérant la venue des Pratts.
Simon, the move is too fast, so we're gonna have to slow it down and I wanna add one thing, so just watch for a second.
Simon, tu as bougé trop vite, alors il va falloir ralentir et je voudrais ajouter un truc, alors regardez.
The House of Lords is still debating the proposal on the West End theater project, but I think that we have to come together on this to find a viable way and move forward.
La Chambre des lords discute encore du projet théâtral du West End, mais je crois qu'on doit s'accorder pour trouver une solution viable et aller de l'avant.
We have to get in there before they move the body.
Il faut y aller tant que le corps est là.
All right, well, let's... We're gonna have to move on, then we can...
On va devoir reprendre...
we have to move fast 21
we have to move on 26
we have to go 1146
we haven't 212
we have 1448
we have to talk 296
we haven't met yet 21
we have a deal 218
we have a lot in common 51
we have no choice 232
we have to move on 26
we have to go 1146
we haven't 212
we have 1448
we have to talk 296
we haven't met yet 21
we have a deal 218
we have a lot in common 51
we have no choice 232
we have it 62
we have a lot of work to do 49
we have a winner 107
we have nothing to talk about 26
we have a situation 159
we have a problem 623
we haven't got time 26
we have to 499
we haven't met 79
we have to leave 157
we have a lot of work to do 49
we have a winner 107
we have nothing to talk about 26
we have a situation 159
we have a problem 623
we haven't got time 26
we have to 499
we haven't met 79
we have to leave 157