Who's this перевод на французский
14,785 параллельный перевод
He starts getting close, and the bureau itself is alerted to this guy who's rattling too many cages.
Il est près du but, et le bureau lui-même est averti que ce type la ramène un peu trop.
This mother was chasing a big boar who's only interested in catching salmon, it comes out and it smacks him, but the bear is so interested in the salmon that it was on point, it actually got the salmon, as did she.
Cette mère a chassé un gros mâle qui voulait seulement attraper du saumon. Elle arrive et le frappe, mais l'ours était tellement concentré sur le saumon qu'il en a quand même attrapé et elle aussi.
Ramanujan, we need to seek an audience with someone who really understands all this.
Ramanujan, il faut que l'on s'adresse à quelqu'un qui comprend vraiment tout ceci.
And who's this?
Et qui est-ce?
- Who's catering this gig?
Qui cuisine?
It's for everybody who came before us who couldn't even read this ballot.
C'est pour tous nos ancêtres incapables de lire un bulletin de vote.
All these people who talk about love like it's this lightning bolt from the sky.
Tous ces gens qui parlent de l'amour comme si c'était un éclair, venu du ciel.
Who's this guy?
C'est qui, lui?
Who want's to sleep on a beautiful day like this?
Qui veut dormir par une si belle journée?
Who's this?
Qui est-ce?
This is a letter to the DA who's a friend of mine recommending no less than seven criminal counts.
Pour le procureur, un ami à moi, je suggère sept chefs d'inculpation.
Who's this mystery man?
Qui est cet homme mystère?
Why, because she's a flawless, honey-scented, spray tanned, bikini waxed manicured blond-fembot who's always smiling and is at this moment kissing your crush?
Parce qu'elle est le stéréotype de la poupée blonde, bronzé, parfaitement manucurée, toujours en train de sourire et qui est la tout de suite en train d'embrasser le gars qui te plait? [en gros]
There's only one person on earth who would know how to interpret this look.
Une seule personne au monde est capable d'interpréter ce look.
Which means "whore's pasta"! As in a whore, who made this pasta.
Ça veut dire pâtes à la putain, comme la putain qui a préparé ces pâtes.
If it comes down to us or some cop, I'll be damned if it's not us who walk away from this thing, you understand?
S'il faut choisir entre nous et lui, c'est nous qui allons survivre, compris?
Oh, now, the girl who told you this, what was her name?
Comment s'appelait la fille qui a dit ça?
that if there are personalities in another existence who wish to get in touch with us, this apparatus will, at least, give them a better opportunity.
Un appareil d'une extrême sensibilité que s'il y a des personnalités dans un autre plan d'existence qui souhaitent entrer en contact avec nous, cet appareil leur donnera au moins une nouvelle opportunité.
- Booing? ... in what must be startling for Leonard, who, in this very stadium surprised the planet by winning Olympic gold. It's a wonderful day.
Ce qui est très surprenant pour Leonard, lui qui a surpris la planète en remportant la médaille d'or olympique ici même, il y a quatre ans.
Who's got the pussy lips now, motherfucker? - I never gave you this.
Oh, lui, il est sexy.
Who needs plates when you got this guy's face, right?
Ce type a une tronche d'assiette!
- Yeah, who's this?
Oui. Vous êtes?
Who's this?
C'est quoi?
Who's this, Haruko? A student?
Un de tes élèves, Haruko?
There's this boy, Rudolph, who, it turns out, is a real Russian prince with a castle and peacocks and cheekbones!
Et il y a Rudolph, un vrai prince russe. Il a un château, des paons, et des pommettes.
Rd, this is a businessman who's come here to do business.
RD, ce monsieur est venu ici pour faire des affaires.
Who's behind all this?
Qui est derrière tout ça?
Feral hogs tearing up this place something fierce. Who's this?
Des cochons sauvages, ils démolissent tout, ils sont féroces.
Are you aware who's riding to this city?
Tu as compris qui va venir ici?
Who's driving this thing?
Qui conduit ce truc?
You know it's like, "who is this for, me or my family?"
Vous savez c'est genre, "C'est pour qui, moi ou ma famille?"
He's this intense fuck from Detroit, who just kind of spouts out all his stats and just talks about what a pro prospect he is.
C'est un vrai salaud de Detroit qui aime parler de ses statistiques et de sa future carrière de pro.
Who's this fuck?
Qui c'est, ce crétin?
Then there's a Frau Else Wernicke who just lives around the corner, then... listen to this :
Après, Mme Else Wernicke qui habite juste au coin. Écoutez-moi ça!
Tell me who's been doing this, because I will be asked, and I have to answer.
Dîtes-moi qui est le coupable. Parce qu'on va me le demander, et je devrai répondre.
Is Lionel Shrike the kind of magician who can pull this off? Or is he actually in over his head?
- Est-ce que Lionel Shrike est le genre de magicien qui peut réussir cet exploit ou s'il a choisi un tour trop fort pour lui?
You're the one who gains this child's trust.
C'est toi qui gagnes la confiance de l'enfant.
This is Jacob Kowalski, Madam President. He's a No-Maj who got bitten by one of Mr. Scamander's creatures.
Jacob Kowalski, Madame, un Non-Maj'qui a été mordu par une des bêtes.
Hey, who's this?
C'est qui?
All right, so who's behind all this?
D'accord, mais qui est derrière tout ça?
There are those who will say that this would never have happened if we would just mind our own business.
Il s'en trouvera toujours pour dire que ça ne serait jamais arrivé si nous nous étions mêler de ce qui nous regarde.
Maybe Gabriel knows a guy, someone who's seen something like this before.
Peut-être que Gabriel connait quelqu'un qui a déjà vu ça avant.
- Who's this in my ear?
Qui me titille l'oreille?
- Who's this?
- C'est qui?
- The other bald man. Who's this?
- L'autre chauve, qui c'est?
- Who's this idiot?
Qui est ce crétin?
Who needs a new song This old one's all we need
Et pourquoi changer Si celle-ci nous suffit
Well, who's this biker she's teamed up with?
C'est qui le motard avec qui elle fait équipe?
He's the person who got you into this mess in the first place.
C'est lui qui t'a foutue dans ce merdier.
Who's this now?
Qui c'est là?
Okay, this song's for anyone who thought they had a girlfriend for a day, but then she just turned out to be a friend.
D'accord, Pour tous ceux qui pensaient qu'ils avaient une copine pour une journée, mais en fait c'était juste une amie c'est de ça que ça parle.
who's this guy 153
who's this one 19
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
who's this one 19
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is me 479
this is different 405
this isn't you 235
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this is crazy 1291
this is a 428
this is ridiculous 1419
this is awesome 376
this is me 479
this is different 405
this isn't you 235
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this is crazy 1291
this is a 428
this is ridiculous 1419
this is fun 448
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72