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As of yesterday перевод на португальский

270 параллельный перевод
As of yesterday I had about 7 million cruzeiros.
Mas ontem tinha cerca de 7 milhões de cruzeiros.
Olha, eu dou à você uma análise cronológica de tudo que aconteceu ontem de manhã.
Are as of yesterday, Lieutenant!
São os de ontem, tenente!
Me too, as of yesterday.
Eu também, desde ontem.
Figure out what we owe Torres as of yesterday afternoon.
Vê quanto devemos ao Torres até ontem à tarde.
In transit as of yesterday.
Em trânsito desde ontem.
Navarch Li, as of yesterday's assembly vote.
Li. Navarch Li, desde a votação unânime da assembleia de ontem.
I thought of you at our wedding yesterday... and I hoped yours would be as beautiful. - And it was!
Scarlett, pensei em ti ontem, no nosso casamento e esperei que o vosso fosse tão bonito como o nosso, e foi.
I was thinking only yesterday... that I don't see half as much of you as I'd like.
Ainda ontem estava a pensar que não a vejo tanto como queria.
Yesterday the buffalo was many as the blades of grass upon the prairie.
Outrora os búfalos eram tantos quanto as ervas na pradaria.
I took my tuxedo out of mothballs yesterday.
Ontem tirei do meu smoking as pedras para as traças.
I called this extra ordinary meeting to look into the causes of yesterday's tragedy.
Convoquei esta reunião magna para averiguar as causas da nossa tragédia de ontem.
As a matter of fact, I was rather expecting it day before yesterday.
Esperava-o antes de ontem.
Yesterday's and last night's and all of them "one last round before we break it up" bets.
As de ontem, as de ontem à noite, todas as apostas em que disseste que era a última.
Oh, not that you were a client of his, as you say, you hardly knew him but may I ask what were you going to see him about yesterday morning?
Não que você fosse cliente dele, pois, como diz, mal o conhecia, mas, se não se importa, sobre o que ia falar com ele ontem de manhã?
And I was prepared to admit the simple existence of a double. But then, only day before yesterday, as I was leaving here after lunch... the hall man handed me a carton of cigarettes and said... Harry the billiard-room attendant had sent them up.
E estava preparado para admitir a existência de um duplo, mas, anteontem, quando ia a sair daqui depois do almoço, o porteiro veio entregar-me um maço de cigarros a mando do Harry, o empregado dos bilhares.
Why, I wind up with only 49 columns for news... and I won't waste four of them on whether those berries Art Smith... was selling yesterday were blueberries or huckleberries.
No fim, só tenho 49 colunas de notícias... e não gasto quatro a reflectir sobre se as amoras do Art Smith, que se vendiam ontem, eram mirtilos ou bagas de murta.
Now, as I told you yesterday, Darwin's theory tells us that man evolved from a lower order of animals. From the first wiggly protozoa here in the sea to the ape and finally to man.
Conforme disse ontem, a teoria de Darwin resume-se no facto que o homem teria evoluído de animais inferiores desde os primeiros protozoários que habitavam os mares evoluindo até ao macaco e finalmente ao homem.
- # Cast off the shackles of yesterday
- Fora com as algemas do passado
- # So cast off the shackles of yesterday
- Fora com as algemas do passado
But isn't the breakaway of yesterday the convention of today?
Mas a ruptura de ontem não seriam as regras de hoje?
That's yesterday in this part of the world. But however far back you may go... all the Nile's recollections have several things in common.
Mas por muito que se ande para trás, todas as memórias do Nilo têm algo em comum.
But if, like most workers, who use their hands and heads you judge or vaguely feel that capitalism is no better today than yesterday... Back to Moscow! .. As economic and social development, as a way of life, as a system of relations of men together.
Como a maioria dos que trabalham com as mãos ou a cabeça, vocês julgam ou pensam, erradamente, que o capitalismo não é mais aceitável hoje do que ontem como desenvolvimento económico e social, como modo de vida, como sistema de relações das pessoas entre si,
- Yesterday, as a matter of fact.
! - Ontem, por acaso.
We know the glory of yesterday's parades
Conhecemos as glórias Das paradas de outrora
The weather for today, as promised... is a carbon copy of yesterday's :
O tempo hoje, como informamos, será idêntico ao de ontem.
We, the undersigned, have until yesterday the seventh day of 1561... regarded ourselves as your servants and subjects.
Nós, abaixo assinados, até ontem... o sétimo dia do ano do Senhor de 1561... éramos seus súbditos leais.
Sergeant Bosselet feels the moment has come... to calculate the consequences of yesterday's unfortunate expedition.
O sargento Bosselet prevê que chegou o momento... de tirar as consequências da infeliz iniciativa de ontem.
If it's a personal matter, gladly but as a chief of Secret Services I'm afraid it's too late... I no longer hold this position, since yesterday.
Se for um assunto pessoal, com o maior prazer mas se quer ver o Diretor do Serviço Secreto deixei o cargo nesta tarde.
Madame Marshall was killed between 11 : 30 and 12 noon yesterday and yet every single one of you had a perfect alibi, including you, Monsieur Gardener, without knowing it.
A Sra. Marshall morreu ontem entre as 11 : 30 e as 12 : 00. E todos tem um perfeito álibi. Até o Sr. Gardener.
Yesterday afternoon, not only did I discover the false diamond that Horace Blatt had returned to her, but my excellent wine fastens nose had detected, not as you put it, Madame Castle, a pong, but Souffle de Mer, "the breath of the sea",
Ontem à tarde, descobri não só o falso diamante do Sir Horace, como o meu nariz de provador de vinho, detectou um odor de uma fragansia, "A brisa do mar".
The remaining units of the United States Tenth Airborne Division, which parachuted into western Iran yesterday, have taken up defensive positions near Isfahan, designed to block any possible move towards the oilfields in the Persian Gulf.
As restantes unidades da 10ª divisão aerotransportada dos Estados Unidos, que ontem entraram de pára-quedas na zona Ocidental do Irão, tomaram posições defensivas ao pé de Isfahan com o objectivo, de acordo com o porta-voz, de bloquear qualquer avanço em direcção aos campos petrolíferos no Golfo Pérsico.
Well, as a matter of fact, Mrs. Blewett was up here yesterday asking me if I could get her a little girl.
Por acaso, a Sra. Blewett esteve aqui ontem a saber se eu lhe arranjava uma menina.
As a matter of fact, she spent yesterday in solitary.
De facto, ela passou o dia de ontem na solitária.
... All three were here yesterday, as they were on the night of the shooting.
a Sra. Swettenham, a Miss Murgatroyd e a Miss Hinchcliffe.
You wouldn't be laughing so hard if you knew what kind of grades you made from those papers you handed in yesterday.
Não se iriam rir assim se soubessem as notas dos trabalho de ontem.
The capture of renegade police officer Ben Richards was filmed yesterday by runway security cameras.
A captura do polícia Ben Richards foi filmada ontém fugindo ás câmeras de vigilância.
yesterday, under your very nose an attempt was made to poison the top brass in the german forces, as we were meeting to plan the invasion of england.
Ontem, debaixo do seu nariz, tentaram envenenar as mais altas patentes das Forças Alemãs, na reunião para planear a invasão de Inglaterra.
These are aerial recon photos of Ramon's compound made yesterday.
Estas são as fotos aéreas do complexo do Ramon tiradas ontem.
It was trying to try to check only it might find out as for the discussion of yesterday between you. Courtney and you. Cronshaw.
Tentava apenas a tentar averiguar se me poderia esclarecer quanto à discussão de ontem entre a Sra. Courtney e o Sr. Cronshaw.
The masks what used yesterday in the dance, are they perfect retorts of this?
As máscaras que usaram ontem no baile, são réplicas perfeitas destas?
Yesterday, as if to confirm the general opinion of her oddity, she declared that she would sail herself to church across the lake.
"Ontem, como que a confirmar a nossa opinião sobre ela, afirmou que ia para a igreja de barco, atravessando o lago."
One remembers of yesterday, exactamente to this hour, to have seen to go down of the train a pretty young person put on as coat and hat blue...
Lembra-se de ontem, exactamente a esta hora, ter visto descer do comboio uma jovem bonita vestida de casaco e chapéu azuis...
Apparently it left the Adelphi ás 11.00 H of yesterday, an hour before of the Express to go out from Paddington and he did not return even after the 22.00 H.
Aparentemente deixou o Adelphi ás 11.00 H de ontem, uma hora antes do Expresso sair de Paddington e não regressou até depois das 22.00 H.
Holmes? I'm as fond of art as any man but don't you think after yesterday's encounter...
Holmes, sou certamente um apreciador de Arte, mas não acha que...
When Mr. Van Cleaf came upon your visitors yesterday... you neglected to tell him that they were inquiring about one of our volunteers.
Não disseste ao sr. Van CIeaf que as tuas visitas perguntaram por um dos nossos voluntários.
Tell me, friend, why did you leave our place in Malibu yesterday without so much as a word of explanation?
Diz-me, amigo, porque é que ontem saíste do nosso lugar em Malibu ser qualquer tipo de explicação?
( Gelfant ) As I read it, you were in front of Judge Franks only yesterday.
SUPREMO TRIBUNAL QUARTA-FEIRA, 27 DE JANEIRO Segundo sei, foi presente ao juiz Franks ontem.
Well, I examined the stoppers and the necks of all these bottles yesterday and there was no trace of oil around the lip.
Eu examinei as tampas e os gargalos de todas as garrafas, ontem, e não havia vestígio de óleo nas bordas.
I see a boy dressed as a soldier, whose mother, when she dropped him off at the train station yesterday morning, remembered sending him off to his very first day of school.
Vejo um menino vestido como um soldado, cuja mãe, o deixou na estação de comboios ontem de manhã, relembrando o dia que o deixou no seu primeiro dia de escola.
Long suspected of running the Tangiers without a license... yesterday's hearing was to determine whether someone with Rothstein's history... was qualified to officially hold a top gaming post.
As suspeitas de dirigir o Tangiers sem licença, conduziram à audiência de ontem, para apurar se alguém como Rothstein... poderia deter oficialmente tal posto.

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