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Back in high school перевод на португальский

237 параллельный перевод
Ever since the day I first saw you, way back in high school,
Desde a primeira vez que eu a vi, lá no segundo grau,
I saw Hamlet, but that was back in high school. I mean, tonight when you stood there with that bloody dagger...
Eu vi "Hamlet" no liceu, mas quando a vi hoje no palco com aquele punhal...
Now, my problem with chemistry, that started way back in high school.
O meu problema com a química começou ainda no liceu.
I mean, even back in high school.
Até no liceu.
You know, I feel like I'm back in high school again.
Sinto-me como se estivesse de novo no liceu.
I should have seen it way back in high school.
Eu devia ter visto isso no liceu.
It's like being back in high school!
É como voltar para o liceu.
And have I mentioned that back in high school I was a cow?
Já mencionei que, quando andava no liceu, era uma vaca?
And have I mentioned that back in high school... ... I was a cow?
Já mencionei que, quando andava no liceu era uma vaca?
Oh, my gosh, you look as pretty as you did back in high school.
Caramba! Estás tão bonita como no tempo do liceu.
Back in high school, I read your book, A Lapful of Severed Tongues, about ten times.
No liceu, li o seu livro, "Um colo cheio de línguas cortadas" umas 10 vezes.
And Wade, didn't you wait tables back in high school?
E Wade, não servias à mesa na universidade?
Bob taught Vinyard back in high school and he's followed the case closely.
O Bob foi professor do Derek no liceu e seguiu o caso de perto.
You're looking at what life is really about, not what we thought it would be back in high school...
O azul e o dourado. É isso que rege a vida. Não o que pensávamos quando andavamos na escola.
Was Mary a little big-boned back in high school?
A Mary era um pouco forte quando andava no liceu?
I feel like I'm back in high school.
Parece que ainda ando no liceu.
Back in high school I had a major crush on you.
Na escola secundária eu tinha uma paixoneta por ti.
I mean, would you be this mad at me if it had been my party back in high school?
Estarias assim tão zangada comigo se tivesse sido eu a dar a festa?
Yeah. Back in high school.
Sim, desde os tempos de liceu.
Raymond and Elizabeth Garini had a thing back in high school.
O Raymond e a Elizabeth Garini tiveram um caso, no liceu.
Everything I told you about Elizabeth back in high school, thinking you were cute and having a crush on you, was a... fib.
Tudo o que te disse sobre a Elizabeth nos tempos do liceu, que ela te achava giro e que tinha um fraquinho por ti, era... invenção.
Back in high school, I asked you... to the Springtime Pumpkin Dance and you turned me down.
No liceu, convidei-te para ires ao Baile de Primavera comigo e não quiseste ir.
But while you're all out here living yours, sitting around, talking about the nigger who lost it, back in high school, you make sure you tell them the truth.
Mas enquanto estiverem por aqui todos a viver a vossa, sentados, conversando sobre o preto que perdeu a cabeça na escola, certifiquem-se que contam a verdade.
I used to drag here back in high school.
Costumava correr aqui no tempo do liceu.
I mean, not that it matters now but if I had asked you out back in high school, would you have gone?
Não que isso tenha importância... mas se eu no liceu te tivesse convidado para sair, terias aceite?
Doesn't he look like that kid Imamura... who bullied you back in high school?
Não se parece com aquele miúdo, o Imamura... que passava a vida a atormentar-te no liceu?
I was back in high school.
Naquele momento eu voltei à escola secundária.
You know, if I was back in high school, I'da just thrown this out in the street!
Sabes, se eu estivesse na secundária, eu atirava isto para a rua!
As a matter of fact, back in high school he and Marty Cooperman played football together.
Aliás, no liceu ele e o Marty Cooperman jogaram futebol americano juntos.
Of course, I might be, you know, a little out of shape, not to mention I... wasn't worth a crap back in high school. Yeah, okay.
I just wanted to explain myself so that... I didn't become known eternally as that nut case you dated back in high school.
Só me queria justificar, para não me tornar conhecido como "o doido com quem andaste no liceu".
I took a semester of psych back in high school.
Eu levei um semestre de intimidação psicologica na escola.
Back in high school.
No colegial.
- We're not back in high school.
- Não estamos no liceu. - Chamou-me "rapaz das pizas".
Only it was back in our old high school stadium.
Só que eram no estádio do nosso antigo liceu.
I taught back home in high school.
Ensinava num liceu.
I mean, it started back when I was in high school.
Bem, tudo começou quando eu andava no liceu.
Turn in your teasing comb and go back to high school
Devolve os pentes E volta para o liceu
We go back to when you were still in high school!
Ouve, puto, eu e ela conhecemo-nos, andavas tu no liceu.
I was in back high school in those days.
Nessa altura ainda estava na escola.
You kill that high school boy they're going to slap your ass right back in jail.
Se matares esse estudante, asseguro-te que voltarias para a prisão.
- I miss that hydro massage machine... back in the old high school gym.
- Eu sinto falta da hidromassagem... que existia na velha escola de liceu.
So, looking back, it was one ofyour better wars except ifyou were a year out of high school heading south in a troop train knowing in two months you'd be in a mudhole fighting for your life.
Assim em retrospectiva, foi uma das melhores guerras. Exceto se forem um jovem que saiu da escola secundária há um ano atrás a bordo de um comboio de tropas a caminho do sul, sabendo que em dois meses estarão em algum buraco a lutar pela vida.
I got it in high school, back in the'90s just like everybody else.
Fi-la no liceu, na década de 1990, como toda a gente.
Why don't you just go back to ignoring me like you did in high school?
Porque não me ignoram como faziam no liceu?
I left my clone back in my high school.
Deixei o meu clone na escola.
You don't know how it was for me back in high school.
Tu sabes como é que foi para mim na secundária.
And if we find out she weighs 320 pounds, I think that we should say to her, " Gee, we're really glad we dated you in high school instead of now, because back then, you were really hot.
E se descobrirmos que ela pesa 160kg, eu acho que deviamos dizer-lhe : " Bem, ainda bem que saímos contigo no liceu e não agora, porque naquela altura, eras mesmo boa.
I feel like I'm back at my spring formal in high school. I went with this guy Seth.
Sinto-me como se estivesse no baile de Primavera, no liceu.
All the dorks in high school go on to do great things and all the really cool guys are all living back in Littleton as insurance agents.
Os palhaços do liceu fazem cenas magníficas e os gajos que eram fixes vivem em Littleton e são agentes de seguros!
When she came back in the fall for high school, all of her hair was cut off and she was totally weird, and now I guess she's on crack.
Cortou o cabelo e ficou esquisita.

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