Cast off перевод на португальский
343 параллельный перевод
You two can help cast off.
Vão os dois ajudar-me a fazer a manobra.
Put it at Sir John's feet, light the fire and cast off.
- acenda o fogo e afaste.
If you had a balloon that carried a man to Mars and the pilot you picked suddenly disappeared, would you get in the balloon yourself and cast off?
Se tivesse um balão para levar um homem a Marte, e o piloto escolhido desaparecesse de repente, entraria você mesmo no balão e partiria?
Stand by to cast off.
Suba para conduzir.
Cast off, I tell you!
Digo que conduza.
Cast off all lines, sir!
Livre-se das cordas, senhor!
- Stand by to cast off.
- Prepara-te para soltar as amarras.
I bet it feels better with that cast off.
Suponho que melhor sem o gesso.
Will you cast off that bowline?
Corte o cabo.
Cast off.
Cast off aft.
Tudo dentro avante.
Cast off forward.
Tudo dentro à ré.
Joe, cast off.
Joe, vamos.
Cast off!
Cast off the bow line.
Afasta a linha da proa.
Well, cast off and be quick about it.
Bem, vamos partir. E rápido.
The longboat's ready to cast off, sir.
O barco está pronto para partir, senhor.
Stand by to cast off!
Preparados para partir!
Cast off all lines!
Soltem todas as amarras!
Cast off your lines!
Soltem as amarras!
Cast off helm!
Levantem âncoras!
Cast off stern!
Levantem âncoras!
But who will cast off!
Mas quem vai arrematar!
Cast off.
- Stand by to cast off.
- A postos para largar.
Stand by to cast off!
A postos para largar!
Cast off all lines.
Soltar amarras.
Are you ready to cast off?
Estás pronto para partir?
- Sergeant, cast off.
- Sargento, desprender.
Cast off!
Cast off forward!
Soltem as amarras, adiante!
Make ready to cast off.
Preparem-se para zarpar.
They were as the children of fools and cast off their clothes.
Eram como filhos de tolos... e tiraram as suas roupas.
Cast off. I'm aboard.
Pode soltar, estou a bordo.
We're ready to cast off.
Estamos prontos para largar.
- Cast off, Fritz.
Podes largá-lo, Fritz.
- # Cast off the shackles of yesterday
- Fora com as algemas do passado
- # So cast off the shackles of yesterday
- Fora com as algemas do passado
The Prince of Wales will, in the perfectness of time, cast off his followers.
Quando chegar sua hora, o príncipe se afastará de seus companheiros.
Preparem-se para soltar amarras.
Stand by to cast off lines and drift if we don't get steam up fast enough.
Preparar para largar cabos e afastarmo-nos.
- Cast off all lines! - Cast off all lines!
Largar as cordas!
Our children growing up in cast-off clothing, and ourselves thanking God for parenthood in a house full of bits?
Os nossos filhos a crescerem com roupas de refugo, e nós a agradecer a Deus a paternidade numa casa pobre?
cast thy nighted colour off, and let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark.
e olha para o Rei como para um amigo.
Cedric cast him off.
Cedric o deserdou.
That one with the cast-off horseshoe.
O tal que não tem uma ferradura.
If thy right hand offend thee, cut if off and cast it from thee.
Se a tua mão direita te ofende, arranca-a e atira-a para longe.
An odd tablecloth or an old suit or some cast-off silver?
Uma toalha de mesa, um fato velho ou uma prata desirmanada.
Cast off!
- Here, take this, and cast the rope off.
- Tome isto, e atire fora a corda.
If your hand or foot is an occasion of failing to you cut it off and cast it away from you.
Por isso, se tua mão ou teu pé te fazem cair em pecado... corta-os e lança-os longe de ti.
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28