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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ C ] / Cause i was

Cause i was перевод на португальский

3,231 параллельный перевод
Okay, um, well, first, I was late to a meeting'cause I was stuck in traffic.
Eu estava atrasada para uma reunião por causa do trânsito.
'Cause I was too hard on your freakazoid mad scientist guy?
Porque fui muito duro com o teu cientista maluco?
'Cause I was trying to wink.
Porque estava a tentar piscar.
Aw, too bad.'Cause I was gonna choose you.
- É uma pena. Porque eu ia escolhê-lo a si.
'cause I was just trying to lighten things up.
por que só estava a tentar desanuviar as coisas.
I couldn't stay'cause I was so afraid.
Eu fiquei com muito medo.
I told that assistant at Vogue I couldn't hang out'cause I was in Toulon.
Disse àquela assistente da Vogue que não podia estar com ela porque estava em Toulon.
-'Cause I was trying to work it out. But it's over now.
Porque estava a tentar resolver as coisas.
Yeah. I told that assistant at Vogue I couldn't hang out with her'cause I was taking a shit.
Disse àquela assistente da Vogue que não podia estar com ela porque estava a cagar.
-'Cause I was looking for something -'Cause I was looking for something
Porque eu procurava
'Cause I was just thinkin'about havin'a little taste of this myself.
Porque eu estava a pensar em experimentar um pouco.
'Cause I was thinking that... Maybe we could celebrate, just the two of us. I get it.
Lembrei-me que podíamos comemorar.
'Cause I was thinkin'about what you said at Hank's.
Estava a pensar no que disseste em casa do Hank.
Now I'm on time'cause I was here hours before.
Agora cheguei à hora certa porque eu já cá estava há horas atrás.
And probably'cause I was like 3'7 " at the time.
Provavelmente porque eu tinha 1 metro na época.
Maybe you could move some people around,'cause I was guaranteed the window seat.
Posso trocar com alguém? Garantiram-me á janela.
Yeah, when I was a kid I used to wish that they'd get divorced'cause I was jealous of all my friends who got to have two Christmas's.
Quando era criança eu desejava que eles se divorciassem, pois tinha inveja dos meus amigos que tinham dois natais.
I said that'cause I was scared of you.
Disse isso porque tive medo de si.
I don't really remember that,'cause I was just a kid.
Não me lembro bem disso porque era uma criança.
And the Fat Albert thing was'cause I'm black, not fat, right?
Essa doFat Albert é porque sou negro, e não gordo, certo?
Yeah,'cause she found something when I was eight years old that I actually liked... and she hasn't thought about it since.
Sim, ela descobriu uma coisa de que eu gostava aos 8 anos e não pensou mais no assunto.
Look, I only permitted you two to stay'cause your Ricky was so nice to Uncle Joe when he fell off the roof last year.
Olha, só permiti que vocês as duas ficassem aqui porque o teu Ricky foi muito simpático com o tio Joe quando ele caiu do telhado no ano passado.
Uh, well, I was, uh, composing a poem in honor of your new deal with Alvin, and I got hungry,'cause poetry is very exhausting.
Bem, estava a fazer um poema em honra do teu novo acordo com o Alvin, e fiquei com fome, porque fazer poesia é exaustivo.
I was just dancing and kissing him'cause I didn't want him to think about you being late.
Eu estava só a dançar e a beijá-lo porque não queria que ele pensasse que estavas atrasada.
'Cause I knew something bad was gonna happen.
Porque eu sabia que algo mau ia acontecer.
Every time I spent time with him, or I fell asleep with him'cause he was afraid, you blamed him. You was jealous of him.
- Se eu passava tempo com ele, ou dormia com ele porque ele estava com medo, tu culpava-lo.
But the reason that I said that was'cause I never hunted with it.
Mas disse isso porque nunca cacei com ela.
'Cause look, I was completely honest on my application, but if there's anything else... No.
Porque, ouça... não fui completamente honesto no formulário, mas...
I didn't put it down'cause it was a while ago.
Não coloquei isso no currículo porque já foi há algum tempo.
I assumed it was drinks'cause Tom said he saw Evan walking into some bar.
Pensei que estivesse a beber uns copos porque o Tom disse que o viu a entrar num bar.
Like, when I was seven, he taught me how to play gin rummy. I hated it'cause I could never beat him.
Quando eu tinha 7 anos, ensinou-me a jogar Gin Rummy.
If I'm going to break every law I'm here to uphold, I'd rather it was for a good cause.
Se vou romper todas as leis que devo defender, espero que seja por uma boa causa.
I didn't tell you'cause if you knew, I didn't know if you'd still go out with me. I was wrong.
Não te contei porque se tu soubesses, não sei se ainda saías comigo.
And as far as I can remember, every room I walked into... they already knew I was a lost cause.
E tanto quanto me lembro, em todas as salas onde entrava... todos sabiam que eu era uma causa perdida.
That's funny,'cause I heard she still was.
Tem piada, porque ouvi dizer que ainda é.
'Cause I never got a text saying the loft was taken.
Porque nunca recebi uma mensagem a dizer que o loft estava ocupado. Nunca.
And it was strange'cause I hadn't seen you in so long.
E foi estranho porque não te via há tanto tempo.
I know we've had some bumps in the road, but uh, I hope you enjoyed that little vacation of yours'cause that's all it was,'cause it's time to get down to some work.
Eu sei que tivemos alguns obstáculos pelo caminho, mas, espero que tenham gostado das pequenas férias porque só foi isso, porque está na hora de voltar ao trabalho.
I was thinking Vegas'cause we could just check that step off and we could be married tomorrow.
Estava a pensar em Vegas porque podíamos saltar este passo e amanhã podíamos estar casados.
'Cause I had this feeling like I was already in love with you.
Porque eu sentia que já estava apaixonada por ti.
I definitely heard you say it'cause you were talking about your ex-girlfriend, who was sexy, but a bitch.
Lembro-me perfeitamente. Estavas a falar da tua ex-namorada, que era sexy, mas uma cabra.
He took this photograph and it cause just as much of a sensation. I was really amaze surprised because this image went viral. It went into newspapers all around the globe and on websites.
parece que o nosso fascínio por estas plantas estranhas é tão grande agora como quando elas foram descobertas pela primeira vez e há certamente ainda mais surpresas escondidas nestas montanhas
Okay, cool, well, I'm just gonna assume that time was on purpose,'cause I told you my name is Alec with a "c" like a dozen times.
Fixe, vou supor que isto foi de propósito porque falei-te que meu nome é Alec com "C", tipo, 12 vezes.
I should have told you about her, and there were times last night I wanted to tell you about her and I should have, but there was other times last night that I forgot that other people even existed. And I know that sounds stupid,'cause your friends are staring at me like my fucking dick is hanging out.
Eu deveria ter contado e tiveram vezes na noite passada que eu gostava e devia ter contado, mas tiveram outras vezes que eu esqueci que outras pessoas existiam e isto parece ridiculo porque os teus amigos estão me a olhar como se meu pénis estivesse para fora.
He's not around, though, I don't really know him'cause he left when I was a baby.
Ele não mora aqui, também não o conheci. Deixou-me quando eu era bebé.
Shh. I knew it was you guys'cause I saw the same truck from my neighborhood.
Sabia que eram vocês porque vi o mesmo camião no meu bairro.
That's cool that you said that,'cause I actually thought it was really powerful, too, when the one girl was talking about her nips and shit.
Tem piada dizeres isso, porque também achei poderoso quando a miúda estava a falar dos mamilos.
- Olha, não regressei para casa ontem, porque o Mike deu-me ácido por engano.
And I know he was a doctor'cause they asked him to take a look at my rash.
E sei que era médico, porque eles pediram-lhe para dar uma vista de olhos na minha irritação cutânea.
I don't know if it'll even ever happen again but I think it was just maybe'cause... - I'm available?
Quero dizer, eu não sei se isso voltará acontecer novamente mas acho que foi apenas talvez porquê estou disponível?
I just said that'cause... I didn't want your grandma to think I was this... you know, basket case.
Eu só o disse porque não queria que a tua avó achasse que eu fosse, sabes...

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