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Did he really перевод на португальский

729 параллельный перевод
- Did he really sock her?
- Esmurrou-a mesmo?
Did he really use that word to you?
Ele usou mesmo essa palavra?
But did he really deserve a place in here?
Mas mereceria ele, realmente um lugar aqui?
- Did he really free Vinnetou from the hands of the Kiowas? - Yes!
- Libertaste mesmo Winnetou dos Kiowas?
- Did he really once, ate an intire pig?
- Dizem que ele comeu um porco inteiro?
Did he really say that?
Ele disse mesmo isso?
Did he really freak out on the town beach?
É verdade que ele desatinou lá na praia?
Did he really do that?
- Ele fez-te isso?
- Did he really?
- Ai suspendeu?
Did he really get arrested, or he's an actor?
Este é um actor.
Did he really give you a massage?
Ele fez-te mesmo uma massagem?
And he really looked better today, did he, Michael?
Ele estava com melhor aspecto hoje, não estava, Mike?
WouIdn't it be wonderful if he really did have it?
Não seria maravilhoso se estivesse mesmo com ele?
- Did he, really?
- Mas esmurrou-a?
I really think he did it because of you.
Estou certa de que o fez por tua causa.
Really, what did he say?
- Ele gostou.
Supposing he really did hear it?
Suponham que ele ouviu mesmo.
So did he. Did you really think I wouldn't do anything about it?
Achavas que eu não ia fazer nada acerca disso?
Yes, really, what did he have to say?
Claro. Mesmo? O que ele disse?
He really did do it?
Assaltou mesmo o comboio?
Did you really think he would come with you?
Achava mesmo que ele viria consigo?
You mean, he really did steal von Richthofen's plane?
Quer dizer, ele realmente roubou o avião de von Richthofen?
Carl restored me. He really did.
O Carl fez-me renascer.
Did you really kill a man? - Don't look! - Well, he tried to kill me first.
Tu realmente mataste o homem?
- But as a professional driver... he never really made the grade, did he?
Mas como profissional nunca chegou a triunfar. Sabe porquê?
So who really is this Mister Santore, and what did he do in our country?
Então, quem é realmente esse Mister Santore, e que fazia em nosso país?
It, first, it did not believe very, but when the Russians had attacked the Finnish and had not had success he was presumptuous of that it was really truth.
Ele, primeiro, não acreditou muito, mas quando os russos atacaram os finlandeses e não tiveram êxito ficou convencido de que era realmente verdade.
He really did work a miracle, didn't he?
Ele fez mesmo um milagre, não foi?
This child ain't did nothing that great, you know what I mean? He said, " No, they really do dig me there. And I got this really nice album.
Ele não tinha feito nada de mais, mas dizia que gostavam dele, que tinha um bom álbum, e dois tipos a tocarem com ele.
Do you really believe he did all those fakes?
Acredita realmente que ele fez todas aquelas falsificações?
That's why I never could think or really believe that he... really did those paintings.
É por isso que não posso acreditar que ele tenha feito os quadros.
Did he really?
A sério?
He didn't really want it but he did it.
Ele não queria mas casou.
Now what he did with it, I really do not know.
O que ele lhe fez não sei.
- Yes, he really did a good job here.
Veja isto. Sim, ele fez um bom trabalho.
- Yes, he really did a good job here.
- Sim, ele realmente fez um bom trabalho.
He really did love me.
Ele amava-me a sério.
Adam was really quite an idiot, even if he did nearly commit suicide because of me.
O Adam era bem idiota, isso, sim mesmo quase tendo-se matado por minha causa.
He really did.
Gostou mesmo.
Michel, had this really serious side, political, reflective... he was not the one for fun... you did not sing with him, did not play guitar... he was reserved, cold.
O Michel, tinha precisamente esse lado mais sério, político, reflectido, não era com ele que eu me divertia, não era com ele que cantávamos, que tocávamos guitarra, muito reservado, frio.
There he was really serious, it terrified me... as did almost all the other militants... all the ones who knew so much... who had read Marx, Lenin, Trotsky... had it all at their fingertips...
Era alguém muito sério, que me devia aterrorizar, como na altura quase todos os militantes políticos, todas as pessoas que sabiam muitas coisas, que tinham lido Marx, Lenine, Trotsky, que sabiam tudo na ponta dos dedos,
He really did it.
Fê-lo mesmo.
I really like that. I knew a guy once who used to disguise himself as a fire hydrant. Of course, he did have a small problem with the dogs.
Uma vez conheci um tipo que costumava disfarçar-se de boca de incêndio.
Did you really think he loves you?
Pensaste mesmo que ele te amava?
He really did report us.
Ele denunciou-nos.
Did he really know Miss Blacklock?
- Trabalhara na clínica em Berne.
- He really fuckin'did it.
- O cabrão conseguiu.
Well, it depends, doesn't it, on what he wanted to confess to and if he really did want to confess, why did he try to kill himself before doing so?
Depende daquilo que ele queria confessar. E se queria confessar, porque se tentou suicidar antes?
Oh, I'd really like to get this guy Crowe and hang him by his ears for what he did to Kelly.
Gostaria de apanhar este Crowe e pendurá-lo pelas orelhas, pelo que fez ao Kelly.
mom, he is really darling. what a nice guy. dorothy, where did you ever find him?
Eu vejo amor, compaixão, simpatia, preocupação com a humanidade
He really did.
Gostava mesmo.

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