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Did he tell you перевод на португальский

1,797 параллельный перевод
What else did he tell you?
O que mais ele te falou?
- What did he tell you to do?
- O que ele te disse para fazer?
Navani! Did he tell you why he left Winston?
- Ele disse por que deixou Winston?
Did he tell you we're at the Apollo and they sold out?
Te contou que é no Apollo e venderam todas as entradas?
Did he tell you anything he didn't tell us?
Contou-te alguma coisa que não nos tenha dito?
- Did he tell you to do this?
- Ele lhe disse para fazer isso?
Did he tell you, if you plea, you a felon?
Disse-lhe que se se declarar culpada, serão criminosas?
Mr. Cohen, when Joe Fischer recommended me to you, did he tell you, before I became a lawyer, I'd been a drug cop for ten years and that I trained the task force officers you're planning on suing?
Quando Joe Fischer mo recomendou, disse-lhe que, antes de ser advogado, fui membro da polícia antinarcóticos durante 10 anos e que treinei os agentes do esquadrão antidrogas que planeia pôr em tribunal?
What did he tell you?
- Sim. O que ele lhe disse?
- What did he tell you, Miss Dekker?
- O que é que ele lhe disse? - Objecção.
Did he tell you about the limo?
Ele falou-vos na limusina?
Did he tell you where I came from?
Ele disse-te de onde é que eu vim?
Did he tell you about his sudden retirement?
Ele falou-te da sua súbita reforma?
- Did he tell you what they wanna do?
- Ele disse-te o que querem fazer?
Did he tell you that?
Ele disse-te isso?
- What did he tell you about her? That she was Russian.
Sim, disse-me que era russa, que tinha 25 anos, creio...
- Did he tell you her name?
Zin... parece-me.
Did he tell you your stubby little gold droid pal works for him?
Ele disse-te que o gordo do teu amiguinho dourado trabalha para ele?
How did He tell you?
Como é que Ele te disse?
Did he tell you that I was off the island?
Ele disse-te que eu tinha saído da ilha?
Did he tell you he was dying?
Ele disse-lhe que estava a morrer?
What did he tell you... about me?
O que te disse ele sobre mim?
What did he tell you?
O que é que ele te disse?
Mr. Tyler, to be clear, did you ever tell Mr. Kearns that he had, quote, "Won the wiper competition"?
Mr. Tyler, estar claro, já feito você conta Mr. Kearns que ele teve, citação, "Ganhado a" competição de trapo?
Did you tell her what room he's in?
Disse-lhe em que quarto ele estava?
I'm surprisedStan didn't tell you he's out of townon business. Oh, he did.
- O que é isso a bater?
Did he also tell you who gonna be there?
Te disse quem vai estar lá?
Did he tell you that?
- Foi ele quem te contou?
Did I tell you he cried?
- Já te contei que ele chorou?
Oh, Dave did not tell you yet, did he?
OH, Dave ainda não te contou, não?
Did I tell you what he said when I showed up and told him my marriage was over?
Contei o que ele disse quando falei que o casamento tinha acabado?
Ele não te disse, pois não?
- Did I tell you he speaks French? - You mentioned it.
- Eu disse que ele fala francês.
Tell me you're not working with him After what he did to me.
Diz-me que não estás a trabalhar com ele depois do que ele me fez.
Did he say anything? Tell you what happened?
Ele disse-te alguma coisa?
Did he break up with you and tell you he's just not that Inuit?
Ele acabou contigo e disse-te que não era Inuit?
Milly, did Jake tell you he was in a band?
Milly, o Jake disse-te que está numa banda?
Did you tell me that the man that killed the little boy, He escaped during a prison fire?
Não me disseste que o homem que matou o rapazinho, escapou durante um incêndio na prisão?
Did he ever tell you the name of his abuser?
Ele alguma vez lhe disse o nome do pedófilo?
Did Sam tell you that he saved my life?
O Sam contou-te que me salvou a vida?
- Did he offer to tell you about his AI?
- Ofereceu-se para falar da IA?
Please tell me you did not give him jellybeans. Oh! Because he goes crazy when he has a lot of sugar.
Porque ele fica maluco quando come muito açúcar.
Did you tell her where he was?
Disse-lhe onde é que ele estava?
He didn't tell you to meet him here, too, did he?
Ele disse-te para te encontrares com ele aqui também, não é?
He didn't tell you to meet him here, too, did he?
Não te disse para vires aqui ter também, pois não?
He tell you why he did it?
Ele disse-te porquê o fez?
He's gonna tell you that Dummy did it.
E vai dizer-lhe que foi o boneco que o fez.
What do you want me to do? To tell you I prefer you and you fuck better than he did?
Queres que te diga que te prefiro a ti e que fodes melhor que ele?
Didn't tell you about our first case, did he?
Não te falou do nosso primeiro caso, pois não?
I'm gonna tell you something. He did everything he said he was gonna do.
Ele fez tudo o que disse que ia fazer.
Tell to me, if you please, did he ever talk about his landlady Mrs McGinty?
Diga-me, por favor, ele alguma vez falou da senhoria, a Sra. McGinty ´ s?

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