In his words перевод на португальский
278 параллельный перевод
"The street fencing masters," in his words.
"A rua esgrima mestres", em suas palavras.
- The premier says what he means... but sometimes there's more in a man's voice than in his words.
Acho que o Presidente será sincero, costuma ser. Mas, às vezes, há mais na voz de um homem do que apenas palavras.
When Igor Stravinsky wrote his ballet, The Rite of Spring... his purpose was, in his own words, to'express primitive life.'
Quando Stravinsky compôs o bailado "A Sagração da Primavera"... a sua intenção era a de retratar a vida primitiva.
Those were his actual words in the war of 1870
Foram as suas próprias palavras na guerra de 1870.
- In other words it entered about here, passed all the way through his body and ended up down there.
- Por outras palavras entrou por aqui, atravessou o corpo todo... -... e ficou alojada aqui. Correcto?
Filled with curiosity about places and people remote from his own experience... he wandered to the half-world of London... the words of Lord Henry vibrating in his mind.
Cheio de curiosidade pelos lugares e as gentes estranhas à sua própria experiência, vagabundeava pelo sub-mundo de Londres, as palavras de Lord Henry vibrando na sua mente.
"The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart."
As palavras da sua boca são mais suaves que manteiga, mas a guerra está no seu coração.
The witness may testify in his own words.
A testemunha pode continuar com as suas próprias palavras...
Mrs Holland, will you tell Their Lordships in your own words the substance of the conversation you had with your husband the evening before his death?
Sra. Holland, quer contar a Suas Senhorias a conversa que teve com o seu marido antes da sua morte?
In any case, his life and fate have best been summed up... ironically enough, in the words of Nazi Germany's sternest enemy... the honorable Winston Churchill.
Sua vida e seu destino foram melhor descritos, ironicamente, nas palavras do inimigo mais severo da Alemanha nazista, o ilustre Winston Churchill :
I wish dad would use shorter words in his editorials, Or else learn how to spell the long ones.
Gostava que meu pai usasse palavras mais curtas nos seus editais.
In other words, general sympathy for Watanabe-san has given rise to a special interpretation of his death at the park.
Digamos que, a simpatia geral por Watanabe-san... cresceu especialmente com a sua morte no parque infantil.
... thinks kindly of the general idea, or in his own words...
- Ou seja, eu. ... vê factível a idéia, ou em suas próprias palavras...
In other words, I have gracefully refused his challenge, as I do every year.
Por outras palavras. Recusei o seu desafio, como faço todos os anos.
In that you brook it ill, it makes him worse. Therefore, for God's sake, entertain good comfort... and cheer His Grace... with quick and merry words.
Quanto maior ânsia manifestardes pior lhe fareis, por isso, pelo amor de Deus, finjam contentamento, e animem a Sua Graça com palavras de consolo.
We expected nothing more than routine questioning, but were surprised to be invited into Secretary Stanton's office, and dumbfounded as we took in the meaning of his words.
Não esperávamos mais nada do que um interrogatório de rotina, mas fomos surpreendidos ao nos convidarem para o escritório do Secretário Stanton, e ficámos mudos quando entendemos o significado das suas palavras.
- And is it not true that when Mr. Norton said those words, you, in a sudden frenzy, struck him with a heavy object, causing his death?
- E não é verdade que quando Mr.Norton disse essas palavras, você, num ataque súbito,.. ... o golpeou com um objecto pesado, provocando-lhe a morte?
In his own words, this isn't a debate, it's a cross-examination in a murder trial.
Conforme disse, isto não é um debate, mas o interrogatório de um julgamento.
We commend him to learn in his heart the words of him who said :
E o felicitamos por ter aprendido as palavras de Jesus...
In his own words, " There are no civilians.
"Não tem civiles. Todos estamos em guerra", disse ele textualmente.
" And in sooth some who beheld the portrait spoke of its resemblance in low words as of a mighty marvel, and a proof not less of the power of the painter than of his deep love for her whom he depicted so surpassingly well.
"E, verdade seja dita, " aqueles que contemplaram o retrato " falaram desta semelhança como de uma poderosa maravilha
You can carve his words in stone if you've a mind to.
Podem gravar as palavras dele em pedra, se quiserem.
Or, in other words, beware of the Hun in the sun... who, for reasons best known to himself... has confined his recent attacks to our channel convoys.
Ou, por outras palavras, cuidado com o Huno no sol... que, por razões que só ele sabe... limitou os seus ataques mais recentes aos nossos navios escoltados.
He merely recited the first two words, "In the" before his death.
Só recitava a primeira palavra "Em...", antes de morrer.
His words sounded like those quoted in the papers this morning in connection with the writer and his wife who were assaulted.
Usou exactamente as palavras mencionadas nos jornais da manhã naquele caso do escritor e da mulher assaltados a noite passada.
In his final words, spoken in your presence did he say where it came from?
Nas últimas palavras, proferidas na tua presença, ele disse de onde provinha?
In other words, his veins, his feet, his hands, his organs would all have to be increased in size.
Por outras palavras, as veias, os pés, as mãos e os órgãos dele foram todos aumentados em tamanho.
"Would his first words be in French or English?"
"As suas primeiras palavras seriam em francês ou em inglês?"
What do the words of this man contain... that even Satan in his pride still obeys blindly?
Que contém as palavras pronunciadas por este homem que mesmo Satã com seu orgulho as obedece cegamente?
In other words, Veer Singh has invited his own death.
Noutras palavras, o Veer Singh decretou a sua própria morte.
Don Rodrigo had arrived on the coasts of the River Plate in 1 491,... in other words, a year before the official discovery of America ;... this fact at last explained his always being called pioneering.
Don Rodrigo havia atracado nas costas do Río de la Plata em 1 491,... ou seja, um ano antes do descubrimento oficial da América ;... este fato por fim explicava seu título de Adiantado.
It was spearheaded by the local archduke who vowed to restore Catholicism to the province and in his own words "would rather make a desert of the country than rule over heretics."
Era liderada pelo arquiduque local, firme na certeza dogmática de devolver o Catolicismo à província, e que jurava que,'preferia tornar o país num deserto, do que governar hereges.'
Because he discovered something that, in his own words "exceeded all tales of eyewitnesses and my wildest expectations."
Porque descobriu qualquer coisa que, segundo as suas palavras,'ultrapassava todas as histórias das testemunhas e as minhas expectativas audazes'
You mean it has to be in his own words?
Queres dizer que tem de ser nas suas próprias palavras?
In other words, I am accusing him of either being a busybody or of being a fraidy-cat, not wanting to face things of his own nature.
ou acuso de ser um intrometido... ou uma galinha... que não queria enfrentar suas próprias coisas.
Bending closely over him, I at length drank in the hideous import of his words.
Curvei-me para mais perto dele e finalmente escutei o conteúdo horrendo de suas palavras :
In other words, this little con artist is Iying through his teeth.
- Por outras palavras, ele está a mentir descaradamente.
In his own words, Chief Craig said. :
Nas palavras dele, o Chefe Craig disse :
Typical paranoia of a person alienated from his primitary roots by too much urbanization In other words, typical paranoia of a black man.
Isso é paranóia de uma pessoa alienada das suas raízes por demasiada urbanização. Por outras palavras, paranóia típica de um preto.
If you consider his words carefully, you will find truth in them.
Considerai bem e descobrireis que ele não está errado.
'But for the first time in his life, he knew these were no longer just words.
"Pela primeira vez na sua vida, ele soube que não eram meras palavras."
The down syndrome child was, in his father's words,
A síndrome de Down era, nas palavras do seu pai,
Inst ead of the words of Bi ble... ... the fire of revenge must bu rn in his heart.
Em vez das palavras da Bíblia o fogo da vingança deve queimar no meu coração.
Big Daddy says, "Get off your ass and get back in the war." His words, sir.
O Grande Pai diz, "Levantem o cu e voltem para a guerra". Foram estas as palavras, Senhor.
In other words, first he seduced me with his acting. Then he lured me from London and abandoned me!
Por outras palavras, primeiro seduziu-me com a sua representação, depois atraiu-me de Londres e abandonou-me!
What you do in that chair is put words in his mouth, and you know he can't answer because he's banned.
O que você aqui faz é pôr palavras na boca dele. E sabe que ele não pode responder, porque foi banido.
The prosecution is putting words in his mouth.
A acusação está a colocar-lhe palavras na boca.
You can give it whatever words you will, but in Haiti our God is not just in His heaven.
Pode utilizar as palavras que quiser, mas no Haiti, o nosso Deus não está só no Céu.
... that you helped Lieutenant George with the German words in his letters?
... que ajudou o Tenente George com as palavras alemãs nas suas cartas?
"I can sublet his apartment" - the words still hang in the air like in a balloon...
"posso subalugar o seu apartamento" - as palavras ainda pairavam no ar como num balão...
The most damning testimony who overcame his fear and his pain to tell you, in his own words what really happened.
O testemunho mais impressionante vem de uma criança maltratada e aflita que dominou o medo e a dor para vos dizer, nas suas próprias palavras, o que realmente aconteceu.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his words 65
words 313
words to live by 22
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his words 65
words 313
words to live by 22