Read it yourself перевод на португальский
84 параллельный перевод
- Read it yourself.
- Leia.
Read it yourself.
Leia você mesmo.
Read it yourself.
Here's her diary, read it yourself.
Em seu diário, lê tu mesmo seu diário.
Read it yourself.
Leia-o você mesmo.
still having trouble with the script, eh? read it yourself.
Ok, ok eu vou-me embora.
fine, read it yourself.
Tá legal, leia voce mesmo.
Why don't I go over to Harry's office and pick you up a copy of the script, and you can read it yourself, see what you think?
Porque não vou ao escritório do Harry buscar-lhe uma cópia do argumento? E assim podia lê-lo para ver o que pensa.
Perhaps you would like to read it yourself.
Talvez queiras lê-la tu mesma.
Read it yourself.
No, read it yourself.
Não, devias tê-lo lido.
Read it yourself!
Leia você!
Be better if you read it yourself.
É melhor seres tu a lê-lo.
You can read it yourself.
Podes ler sozinha.
This is personal. You should read it yourself.
É pessoal, é melhor leres sozinho.
Read it for yourself.
Leia o senhor.
Here, read it for yourself.
Leia você mesmo.
Read it to yourself.
Leia para si.
- Go ahead and read it for yourself.
Acalme-se, Sargento.
- Read it for yourself.
- Leia-a o senhor.
Under Section 37-B of the contract signed by him it states clearly that all offers shall become null and void if and you can read it for yourself in this copy :
Na secção 37-B do contrato que assinou... diz claramente que as ofertas serão anuladas se... e pode lê-lo você mesmo nesta cópia :
Oh, there, you can read it for yourself sir.
Aí está, pode ler, senhor. "Â Liga dos Ruivos."
You have to force yourself to read it.
Devemos fazer um esforço para lê-lo.
Read it for yourself if you want.
Leia tu, se quiser.
If you read your Bible, you might have seen that it was damnation without relief, so if you did not go before you came, then I'm afraid you're not going to enjoy yourself very much,
Na Biblía diz : martírio sem alívio. Se você não foi antes de vir não vai apreciar nada mesmo.
Read it f or yourself and not f or no damn class, though.
Mas lê-o por ti e não por uma maldita aula.
I got these producer notes, whihch I was able to get hold of because of my own personal ingenuity. It says she has the most talent, you can read for yourself.
Devo entender que negou um acordo de 10 meses?
And as soon as you release my mother, you can read it for yourself.
Quero você em segurança.
Read it for yourself.
Leia você mesmo.
And as soon as you release my mother, you can read it for yourself.
E assim que soltar a minha mãe, poderá lê-la pessoalmente.
And as soon as you release my mother, you can read it for yourself.
Solte minha mãe, e poderá lê-la.
It's when you've finished your first draft and you read it by yourself.
Quando acabamos o primeiro rascunho... e o lemos sozinhos,
And now I find it so amazing to see how strong you are, how well you carry yourself, how I'd give anything to wake up and watch you read the paper.
E agora espanto-me em ver como tu és forte, como tu te comportas. Como eu daria qualquer coisa só para acordar de manhã. E ver-te ali a ler o jornal.
Read it for yourself.
Lê tu mesma.
Well, I figured now that you had that thing off, you could read it for yourself if you wanted.
Bem, pensei que agora que tiraste aquela coisa, podes lê-lo tu mesma, se quiseres.
You can read it for yourself.
Pode lê-las, se quiser.
But you've got her file right there. Why don't you open it yourself? Read your friend's notes.
Mas porque não abre o arquivo e lê as notas do seu amigo?
Unnecessary. You can read it yourself.
Pode lê-lo o senhor.
I woulda read it if you had brought it to me yourself before it was published in a magazine.
Teria lido se tivesse me mostrado... antes de publicar em um jornal.
Just read it for yourself.
Lê-o tu mesmo.
Oh, I am so tempted to tell you, but I think it would be better if you read it for yourself.
Sinto-me tão tentada a contar-lhe... Acho melhor ser você a lê-la.
open it up and read it righthere. read it out loud. send yourself or someone else toexile island.
Mas um bom balanço o levou a terminar a 18m do alvo.
It was your turn to read about yourself.
Era a tua vez de ler sobre ti própria.
Read it for yourself.
Lê tu mesmo.
Read it for yourself.
You want to get yourself well to read it. It's got bestseller written all over it.
Tens que sair dessa para o leres.
Read it for yourself.
- Lê tu.
You'll have to read it for yourself.
Terá de a ler por si próprio.
Read it to yourself, then.
Lê para ti, então.
Read it to yourself. Quiet now.
Lê isso em silêncio e sossega.
Knew the whole time and kept it to yourself, eh? I only knew when I read the ransom demand, to be honest, but you lied to me, so fair's fair. No.
Sabias este tempo todo e guardas-te-o só para ti?
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yourself 387
yourself included 25
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read this 160
read a book 53
read it out loud 26
read it to me 42
read it 500
read it and weep 36
yourself 387
yourself included 25
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read the book 21
read the sign 22
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read them 25
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read on 34
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read what 16
read the sign 22
read all about it 90
read them 25
read the paper 18
read that 53
read to me 18
read on 34
read him his rights 26
read what 16