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Read them перевод на португальский

1,507 параллельный перевод
I read them almost every night.
Leio-os quase todas as noites.
Tony, read them.
Tony, informa-o dos direitos dele.
Tony, read them their rights.
Tony, lê-lhes os direitos.
Read the directions silently as I read them aloud to you.
"Leia as pergutas em silêncio enquanto as leio em voz alta".
Ha, ha, read them and strip, Barn.
Mostre o jogo e tire a roupa, Barn.
So in yet another classic maneuver to avoid emotional intimacy I wrote my feelings down so that I could read them to you thereby avoiding embarrassing eye contact.
Em mais uma manobra clássica para fugir à intimidade emocional, escrevi os meus sentimentos, para poder ler-tos, evitando assim o contacto visual embaraçoso.
- You don't need to read them.
- Não tens de as ler.
I was alone in his office. His recommends were on his desk and I read them.
Estava sozinho no gabinete dele, vi as recomendações na secretária e li-as.
We're going to read them aloud to the class right up here.
Vamos lê-los à turma, aqui da frente.
I'm never really certain what they're about until I've read them over later.
Nunca sei exactamente sobre o que é até lê-las mais tarde.
If she wants to read them I'd prefer she does it here.
Se ela quer consultá-los, prefiro que o faça no local.
- Maybe I shoυld read them myself.
- Talvez seja melhor lê-las eu mesma.
- Why do you read them?
- Por que lê essas coisas?
Read them.
Read them carefully.
Leiam-nas com atenção.
But I don't need to read them because I know it by heart.
Mas não preciso de as ler, porque as sei de cor.
Sometimes I can barely even read them.
Algumas vezes, mal consigo ler.
I have to read them over but I'm almost done.
Tenho de rever os textos todos, mas estão praticamente acabados.
Well, I read them.
Bem, eu li-os então.
Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you?
Comprende os direitos que acabei de lhe anunciar?
The good news is even though the Covenant has the documents, they can't read them.
As boas noticias é que mesmo que o Covenant tenha os documentos, não os conseguem ler.
I told you she wasn't gonna let you read them.
O que... Eu disse que ela não te ia deixar ler.
What about you? Have you read them?
- E tu, leste-os?
Read them and weep.
Vejam-nas e chorem.
She doesn't let me read them.
- Não sei. Não me deixa ler.
Make sure you fill in the little circles completely, so the computer can read them.
Assegure-se que preenche os círculos completamente, para que o computador consiga ler.
I... I-I-I didn't mean that I actually read them.
Não quis dizer que realmente as leio.
And if he did, I wouldn't let him hear or read them.
E se tivesse recebido, eu não o deixaria lê-las nem falar com ele.
You just have to know how to read them.
Basta saber interpretá-los.
Since you guys worked so hard, read them at the rehearsal dinner tonight.
Já que vocês trabalharam tanto, leiam-nos no jantar de ensaio esta noite.
You were always tearing up my magazines before I could read them.
Rasgavas-me as minhas revistas, antes de as poder ler.
Yeah, they read them though.
Sim, mas eles lêem.
I ask you to read my memories and then do with them whatever you think is right. "
Peço-lhes que leiam minhas memórias e logo façam com ela o que os pareça correto ".
That little girl should learn to read things before she signs them.
Aquela menina devia aprender a ler antes de assinar.
He got all them books and he ain't read near one of them.
Ele tem aqueles livros todos, mas não leu nem um.
I read somebody can meet you once and you see them again 10 years later, and you greet them as if you saw them every day of your life.
Li que alguém pode conhecer-te uma vez... e tu vês essa pessoa novamente dez anos depois. E saúda-lo como se o tivesses visto em cada dia da tua vida.
We read with them.
Lemos com eles.
I read a book about them... but it was a long time ago... and I forget now.
Eu li um livro sobre elas... mas foi à muito tempo atrás... e já não me lembro.
So I decided the only patriotic thing to do was for me to read it to them.
Decidi então que só me restava tomar uma atitude patriótica : ler-lhes a proposta em voz alta.
- l've read them.
- Eu li-os.
No, she had a couple of books she hadn't got around to read and I told her she could keep them.
Tinha uns livros que ainda não lera. Disse-lhe que podia ficar com eles.
Did you read the registers before handing them to Bigot?
Vamos falar do seu Bigot.
You read their brochure back to them?
Leste-lhes o folheto deles?
Well, one of them must read minds, like the telepath did at Magic School.
Uma delas deve ler pensamentos, como aquele telepático da Escola da Magia.
Formerly, doctor, when the word took me as i read scripture, people felt god's presence through me and that was a great gift that i could give to them.
Antes, doutor... quando a Palavra me atingia ao ler a Escritura... as pessoas sentiam a presença de Deus através de mim... e isso era um grande dom que eu podia lhes dar.
I've just read about them, okay?
Só li coisas sobre eles.
I just read a lot about music, and I've read about them.
Leio muito sobre música e já li coisas sobre eles.
If you're interested, you could read about some of them in my record book.
Se estiver interessado, pode lê-los no meu historial.
It's time to teach them to read.
Já é tempo de os ensinar a ler.
I have read carefully them and know by heart.
Li-as muito bem, tenho-as na cabeça.
I had her read Browning and she used to commit some of the poems to memory and recite them here at the dinner table.
Eu mandei-a ler Browning... E ela costumava decorar alguns dos poemas e recitava-os aqui à mesa de jantar.

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