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She didn't make it перевод на португальский

234 параллельный перевод
I was told she didn't make it through the night.
Disseram-me que ela não sobrevivia durante a noite.
But she didn't make it.
Mas não chegou.
She didn't like it much, and when we got back... she tried to make me give up tennis and play husband instead.
Ela não gostava muito e quando voltámos... ela tentou que eu desistisse do ténis e fosse um bom marido.
Nan Adams, 27 anos.
Probably just as well she didn't make it this far.
Talvez tenha sido pelo melhor, que ela não tenha sobrevivido.
It didn't make any difference because she saw the women anyway.
Não fez qualquer diferença porque ela viu a mulher de novo.
Why didn't he / she make it before?
Por que contratou ele toda a gente?
I was almost sorry she didn't make it.
Quase tive pena que ela não tivesse conseguido.
We'll tell Taggart she fell out of that truck while it was moving and didn't make it.
Dizemos ao Taggart que caiu do camião em andamento e que não se safou.
She didn't make it. You know the rules.
- Ela não conseguiu.
She didn't make it.
Não se safou.
You mean you doted on Margaret so much that she didn't have to get out of the bed for you to make it?
O que eu quis dizer, acho que foi, acho... Senta-te... Relaxa...
When she didn't get any work, he told her that she could make it up on her back.
Ao não arranjar trabalho, disse que podia devolver o dinheiro na vertical.
Unfortunately, she didn't make it... because when the Lord called her to Him... he didn't even have a job.
Infelizmente, não conseguiu porque quando Jesus a chamou ele nem sequer tinha um emprego.
She didn't make it, man.
Ela faleceu.
She didn't make it. Rowena did.
Não foi ela que cozinhou, foi a Rowena.
She didn't make it.
Não conseguiu.
She didn't make it.
Ela não o conseguiu.
She didn't make it.
Não sobreviveu.
- She didn't make it.
Não resistiu.
- Yeah, and we were in water so somehow I survived and I started floating to the top in a seat but Georgia, she didn't make it.
- Sim, e nós estávamos dentro de água. ... e de algum modo eu sobrevivi e comecei a flutuar num banco mas a Georgia não se safou.
Would it make you feel any better if I told you that she didn't commit suicide, that I had her killed?
Sentiria-se melhor se te dissesse que não se suicidó, que a mandei a matar?
She didn't make it.
The way she talks, it's like she didn't even make a mistake.
Fala como se não estivesse mal.
It didn't make any sense that she disappeared.
Não fazia sentido ela ter desaparecido.
Violet, I saw how hard it was for your mother when she didn't make it.
Vi como foi difícil para a tua mãe quando ela não teve sucesso.
She didn't make it too far.
Não viveu muito.
She left you alive, but three other guys didn't make it.
Ela deixou-o vivo, mas os outros tipos não sobreviveram.
Then, maybe it was to make sure - Ben didn't know she was pregnant.
Se calhar foi para garantir que o Ben não soubesse da gravidez.
She didn't make it.
Ela não escapou.
She didn ´ t make it.
Ela não sobreviveu.
So why didn't she make it?
Então porque não conseguiu?
I didn't think she would make it.
Não penso que ela o faria.
She didn't make it through.
E que não conseguiu sobreviver.
- She didn't make it, Jack.
- Não sobreviveu.
- She didn't make it.
- Não sobreviveu.
She got into Penn Station at 9 : 15, but didn't make it to her apartment... for an hour and a half.
Chegou a Penn Station às 21 : 15, mas só chegou a casa... uma hora e meia depois.
I thought about what she said, but it didn't make much sense and it didn't seem to be working for her, in the first place.
Pensei no que ela me disse, mas não fazia muito sentido, e, para começar, não parecia resultar com ela.
She wasn't just turning pages, but beyond that we didn't know what to make of it.
Ela não estava só a virar as páginas, mas para além disso, não sabíamos o que fazer daquilo.
The fact that she happens to be your mother didn't make it easier.
O facto de ela ser tua mãe não facilitou as coisas.
Well, obviously, she didn't make it home in one minute.
É óbvio que não se pôs em casa num minuto.
How come she didn't tell us? I think she just wanted to make sure it was gonna take.
Acho que ela queria ter a certeza que era para durar.
Umbrella was to evac her, but she didn't make it.
Umbrella era para a ter evacuado, mas não o conseguiu.
Poor child. She didn't even make it as far as India, Tennessee.
A pobre coitada nem conseguiu chegar à Índia, no Tennessee!
While you were gone, she didn't make it after delivering the baby.
Enquanto estavas fora, ela não conseguiu, durante o parto
Looks like she didn't make it.
Parece que ela não se safou.
She didn't want to make it any harder.
Não te queria dificultar ainda mais as coisas.
She didn't make it.
Ela não sobreviveu.
She didn't just not make it, she fell, bit it.
Ela apenas "não conseguiu", ela caiu.
She tricked me. I didn't even wanna marry her. She starts shaking that money maker around... and it's liable to make a man do some ignorant things.
Nem queria casar com ela, mas ela começou a abanar aquele rabiosque à minha frente, e um homem acaba por fazer muitas asneiras.
Unfortunately, she didn't make it.
Infelizmente ela não sobreviveu.

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