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Was right перевод на португальский

28,860 параллельный перевод
And I was right.
E eu estava certa.
It serves as a reminder, of a time long ago, when the world was very different. Less complicated. When good men banded together to fight for what was right.
Lembra-me de uma altura, há muito tempo, em que o mundo era muito diferente, menos complicado e os bons homens uniam-se para lutar pelo que era correto.
- Since Mr. Samuels was basically my real-life Yoda, I knew he was right.
Já que o Sr. Samuels era quase meu Yoda da vida real, sabia que estava certo.
"My name was Edward Garrett and my friend gene was right."
" Chamo-me Edward Garrett e o meu amigo Gene tinha razão.
My name is Edward Garrett and my friend gene was right.
Chamo-me Edward Garrett e o meu amigo Gene tinha razão.
And do you know? He didn't even want to be here to see if he was right.
E sabes que nem quis vir aqui para saber se tinha razão?
I'm not sure if I was right or wrong then
Não tenho a certeza se estava certo ou errado.
- Julia was right.
- A Julia tinha razão.
I was so convinced it was Moriarty, I couldn't see what was right under my nose.
Estava tão convencido que era o Moriarty que não vi o óbvio.
Needed to know I was right.
Preciso de saber que tenho razão.
I was right.
Eu tinha razão.
Your grandfather was right to train you the way he did.
O seu avô estava certo ao treiná-la como treinou.
Mark was right, the old couple are acting strange.
O Mark tinha razão. O casal é esquisito.
Maybe Ozzie was right after all.
Talvez o Ozzie, afinal, tivesse razão.
Kid was right.
O miúdo tinha razão.
She was right.
Ela tinha razão.
My mother was right.
A minha mãe tinha razão.
- That was you back there, right?
Era você no carro atrás de mim, certo?
All right. I... I was going to drink.
Certo, eu ia beber.
It was date, right?
Talvez não me queira mais como corretora, mas convidou-me para sair.
I thought the garden was the right place for her.
Pensei que o jardim fosse o local correcto para ela.
She was gonna drive that thing right through me.
Ela ia espetar-me essa coisa.
Like okay, when I was at MIT, I was a member of the Hacks, right.
Tipo, certo, quando eu estava na MIT eu era um membro dos Hacks, certo?
Yes, it was a problem. It was a fucking big problem. - All right?
Sim, era um problema Um cabrão dum problema.
Taft, he was... he was great, right?
O Taft era... Era fantástico, não era?
- He was your competition, right?
Ela era concorrência.
Yeah, it was all right.
Correu bem.
- It was all right.
- Não perdeste grande coisa.
It was loaded with liquor, right?
Estava carregado de álcool certo?
It was Raees, right?
Era Raees certo?
That's what we always said this company was about, right?
Foi isso que sempre dissemos que era o objectivo desta empresa, certo?
That was nutty, right?
Foi um pouco louco, não?
She was locked away in that mental hospital, Eloise, right outside Detroit, you know?
Ela foi trancada naquele hospital mental, Eloise, à saída de Detroit, sabes?
He was expecting us though, right?
Ele estava à nossa espera, certo?
And he was right.
E tinha razão.
I mean, if it was an Internet problem, we wouldn't even be seeing this stuff, right?
Se fosse um problema da Internet, nem conseguíamos ver isto, certo?
Right from the start, he was yelling at people... ordering everyone around.
Desde o princípio, começou a gritar com as pessoas... e a dar ordens a toda a gente.
Dougie took right over, and he just chopped him right in the throat and said, "You get off," and I kicked him, and I punched him, and that was it, and... and Dougie just took care of business.
Deu-lhe um golpe na garganta e disse "larga-me". E eu dei-lhe um pontapé, e um soco, e foi assim. O Dougie deu conta do recado.
Dougie took right over, and he just chopped him right in the throat and said, "You get off," and I kicked him, and I punched him, and that was it, and... and Dougie just took care of business.
Dougie tomou o comando, e deu-lhe um golpe na garganta e disse "larga-me", e eu dei-lhe um pontapé, e um soco, e foi assim, e... o Dougie tomou conta do recado.
Who I wish was here right now.
Gostava que ele estivesse aqui agora.
I mean, if I met the right lady, and if she was just standing right in front of me, and we looked at each other and thought, "Hey, let's do this."
Se conhecesse a mulher certa, se ela estivesse mesmo à minha frente e olhássemos um para o outro e pensássemos : "Vamos fazer isto."
Right when I was your age.
Tinha mesmo a tua idade.
What? right in front of a car... but then he just sort of put his hand out and jumped over it like it was nothing.
O quê? Ele correu para a estrada, diante de um carro, mas depois esticou a mão e saltou por cima dele como se nada fosse.
I was standing right there.
Eu estava lá e ouvi.
That's right. That was pretty amazing.
Foi espantoso.
That dude was for sure dead last time we saw him, right?
Aquele tipo estava morto da última vez que o vimos, certo?
Okay, you said I was the foundation, right?
Disseste que eu era a base, certo?
The architect, he was your guy, right?
- O arquiteto estava contigo, certo?
- Was I right?
- Acertei?
Right you are. We've got preliminary fragments of blue twine, or wire, from the victim's wrist wounds and she was struck on the back of the head, so we're looking for anything that might have been used.
Foram encontrado fragmentos de uma corda azul ou um fio nos pulsos feridos da vítima.
It was all right, I suppose.
Correu bem, acho eu.

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