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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ W ] / What were you thinking

What were you thinking перевод на португальский

2,006 параллельный перевод
And what were you thinking about when you were thinking about something else?
- E no que estavas a pensar, quando estavas a pensar noutra coisa?
What were you thinking when you spent almost all of our money on drugs?
No que estavas a pensar quando gastaste quase todo o nosso dinheiro em drogas?
What were you thinking?
O que você estava pensando?
I mean, what were you thinking?
O que estavas a pensar?
What were you thinking not telling her she was going to be living here?
Porque é que não lhe disseste que vinha viver para aqui?
- Right. - Why, what were you thinking?
Porquê, o que estava a pensar?
What were you thinking?
No que estavas a pensar?
What were you thinking, Monty?
O que estavas a pensar, Monty?
What were you thinking?
Que você estava pensando?
What were you thinking?
Que estavas a pensar?
What were you thinking?
Em que estão pensando?
What were you thinking?
Em que estavas a pensar?
What were you thinking?
O que ê que te passou pela cabeça?
- What were you thinking?
- Qual foi a tua ideia?
What were you thinking?
Onde tinhas a cabeça?
What were you thinking bringing her here?
Em que estavas a pensar para a trazeres aqui? Ela era amiga da Zoe.
So what were you thinking during all this?
O que achou durante isso tudo?
- What were you thinking?
O que estava pensando?
What were you thinking?
O que pensou?
What were you thinking?
Em que tu estavas a pensar?
What were you thinking?
O que estava a pensar?
What were you thinking coming back here?
Em que estavas a pensar, para voltares aqui?
Just out of curiosity, what were you thinking?
Só por curiosidade, qual era a ideia?
What were you thinking?
Qual era a tua ideia?
What were you thinking?
Em que raio estavas a pensar?
What were you thinking?
No que estava pensando?
- What were you thinking?
Onde tinhas a cabeça?
What were you thinking?
O que te deu?
Now what... what were you thinking dress-wise?
O que estavas a pensar vestir?
Betty, what were you thinking Posting a rant like that about me?
Betty, em que é que estavas a pensar quando publicaste aquilo tudo a meu respeito.
Chuck, what were you thinking?
Chuck, onde estavam com a cabeça?
What were you thinking?
Estão loucos?
Come on, man! Mike, what the fuck were you thinking?
Mas que merda te passou pela cabeça?
Trust me. What in the hell were you thinking, boy?
Que raio lhe passou pela cabeça, rapaz?
- What the hell were you thinking?
- Em que raio pensava?
Is that what you were thinking?
É isso que tens em mente?
What animal were you thinking?
Que animal seria?
All that behavior, that's not what people do out there, in real life, if that's what you were thinking.
Não é assim que as pessoas se comportam na vida real, se era isso que pensavas.
What do you think they were thinking with that one?
O que achas que eles pensam àcerca disso?
What the hell were you thinking?
Em que diabo estavas a pensar?
Chloe, what in the hell were you thinking?
Chloe, em que raio você estava a pensar?
What the hell were you thinking?
Em que estavas a pensar?
What the frak were you thinking, man?
Onde raio tinha a cabeça, meu?
What the hell were you thinking?
Larry, em que é que estavas a pensar?
What the hell were you thinking?
Qm que raios estavas a pensar?
What the hell were you thinking?
O que estava pensando?
I mean, what the hell were you thinking?
Onde é que tinhas a cabeça?
What the hell were you thinking?
Em que porra você você estava pensando?
Mandy, what were you thinking Bringing her back here?
Mandy, em que é que estavas a pensar ao trazê-la de volta?
Okay, look, I know what you all are thinking, But I've seen pictures of supermodels When they were my age, and they are not that great.
Esperem, eu sei o que estão a pensar, mas vi fotografias de supermodelos quando tinham a minha idade e não são assim tão fantásticas.
I didn't mean to jump on you. I just... didn't sleep very well last night. Were you thinking about what we talked about last night?
Hoje saíste sem tomar o pequeno-almoço e nem te despediste.

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