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When we were dating перевод на португальский

107 параллельный перевод
Why didn't this come up when we were dating?
Porque não surgiu isto quando namorávamos?
Remember that time when we were dating, and we took that walk on Oak Street Beach at sunset?
Lembras-te daquela vez em que namorávamos e fomos passear por Oak Street Beach ao pôr-do-sol?
Come on. When we were dating, we used to go out all the time.
Quando namorávamos, faziamos isso montes de vezes.
Like when we were dating and you said :
Como quando namorávamos e tu disseste :
When we were dating, he was sweeter... and more romantic and 40 pounds thinner, and he had hair, and he ate with utensils.
- Bem... Quando namorávamos, ele era querido... romântico e vinte quilos mais magro, e tinha cabelo, e comia com talheres.
You know, Marge, this is just like when we were dating.
Sabes, Marge, isto é tal e qual como quando namorávamos.
When we were dating I thought he was kind and thoughtful.
Quando namorávamos pensava que ele era simpático e ponderado.
At least that's what you told me your name was when we were dating.
Pelo menos foi esse nome que usavas quando saímos juntos.
When we were dating, he was sweeter... and more romantic and 40 pounds thinner, and he had hair, and he ate with utensils.
Quando namorávamos, ele era mais querido, romântico e vinte quilos mais magro, e tinha cabelo, e comia com talheres.
You know, Marge, this is just like when we were dating.
Marge, isto é tal e qual como quando namorávamos.
Like when we were dating.
Como quando namorávamos.
And when we were dating, we consummated like bunnies.
Quando namorávamos, consumávamos que nem coelhos.
Yeah, but when we were dating, you just sat there.
Sim, mas quando nós estávamos a namorar,... tu simplesmente ficavas ali parado.
Okay, remember when we were dating... and I told you about my stepfather, and, what happened?
Lembraste quando namorámos, eu ter-te falado sobre o meu padrasto e sobre o que tinha acontecido?
You didn't know too much about sex when we were dating.
Não sabias muito sobre sexo, quando namorámos.
They took all kinds of personal stuff even the letters he wrote me when we were dating.
Levaram todas as coisas pessoais. Até as cartas que eIe me escreveu quando namorávamos.
I remember you doing the same thing when we were dating.
Eu lembro-me de fazeres o mesmo quando namorávamos.
You seem determined to put an end to all my fun, just like you always did when we were dating.
Parecias determinada a por um fim à minha diversão, tal como fazias quando estávamos a namorar.
There were a lot of things I kept to myself when we were dating.
Houve muitas coisas que guardei para mim quando andávamos.
I used to read it a lot when we were dating.
Costumava ler, quando namorávamos.
You seem determined to put an end to all my fun, just like you always did when we were dating.
- Estás determinada a por um fim na minha diversão, como sempre fazias quando andávamos.
Like when we were dating, except now I know not to expect sex after.
Como quando namorávamos. Só que, agora, bem posso esperar por sexo.
Yeah, we're... we're tryin'to rekindle the spark we had when we were dating.
Estamos a tentar reacender o fogo que tínhamos quando éramos namorados.
When we were dating you never wanted me to meet your mom.
Quando nos encontrávamos, tu nunca quiseste que eu conhecesse a tua mãe.
I made it in ceramics class for Judith when we were dating.
Fi-la em cerâmica para a Judith, quando ainda namorávamos.
I need to tell you that when we were dating, I had VD.
Preciso de te dizer que quando saíamos juntos, eu tive uma DST.
Which never happened when we were dating.
O que nunca aconteceu quando andávamos.
He left it at my house when we were dating
Deixou-as em minha casa quando namorávamos.
Remember when we were dating and you sailed away?
Lembras-te quando namorávamos e foste navegar?
When we were dating, she was hotter than Cleopatra.
Quando namorávamos, ela era mais fogosa que a Cleópatra.
When we were dating, we did everything except it.
Quando namorávamos, fazíamos tudo excepto sexo.
Once when we were dating, Elliot asked me to urinate on her.
Uma vez, quando ainda namorávamos, a Elliot pediu-me que urinasse em cima dela. Eu tinha sido picada por uma alforreca!
You used to do that all the time when we were dating.
Tu costumavas fazer sempre isso, quando nós namorávamos.
I don't know, when we were dating did they ever, like, you know?
Não sei, quando namorávamos, eles alguma vez, tu sabes?
Back when we were dating, Robin and I had this running joke.
Quando eu e a Robin namorávamos, tínhamos uma piada de estimação. oito meses antes
When we were dating.
Quando namorávamos.
Why doesn't he just do what I did when we were dating?
Porquê que ele não faz o que eu fiz quando nós namoravamos?
Back at Stanford when we were dating was that for real?
Em Stanford, quando namoramos, aquilo foi verdadeiro?
Well, last time you bought a new shirt was when we were dating.
Bem, a última vez que compraste t-shirts, foi quando andávamos a sair.
Excuse me, Ed, but I seem to recall you throwing that tongue around pretty good when we were dating.
Com licença, Ed, mas me lembra muito quando você usava muito a língua quando saíamos.
When we were kids and I first started dating Howard... -... you weren't very nice to him.
Quando éramos miúdos e comecei a sair com o Howard não foste muito gentil com ele.
When Sean told us you and he were dating, we were so thrilled.
Quando o Sean nos disse que andavam a sair ficámos maravilhados.
Lembras-te quando começámos a sair e eu tinha aquele pequeno apartamento em Sheridan com a fuga no telhado?
In college, when we first started dating, people were so jealous of us.
Na faculdade, quando começámos a namorar, as pessoas tinha tanta inveja de nós.
I saved that picture back when we were still dating.
Guardei aquela foto dos tempos em que ainda namorávamos.
Well, you remember what you were like when we first started dating, right?
Lembras-te de nós quando começámos a sair, não lembras?
You know, when I asked if we were dating, you laughed in my face.
Quando perguntei se andávamos riste-te na minha cara.
We're exactly where we were at the Bass'brunch when we first started dating.
Estamos como no almoço dos Bass quando começámos a namorar.
I was very jealous of the guitar when we were first dating and got engaged, and he paid a lot more attention to the guitar, I felt.
Tinha muitos ciúmes da guitarra quando começamos a namorar e ficámos noivos, e sentia que ele dava muito mais atenção à guitarra.
When corporate found out that we were dating, they decided they were gonna transfer Holly back to her old branch in Nashua, New Hampshire.
Quando da Sede descobriram que nós andávamos, decidiram que iam transferir a Holly de volta para a antiga filial dela, em Nashua, New Hampshire.
We started dating when you were three months old.
Começamos a namorar quando tinhas 3 meses.

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