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Who was перевод на португальский

44,166 параллельный перевод
Who was that?
Quem era?
So... who was on the phone?
- Então, quem era ao telemóvel?
No, I'm the one who was out of line.
Não, fui eu que passei dos limites.
I had no idea who was gonna come at us.
E não fazia ideia de quem viria atrás de nós.
I am Ravi Gunjal's younger brother who was Gopi uncle's junior.
Sou o irmão mais novo de Ravi Gunjal sou o sobrinho mais novo do tio Gopi.
Who was the last person who called me that?
Quem foi a última pessoa a chamar-me isso?
Queen Padmavati, who was standing in front of the fire had only two options.
A rainha Padmavati que estava de pé diante do fogo tinha apenas duas opções.
- Who was at the door?
- Quem estava à porta?
Who was she?
Quem era ela?
Who was that man?
Quem era esse homem?
Who was this guy she was with?
Quem era o tipo com quem ela estava?
Ex-wife, Senator Grant, who was very popular as First Lady of California and still retains a residence down US-101 from San Benito in Santa Barbara.
A ex-mulher, Senadora Grant, que era muito popular como Primeira-dama da Califórnia e ainda mantém a residência no US-101 em San Benito, Santa Barbara.
Cristian, the 17-year-old who was run over a few days ago in the Lucero area, has just died.
Cristian, o adolescente de 17 anos que foi atropelado há uns dias, no bairro de Luceno, acaba de falecer.
Who said I was hiding?
Quem disse que me estava a esconder?
I alone can bring you back, but you tell me who the buyer was!
Mas, dizes-me quem foi o comprador.
"Elijah was born and raised by a delusional young couple " who believed that he could speak to God. "
" Elijah foi criado por um jovem casal louco que acreditava que ele podia falar com Deus.
I was known as the chick who lived with freaks.
Eu era conhecida como a miúda que vivia com aberrações.
It was for people in my neighborhood who were getting stopped by immigration.
Foi para as pessoas da vizinhança apresentarem aos serviços de imigração.
I was gonna lose everything, and that's when I was told that there was an Iranian here in L.A. who had the cash to keep me afloat.
Eu ia perder tudo, e foi quando me disseram que havia um iraniano, aqui em L.A., que tinha dinheiro para me manter estável.
And the department thinks it was your homeys in Southside Trece who killed him.
E a polícia pensa que foi um dos teus homens dos Southside 13 quem o matou.
Said it was part of who I am.
Disse que fazia parte de quem sou.
Yeah, Pete, I know who she was.
Sim, Pete, eu sei quem ela era.
I was only 7 when the court asked me who I would like to live with.
Eu tinha apenas 7 anos quando o tribunal perguntou-me com quem eu gostaria de morar.
Maybe it was Spender who dumped his body there.
Talvez fosse o Spender quem largou o corpo lá.
And it was she who sent the chocolates to Mrs Pettybon?
E foi ela quem mandou os chocolates à Sra. Pettybon?
There was no-one else who could take her.
Não havia mais ninguém que pudesse cuidar dela.
It's me dad who's Chinese and I've not seen him since I was five.
É o meu pai é que é chinês, e já não o vejo desde os meus 5 anos.
Because I was the midwife who attended your mother.
Porque fui a parteira que assistiu a sua mãe.
I want to leave in it again because once, then, I knew who I was, where I was going, what there was at the end of the road.
Quero partir, com ele vestido de novo porque na altura, então, sabia quem era, para onde ia, e o que havia no fim da estrada.
The man who killed Phillip's father was the Serbian ex-Minister,
O homem que matou o pai do Phillip era o ex-ministro sérvio,
He was a Bosnian Serb who took advantage of the ethnic cleansing.
Ele era um sérvio bósnio que se aproveitou da limpeza étnica.
That's who I was just talking to.
Era com quem eu estava a falar.
I never did receive a formal education, but I could have sworn I read the last King in the North was Torrhen Stark, who bent the knee to my ancestor, Aegon Targaryen.
Nunca cheguei a receber uma educação formal, mas podia jurar ter lido que o último Rei do Norte foi Torrhen Stark, que dobrou o joelho perante o meu antecessor, Aegon Targaryen.
Maybe he was the one who turned them.
Talvez tenha sido ele o que os transformou.
One who fought bravely, that was the Queen of Jhansi.
Aquela que lutou bravamente a rainha de Jhansi.
It was Lord Krishna who turned the poison into nectar.
Foi o Deus Krishna que transformou o veneno em néctar.
Dear, it was you who helped me.
Querida foi você que me ajudou.
I know who it was meant for!
Eu sei para quem era!
We don't know who it was.
Não sabemos quem foi.
That first day I was like, "Who is she?"
No primeiro dia, eu fiquei, "Quem é ela"?
Until a few days ago, I was just the kid who visited the hospital, you know, every week with you and Mom.
Até uns dias atrás, eu era só o rapaz que visitava o hospital, todas as semanas consigo e com a mãe.
I certainly didn't ask to be driven miles out of town by some ninja girl from The Matrix who claimed we lived a life together while I was in a coma.
Não pedi para ser levado para fora da cidade por uma miúda ninja do Matrix a dizer que vivemos uma vida juntos enquanto estava em coma.
You lied about who she was.
Mentiu sobre quem ela era.
It was the first time I felt like myself again, like I knew who I was, so I went there... to the cabin.
Foi a primeira vez que me senti novamente, como, sabia que era, então fui lá... À cabana.
You asked who I was meeting with at the motel.
Perguntaste com quem é que estava a encontrar-me no motel.
Who told you it was your father?
Quem disse-te que foi o teu pai?
Who told you it was him?
Quem é que disse-te que foi ele?
The warrant was served by the attorney general himself, who accompanied Vice President-Elect Beene to Maryland Hamilton Federal Penitentiary.
O mandado foi passado pelo próprio Procurador-Geral, que acompanhou o vice-presidente eleito Beene para a prisão federal Maryland Hamilton.
And the people in this room are the only people who knew where she was.
E as pessoas que estão nesta sala são as únicas pessoas que sabiam onde ela estava.
Look, I arranged this dinner on purpose to tell you. I was the one who asked you.
Combinei este jantar precisamente para te contar.
And I was there when we killed the bastards who did it.
E estava lá quando matámos os sacanas que o fizeram.

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