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Who was that перевод на португальский

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Hey. Who was that?
Quem era aquela?
Who was that?
Quem era?
Who was that on the phone?
Quem foi que no telefone?
Who was that lolo?
Quem era aquele idiota?
- Who was that?
Quem era?
- Who was that young guy?
- Quem era aquele jovem?
You didn't know who was in that closet.
Não sabias quem estava no armário.
I think it means, uh, that now I'm aware of these facts, there's no returning to who I was.
Acho que significa que, agora que conheço os factos, não há como voltar a ser quem eu era.
Who-who was it that wounded their general?
Quem era aquele general ferido? De que tribo?
It was I who summoned and imprisoned that "thing" inside the ark.
Fui eu que invoquei e fechei essa coisa dentro da arca.
Because after he was gone, this- - you and me- - that's what makes me who I am.
Porque depois dele desaparecer, isso, eu e tu... É isto que me faz ser quem eu sou.
- Hey. Who was that?
Quem era?
I was so excited to see Jake alive that I didn't pay attention to who the other passenger was in the backseat of the taxi.
Fiquei tão contente de ver o Jake vivo que não prestei atenção em quem era o outro passageiro.
Her, that woman who looks like she was born to knit.
Ela, essa mulher que parece que nasceu para tricotar.
Pretty thorough for a guy who was hiding the fact that he found'em.
Muito minucioso para alguém que escondeu que os encontrou.
The one who was in a hurry to fill in the hole that Eddie Ross dug.
Estava com pressa em encher o buraco que o Eddie abriu.
That's why we went to separate quarters- - to try and figure out who it was, right?
Por isso nos separámos, para tentar descobrir quem era.
After Mrs. Beerntsen was taken to the hospital, it turned out that Sandra Morris'friend, Judy Dvorak, was the deputy sheriff who was assigned to go to the hospital, and this is where the Sandra Morris matter makes a difference,
Depois da Sra. Beerntsen ter sido levada para o hospital... DIREITOS CIVIS DO STEVEN... acontece que a amiga da Sandra Morris, a Judy Dvorak...
She stated that she'd made a point when the crime was being committed of remembering who it was who was doing this to her.
Disse que fez questão, quando o crime estava a ser cometido, de se lembrar de quem lhe estava a fazer aquilo. JUIZ DO TRIBUNAL DE MANITOWOC ( 1980-2005 )
That is to say, they matched it to somebody in the data bank who they didn't know was in there.
Pertencia a alguém que estava no banco de dados e que não sabiam que lá estava.
And not only that, we believe there was the potential that they knew, in fact, who the assailant was, but continued with the prosecution.
E não apenas isso, acreditamos que é possível que tenham sabido quem era o culpado e tenham continuado com a acusação.
Kocourek tells you that he did not think that the Sheriff's Department knew who Gregory Allen was in 1985.
- Está correto. Entrevista / Tomas Kocourek 29 / 10 / 2003 O Kocourek disse-lhe que achava que o Departamento do Xerife não sabia quem era o Gregory Allen, em 1985.
[Kelly] For us, the attorney general's report was a blessing in that at least some of the people who were being questioned did not anticipate any personal liability to themselves, felt like they were talking law enforcement to law enforcement,
Para nós, o relatório do procurador-geral foi uma bênção. Assim, a maioria das pessoas que estavam a ser questionadas não teria de assumir nenhuma responsabilidade, parecia que estavam a falar de entre agentes da autoridade...
believes to be the Brown County Sheriff's Department, saying that they had someone in custody who said that he had committed an assault in Manitowoc, and an assault for which somebody was currently in prison.
Lembro-me de receber uma chamada... de outra agência da autoridade que, pelo menos, um dos agentes envolvidos no processo acreditava ser o Depto. do Xerife do Condado de Brown, a dizer que tinham com eles alguém que disse que tinha cometido um crime em Manitowoc, um crime, pelo qual, outra pessoa estava na prisão.
The detective indicated that there was a person in custody who had made a statement about a Manitowoc County offense. Correct?
O detetive disse que tinham uma pessoa em custódia, que tinha prestado declarações sobre um crime em Manitowoc.
[Glynn] The fellow who got that call was named Colborn.
O homem que recebeu a chamada chama-se Colborn.
Sergeant Colborn couldn't recall who it was that told him that the case had already been solved.
O Sargento Colborn não se lembrava de quem lhe tinha dito que o caso já tinha sido resolvido.
This was unconscionable withholding of information that would have been of use to Steven Avery's lawyers who were right at that time, in the middle of litigation, asserting, based on the fingernail scrapings, that there may have been somebody else involved in this.
Tratou-se de uma retenção de informação que teria sido muito útil para os advogados do Steven Avery, que, nessa altura, estavam no meio da litigação, afirmando, com base nas raspas das unhas... DEPTO. XERIFE DE MANITOWOC XERIFE... que podia ter havido mais alguém envolvido.
I wasn't completely straight with you guys about who I was with that night.
Não fui completamente honesto convosco sobre com quem estava naquela noite.
And that's who found the key apparently after the third day was the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department.
E foram eles que encontraram a chave, depois do terceiro dia. Foi o Dpto. do Xerife de Manitowoc.
Looking at that press conference, you would've expected that that young boy who was holding this in for months and was just... had to unburden himself with this terrible experience that he had was emotionally upset and came out with this whole long story,
Olhando para essa conferência, estaríamos à espera que aquele pobre rapaz, que guardou o segredo durante meses e tinha de se livrar do fardo, com a experiência horrível que teve, estivesse emocionalmente perturbado e tivesse contado esta história,
We have a 16-year-old who, while morally and legally responsible, was heavily influenced by someone that could only be described as something close to evil incarnate.
Temos um rapaz de 16 anos que, sendo moral e legalmente responsável, foi altamente influenciado por alguém que só pode ser considerado como uma espécie de encarnação do mal.
- [Buting] Somebody who knew her, somebody who may have had a motive that he doesn't have and somebody who may have had opportunity was doing that.
- Alguém que a conhecia, alguém que pode ter tido um motivo que ele não tinha e alguém que pode ter tido a oportunidade, o fez.
The telephone call was from somebody who identified himself as a detective and began telling me that somebody who had committed an assault in Manitowoc County was in their custody and we may have somebody in our jail on that assault charge that... may not have done it.
O telefonema era de alguém que se identificou como detetive e que começou a dizer-me que alguém que tinha cometido um crime em Manitowoc estava sob a custódia deles e que podíamos ter alguém na cadeia acusado desse crime, que podia não o ter cometido.
Is there anyplace earlier in your report where you mention that you ever took any notes anywhere else about who was coming and going, other than this entry right here that it says it's 2 : 45 p.m.?
Há algum lugar no relatório onde mencione que tirou notas sobre quem entrava e saía, antes do registo das 14h45?
But they're presenting this case, the way it was done, who it was done by, who was not excluded from it. When the public was told that Manitowoc was not involved...
Mas estão a apresentar este caso, como foi feito, quem o fez, quem não foi excluído, quando disseram ao público que Manitowoc não estava envolvido.
that threatened the right to have a jury drawn from the venue in which this crime was charged, and that curled the hair of anyone who listened to the description of a naked woman manacled to a bed, sexually assaulted, stabbed, throat cut, strangled,
que ameaçaram o direito a ter o júri retirado da sala em que foi feita a acusação do crime e que deixaria com os cabelos em pé qualquer um que ouvisse a descrição de uma mulher nua, amarrada a uma cama,
Nothing that would indicate somebody restrained, struggling for their life, who was murdered in that bedroom.
Nada que indique que alguém esteve preso, a lutar pela vida e que foi morto naquele quarto.
We only had to call one witness who scientifically could tell you that there is absolutely no way that vial of blood was used to plant.
RESULTADOS EDTA Só precisámos de uma testemunha para comprovar cientificamente que não é possível terem usado o tubo de sangue para forjar provas.
This first statement that you're gonna hear is going to be from an officer who was up in Marinette and spoke to Brendan in... somewhere between November 4th and November 10th.
O primeiro testemunho é o de um agente que esteve em Marinette e falou com o Brendan em... Algures entre quatro e dez de novembro.
I want to draw your attention to a news report from Channel 26 that says, "We have a 16-year-old who, while morally and legally responsible, was heavily influenced by someone that can only be described as something close to evil incarnate." Right?
Queria pedir a sua atenção para o noticiário do Channel 26. MÃE DE BRENDAN Diz : "Temos um jovem de 16 anos, responsável moral e legalmente, que foi altamente influenciado por alguém que só pode ser descrito como uma encarnação do mal." Certo?
We have a 16-year-old who, while morally and legally responsible, was heavily influenced by someone that can only be described as something close to evil incarnate.
Temos um jovem de 16 anos, que é legal e moralmente responsável, que foi altamente influenciado por alguém que só pode ser descrito como uma encarnação do mal.
This mother was chasing a big boar who's only interested in catching salmon, it comes out and it smacks him, but the bear is so interested in the salmon that it was on point, it actually got the salmon, as did she.
Esta progenitora afugentou um grande macho que só queria apanhar salmão. Ela atacou-o, mas o urso está tão interessado no salmão que acabou por apanhá-lo, bem como ela. Um comportamento surpreendente!
You're the brave and shining girl who protected her infant son from an army that was dedicated to murdering him.
Tu és uma filha corajosa e brilhante que protegeu o seu filho de um exército que estava dedicado a assassiná-lo.
I bet that guy told you exactly who he was. You just didn't want to hear it.
Aposto que ele te disse exactamente quem era, mas não quiseste ouvir.
Hitler was absolutely fixed on the idea of bringing home every person with "German blood," and so for those who didn't move back to the Reich, his idea was that the Reich would move out to them.
Hitler estava determinado a fazer regressar todos que tivessem "sangue alemão", e para aqueles que não voltassem ao Reich, a sua ideia era que o Reich iria até eles.
They were like flies over Vienna, the Nazi planes, and of course, people didn't recognize the fact that this was going to be so lethal for--for any Jew or anyone who opposed the Nazis.
Eram como moscas sobre Viena, os aviões nazis... VIENA... e, claro, as pessoas não viam a realidade de que iria ser muito letal para qualquer judeu ou para qualquer pessoa que se opusesse aos nazis.
That was very moving to me and very scary because I looked at that fire, and of course, I thought of my grandparents, who were burnt to death in Auschwitz.
Foi muito comovente e assustador porque olhei para aquele fogo e, claro, pensei nos meus avós, que morreram queimados em Auschwitz.
Who knew if this guy could save my life... but I knew there was only one way that I could save hers.
Sabia lá se aquele tipo podia salvar-me a vida, mas sabia que só havia uma forma de eu salvar a dela.
I'm really sorry that I was the father who does not know.
Tenho muita pena papá, de não saber quem é o pai.
Well, he never said who it was. He just said that it sounded like this voice of an old woman.
Ele nunca chegou a dizer quem era, só disse que parecia a voz de uma mulher de idade.

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