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Who was that guy перевод на португальский

612 параллельный перевод
Who was that guy? The one you was talking to so long?
Quem era aquele tipo com quem estiveste a falar tanto tempo?
Who was that guy?
Mas quem será aquele?
Who was that guy?
Quem era aquele sujeito?
- Who was that guy?
- Quem era aquele tipo?
Who was that guy with the salami?
Quem era o tipo do salame?
Who was that guy?
Quem era aquele tipo?
That question about the Omnibank merger... who was that guy?
Aquela questão sobre a fusão - quem era aquele tipo?
- Who was that guy you had?
- Quem era aquele que tu tinhas?
Who was that guy?
Quem é aquele?
Who was that guy who was chasing you?
Quem era aquele tipo que te perseguia?
Who was that guy?
Quem era aquele homem?
Then who was that guy?
Então quem era aquele tipo?
Who was that guy?
- Quem era aquele tipo?
Who was that guy?
Quem era esse bacano?
Who was that guy you were with?
Quem era o tipo que estava contigo?
Look, Lieutenant, if I knew who that guy was, you think I wouldn't have called you guys a long time ago?
Se eu soubesse quem era o tipo, não acha que já lhes tinha dito?
Do you believe what the old man... who was doing all the talking at the Oso Negro... said the other night... about gold changing a man's soul so that he ain't the same kind of a guy... that he was before finding it?
Acreditas no que o velhote, o que estava no Oso Negro, disse na outra noite... acerca do ouro nos mudar a alma de tal forma que não somos os mesmos... antes e depois de o encontrar?
Some time later, before a packed audience, the greatest figures in show business joined in paying tribute to the memory of the little guy who thought that he was all alone.
Algum tempo depois, perante um teatro esgotado, as grandes figuras do mundo do espectáculo juntaram-se para prestar homenagem àquele pequeno grande homem que sempre acreditou que estava sozinho.
That guy was Jack who is today a conservative democrat whatever the hell that is.
Aquele cara era Jack... que hoje é um democrata conservador, seja o que isto for.
Is that the guy who was watching us during lunch?
Foi aquele homem que nos esteve a observar? - Foi.
It was on the radio that there's a guy who was gonna... You know...
Disse no rádio que há um tipo que ia... sabe...
I was so good that once a day someone would ride into town to make me prove it. And every morning I'd start my drinking a few minutes earlier until one morning the guy who asked me to prove it turned out to be 16 years old.
Tão bom que todo o dia... alguém chegava à cidade para que eu o demonstrasse... e em cada manhã... eu começava a beber uns minutos antes... até que numa manhã... o tipo que me desafiou só tinha 16 anos...
She said it was smart to paint it white, that the guy who did it should be decorated.
Ela disse que era uma boa ideia ter voltado a pintá-lo de branco e que se devia condecorar a pessoa que o tinha feito.
Who was that big guy with the beard?
Quem era aquele das barbas?
I guess it was one of those bullets that you fired at that guy who broke in here a year ago.
Deve ser uma das balas que disparou contra o tipo que aqui entrou há cerca de um ano.
I wanna know everything there is to be known about that banana peel. Where it was grown, when it was imported, who bought it, and the habits of the guy who ate it. - And I want it tonight.
Quero saber tudo sobre essa maldita casca de banana... onde cresceu, quando foi importada, quem a vendeu... quem a comprou e os hábitos de quem a comeu, entendido?
Jess, I'm gonna ask you, who was the guy that was just leaving when I arrived in your house?
Jess, posso perguntar-te quem era o tipo que estava a sair quando nós chegámos?
Well, there was this one guy who said that he knew her, and he went to a party with her, and... she, uh...
Houve um gajo que disse que a conhecia, e foi a uma festa com ela, e ela...
There was a guy we talked to last week. Didn't he say that there was a Bart Porter... who at one time was a member of the Committee to Re-Elect?
Um tipo, a semana passada... não falou num Bart Porter... que foi da Comissão de Reeleição?
You know who that guy was?
Sabes quem ele era?
We have a dozen witnesses who saw what was So Market Street station into a guy That seems a tank suit war.
Temos uma dúzia de testemunhas que dizem ter visto... na estação de Market Street, um tipo... Que parecia um tanque de guerra, e que usava um fato.
Yeah, it was Mike who killed the guy. But before Mike got him, he shoved his pig sticker into me and you showed up right after that.
O Mike matou o tipo, mas antes de apanhá-lo ele enfiou essa lâmina envenenada em mim e vocês apareceram logo após isso.
That's the same guy who was just on television.
É o mesmo tipo que estava na televisão.
And then that's when I really got loose,'cause then niggas was saying, "Yo, who's that guy?"
E foi aí que comecei a fazer mais à séria, porque assim o pessoal dizia "Yo, quem é aquele gajo?"
Right now, I'm more concerned with who that guy was back there.
Estou mais preocupado com aquele tipo que estava lá.
- That was the guy who hired you?
- Foi este cara que te contratou?
All I know is that... the cops tell us... the guy who got snatched the day they did the number on the cops wife... was in big business with the Prizzi family.
Tudo o que sei, é que os policias nos disseram que... o tipo sequestrado no dia da morte da mulher do policia... tinha grandes negócios com a família Prizzi.
Jesus, Mitch, you don't mind my saying so, but for a guy who was a major in the Air Force, decorated in Korea, and now a successful businessman, you got fucking rocks in your head to let yourself get put on film like that.
Credo, Mitch, não te importas que eu diga isto, mas para um tipo que era um major da Força Aérea, condecorado na Coreia e, agora, um empresário de sucesso, tens rochas na cabeça para te deixares colocar num filme como esse.
The guy who was driving that car back there.
O tipo que estava a conduzir aquele carro.
Who was that guy? Is this about the dead girl?
Quem era, aquele tipo?
The guy who was in that accident in the old city is a friend of mine!
É meu amigo... O estudante que teve o acidente é meu amigo.
Do you remember that guy who was on all the talk shows?
Lembras-te daquele tipo que estava em todos os programas na TV?
I never did find out who that guy was.
Nunca descobri quem era aquele tipo.
Figuring that the thug who dropped my watch... was the guy who stole it at the morgue didn't take Sherlock Holmes.
O bandido que largou o relógio foi o mesmo que o roubou. Não era preciso o Sherlock Holmes.
Who was that big guy at the house?
Quem era o grandalhão que estava na minha casa? Era outro actor?
The guy that got canned by Congress. That's who he was.
O cara que o Congresso demitiu.
I heard you caught that guy who was robbing all them 7-Elevens.
Soube que apanhaste o assaltante das lojas de conveniência.
I remember complaining to Francis one day about my confusion about all that was going down, and I said to him, " I don't know who this guy is.
Recordo-me de um dia me ter queixado ao Francis sobre a minha confusão acerca de tudo o que estava a acontecer e disse-lhe : " Não sei quem é esse tipo.
Oh, that's good coming from a guy who was shot by his own girl friend
Oh, essa é boa, vindo de um gajo que foi baleado pela namorada.
It turned out that the guy who owned the lawn mower engine was dead.
Afinal, o homem que era dono do aparador estava mesmo morto.
Who was that huge guy back there?
- Quem era aquele tipo enorme?

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