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You called the cops перевод на португальский

123 параллельный перевод
- You called the cops.
- Vocês mentiram e chamaram a polícia.
Damn you, you called the cops.
Maldito sejas, chamaste a polícia!
You called the cops, didn't you?
no dia da festa foste tu que chamas-te a policia? tou enganada
- You called the cops?
- You called the cops?
- You called the cops.
- Chamaste a Polícia.
And you called the cops?
- E chamaste a polícia?
- So you called the cops on her. - Franny goes all this way, she finds this woman.
- A Franny fez esse caminho todo encontrou uma mulher.
You called the cops?
- Chamaste a polícia? - Chamaste a polícia?
- Whoa! Y-Y-You called the cops? - You called the cops?
E tenho quase a certeza que consigo convencer o Randy, a não atirá-lo ao lago.
Did you talk to your dad before you called the cops?
Falaste com o teu pai antes de telefonares à Polícia?
You called the cops a few days later.
Ligaste para a Polícia uns dias depois.
You called the cops?
Chamaste a polícia?
I can't believe you called the cops on me.
Não acredito que chamaste a polícia.
You called the cops?
Tu é que chamaste a Polícia?
- Sure, or would you rather I called the cops and tell them you killed the man and stole his money.
- Agradecer? Ou queres que eu diga aos tiras que mataste e roubaste um homem?
Call the cops, tell them that you've been called out of town on an emergency case, you'll be gone for a week or so.
Telefone para a polícia e diga-lhes que foi chamado para um caso caso de emergência. E que estará ausente alguns dias.
Since you can't do anything, I called the cops.
Como não consegues fazer nada, chamei a polícia.
I gotta tell you, I almost called the cops when I saw you today.
Tenho de confessar que quase telefonei à polícia quando te vi hoje.
Hell, yeah. Who do you think called the cops?
- Quem acha que chamou a Polícia?
Are you the neighbor who called the cops on us?
Foste a vizinha que chamou a Polícia por nossa causa?
So you don't think she called the cops?
Então achas que ela não chamou a polícia?
You don't think your dad really called the cops?
Achas mesmo que o teu pai chamou a polícia?
- Were you the ones who called the cops?
- Foram vocês que chamaram a polícia?
If you said that it was gonna be your word against mine... ... I couId've thrown the cuffs on you and called the cops.
Se tu dissesses isso ia ser a tua palavra contra a minha Podia pôr-te as algemas e chamar a polícia.
So they called the cops on you over a pack of gum?
E chama-se a polícia por causa de pastilhas?
You know, the cashier called the cops.
Sabes, o caixa chamou a polícia.
Right, I think if you were in trouble, you would've called the cops and not me.
Certo, acho que se estivesse em sarilhos, teria telefonado à polícia, e não a mim.
Called the cops. You know, and busted everyone...
Ela chamou a polícia e lixou toda a gente..
Aren't you the one who called the cops at Carl Ryder's party?
Não foste tu que chamaste a polícia na festa do Carl Rogers?
Don't be a smart-ass. I could have called the cops on you for that.
Que motocicleta?
I was trying to hold you off me... while I called the cops.
Estava a tentar livrar-me de ti e chamar a polícia.
You came up with a story to tell the cops, and then called 911.
Inventou uma historieta para contar à bófia e depois ligou para o 911.
She called the cops on you.
Denunciou-o à Polícia.
You found Robert Wood before we did and instead of calling the cops, you called Dallas to see how he wanted to handle it.
Encontraste o Robert Wood antes de nós e, em vez de chamar a Policia, chamaste o Dallas para ver o que ele queria fazer disso.
The night Felix got killed, did you see the guy who called the cops?
Na noite em que o Felix foi morto. Viste o tipo que chamou a Polícia?
And if you were acting on principle, you would have called the cops when you thought House was killing the guy.
E tu podias ter chamado a Polícia quando achaste que o House ia matá-lo.
If you'd shown up at my door step in the middle of the night a month ago talking about vampires. Governments in collusion. I probably would have called the cops.
Se tivesse aparecido aqui à um mês atrás a falar-me de vampiros, esquemas e conspiração, provavelmente eu teria chamado a polícia.
You called the fucking cops, didn't you?
Ligaste para a porra da bófia, não foi?
- It's why I called you before the cops.
- Por isso a chamei, em vez da Polícia.
You called him right after the shooting before making any of your statements to the cops.
Ligou-lhe a seguir ao tiroteio. Antes do depoimento à Polícia.
While you were supposedly unconscious, I got through to a friend's voice-mail and I'm sure she's called the cops by now.
Enquanto estavas supostamente desmaiado, mandei um recado a uma amiga, já deve ter chamado a polícia.
You'll wish I called the cops.
Não desejar que eu tivesse chamado a policia.
I'm the one that called the cops after you beat those guys on the roof after the party.
Fui eu que chamei a polícia, quando bateste nos tipos no terraço, depois da festa.
- You called the fucking cops?
- Chamaste?
Listen you fuck-face, I called the cops and I'm gonna stay down here as long as it takes until they get here, so I suggest that you get the fuck out!
Ouve cara de cu, eu chamei a polícia e vou ficar aqui o tempo que for preciso até eles chegarem, por isso sugiro que te ponhas a andar!
You could've called the fuckin'cops.
Podias ter ligado para a merda da polícia.
Never called the cops, did you?
Nunca chamou à polícia, verdade?
How long do you think he would've waited for you to show before he called the cops?
Quanto tempo achas que ele esperava para apareceres antes de chamar a polícia?
We just called to say we're calling the cops on you, and we hope you spend the rest of your pathetic life in prison!
1.500? Vá lá, pá. Isto tem muito valor sentimental.
You could have just called the cops.
Podiam ter chamado a polícia.
See, anybody else would have called the cops finding you like this.
Outra qualquer teria chamado a polícia ao encontrar-te assim.

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