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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ Y ] / You got to eat

You got to eat перевод на португальский

326 параллельный перевод
What have you got to eat?
O que tem para comer?
Boss, you got to eat.
Chefe, tem de comer.
You got to eat, man, or you'll die of mono.
Tens de comer, homem. Senão, morres de mononucleose.
So what you got to eat here?
Então o que é que tem para comer?
- You got to eat somethin'.
- Alguma coisa tens de comer.
Listen, you got to eat something.
Alguma coisa tem de comer.
- You got to eat.
- Tens de comer.
You got to eat.
Tens de comer.
What you got to eat?
Que tem para comer?
Come, I've got something nice for you to eat.
Vem. Tenho uma coisa boa para comeres.
One thing you got to learn. Eat where the truck drivers eat. They know the right spot.
Aprende com os camionistas, eles sabem onde comer.
Now, Ellie, after I bring in the drinks and everybody's got a drink you know, and something to eat, then I'm gonna ring the bell.
Ellie, depois de eu levar as bebidas e todos beberem... e comerem alguma coisa, vou tocar o sino.
All gone? Well, I've got to eat, too, you know.
Bem, eu tenho que comer, também, você sabe.
What've you got in the icebox to eat?
O que tens no frigorífico?
You got to eat someplace.
Tinhas de comer.
You've got to eat.
Tens de comer.
You got anything to eat?
Tem algo de comer?
Say, I got some coffee bacon in my pack if you've a mind to eat before you start back.
Levo café e toucinho nos meus alforjas, se por acaso quer comer antes de partir. Posso comer.
Warren, you've got to eat.
Warren, você precisa comer.
We got lots to eat, right down there, barbecued pork, if you like it.
Há muito para comer ali. Um porco assado, se gostar.
Ain't you got no better manners than to eat at the top of a house?
Que modos são esses a comer em cima da casa?
I got to change my life because I'm choking to death and all you say to me is, "Eat these eggs."
Preciso mudar de vida, pois estou sufocado e me manda "comer ovos".
Tem que comer este pêssego.
- You have got something to eat?
- Tens alguma coisa que se coma?
"I'm reviewing the situation : " If you want to eat you've got to earn a bob! " Is it such a humiliation For a robber to perform an honest job?
vou rever a situação p'ra comer é preciso dinheiro e a humilhação que é para o ladrão ter um trabalho honesto?
- Oh, no. - But you got something to eat?
Comeu alguma coisa?
We're going to go eat. When you get yourself in a gambling situation you got to know when the other fellow's bluffing.
Quando te metes a jogar... tens que saber quando o outro companheiro está a fazer blefe.
You ain't got nothin'to eat over here.
Não tens nada para comer aqui.
You've got to eat, come on.
Tens que comer, anda.
Have you got anything to eat?
Tem alguma coisa para comer?
Now you got something to eat and nothing to eat it with.
Agora tem o que comer, mas não no que comer.
I flew in the day before yesterday, went sightseeing, forgot to eat, and when you started chasing me, I just got all excited.
Cheguei anteontem de avião, fui ver as vistas, esqueci-me de comer e quando me seguiu assustei-me.
You got anything to eat?
Tens que se coma?
- You look a little pale, I got you something to eat.
Trouxe algo para comer.
And you've got to let me eat your brains!
E tu vais deixar-me comer os teus miolos!
... and we will get you something to eat. - You've got what I want.
-... buscar qualquer coisa para comeres.
Got to watch what you eat, though. Diet's important.
A dieta é importante.
- Have you got anything to eat?
- Tens alguma coisa que se coma?
Got to eat something, you know.
Você precisa comer.
You know, I don't eat, and I got no reason to smile.
Sabe, não como e não tenho razões para sorrir.
You got to learn to like them if you're going to eat with me.
Tens que aprender a gostar, se vais comer comigo.
Hey, you've got to eat that.
Tem que comer isso.
Back home, the wife never lets me eat this kind of stuff, but, ah, sometimes you just got to stop and taste the good life, don't ya?
Em casa, a mulher nunca me deixa comer este tipo de coisas... mas ás vezes é preciso parar... e saborear a boa vida, não é?
So, you know, how come i only got to eat one burger?
Então, como é que eu só comi um hambúrguer?
Uh, you know, actually, we had hoped maybe to, uh, freshen up a little bit and, uh, get a bite to eat before we got started.
Sabe... nós... esperavamos... talvez, aquecer um pouco... e... comer algo antes de começar-mos.
Betty, you've got to eat.
Betty, tens de comer.
You've got to eat.
Você tem que comer.
Got to eat to live, got to steal to eat Tell you all about it when I got time
Tenho que comer para viver tenho que roubar para comer Conto tudo quando tiver tempo
You have got to eat.
Sra. Mott, tem que comer.
But, honey, you got to be careful of what you eat.
Querida, tens de ter cuidado com a alimentação.
I just, just need a rest. All right now, but look now, you got to understand if we don't get out on that stage tonight... we don't get paid, ya hear? - Now, if we don't get paid, we don't eat.
Eu só só preciso de um descanso.

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