And she died перевод на русский
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After her childbirth, Oshizu weakened and she died after having this child.
Во время родов Сидзу потеряла много сил и умерла, разрешившись от бремени этим малышом.
And she died so young...
Которая к тому же умерла такой юной.
And she died.
И она умерла.
He cursed her with some horrible oath and she died.
Он проклял ее каким-то ужасным проклятием, и она умерла.
She had a song of "Willow." O, an old thing'twas, but it expressed her fortune and she died singing it.
Подлец бедняжку бросил, и она Все пела песню о плакучей иве И умерла с той песней на устах.
You then made a statement in which you set out in some detail how Mr. Christie gave your wife something which would cause an abortion and she died of that.
Затем вы сделали заявление, в котором излагается Как мистер Кристи дал вашей жене нечто, провоцирующее выкидыш. Что и стало причиной ее смерти.
And she died a long time ago.
Она умерла много лет назад.
In the summer I went to Tunisia... and she died during my leave.
Летом я уехал в Тунис, и она умерла, когда я был там.
It's strange, she wanted to kill me... ... and she died
Странно, она хотела убить меня, а умерла сама.
She happened to have the gun, and it was pointing at him, the bullet went in him, and he died. I tell you, no.
пуля попала в него и он умер я говорю тебе, нет!
Only a little while after... and then she died.
Совсем немного после того, как... и она умерла.
She died peacefully, without suffering, and full of years.
Она скончалась мирно, без страданий, прожив долгую жизнь.
She gave an onion to a beggar and then she died and went to hell, but an angel took pity on her and let down from heaven a string to which the onion was attached and began to pull her up.
Она подала луковку нищенке, а потом умерла и попала в ад, но ангел сжалился над ней, спустил с небес веревку, к которой была привязана луковка и начал ее тянуть.
And before she died, she said "His name is Christopher, take care of him".
"Назови его Кристофер, заботься о нём". - Да, верно.
That Melisande... she was so beautiful, and her hair was so long and curly... why, every time he looked at her... he just fell right down and died.
- что Мелизанда... была очень красива, а у нее были длинные волнистые волосы... вот почему каждый раз, как он смотрел на нее... то просто падал и умирал от любви.
Yes, and she was the one who died.
- И это она погибла.
You think it was natural, her constant fainting spells and injections from her secretary? I think it's natural that she died with a doctor like you.
Ты считал, что ничего страшного в повторяющихся приступах нет, и попросил ее секретаря делать... ей уколы.
And... and... in the end she died in earnest.
Но... но... она умерла по-настоящему!
She buried her old father, and a week later her stepmother died.
Похоронила она старика-отца, а через неделю умерла и мачеха.
- And where's your wife? - She died a few years ago.
- Она умерла несколько лет назад.
I used to have Mom's apartment till she got evicted and died.
Я жила в маминой квартире, но её оттуда выселили, и она умерла.
And when she died well, I... I'm always... too softhearted for my own good.
Сами знаете, какое у меня доброе сердце.
Since her mother died, she's all I have and I intend to keep her! I've been devoted to this family for 15 years.
С тех пор, как умерла её мать, малышка единственное, что у меня осталось, и я хочу её сохранить.
My sister was a nun. She died very young and one night her portrait suddenly changed its expression.
Моя сестра умерла еще молодой и однажды ночью выражение лица на ее портрете изменилось.
When she died and the money stopped coming, he started in on the neighbors!
Когда она умерла и деньги кончились, он пошёл по соседям!
She dressed like this to reach the Holy Land safe and sound there her husband died, prince of Cornwales.
Одетая таким образом... Пошел! ... чтобы без поруганья добраться до Святой Земли.
In the darkness she said, and in darkness he died.
Она сказала, в мраке, и в мраке он погиб.
Germany wanted to exalt herself, and she has died.
Германия хотела возвыситься и она погибла.
She wasn't with her husband when he died, and she didn't see her son before her death
Её не было рядом с мужем в момент его смерти, а перед своей она не увидела сына.
She jumped into the river and died
Она бросилась в реку и утонула.
Then she almost died, and nobody even cared around here.
Она чуть не умерла, и никому не было дела.
She lived and died in the city.
Она жила и умерла в этом городе.
She waited 4 years for him, and then the were newly wedded, when it happened, when she died.
Она ждала его 4 года, и потом они поженились, когда он приехал, и она умерла.
the other, Angiolina, made seven children and then took to bed with a tumour in her ribs, she suffered and screamed for three months - the doctor goes up there once a year - she died without even seeing the priest.
другая, Анджолина, родила семерых, а потом слегла с опухолью в боку, она мучилась и кричала три месяца - доктор бывает там раз в год - она умерла, не увидев даже священника.
When her family died and she was sent off to the convent she gave me this dog.
После смерти родителей, её увезли в женский монастырь и она оставила своего пса мне.
And then she turned over in her bed and died, and I never seen her.
А потом она повернулась в постели и умерла, и я ее никогда не видела.
You'd took my wife Koonst, and when you died last year, she stopped enjoying life.
Ты забрал мою жену, Кунст, и когда ты умер в прошлом году она перестала наслаждаться жизнью.
She died this afternoon but she'll live again before tonight and she'll be mine.
Она умерла сегодня, но она будет жить снова до ночи и она будет моей.
His wife seldom came to a successful labor... and those children she was blessed with died before weaning.
Роды у его жены редко оканчивались благополучно, а те дети, коих посылал ей Господь, умирали во младенчестве.
My dead wife never bore me a son and she just died
Моя покойная жена так и не родила мне сына, к тому же, она уже умерла.
She died last year, not long after she'd had the child. She was picking chestnuts and fell off the cliff.
В том году, после родов, она сбросилась со скалы.
And Dane died at the very moment... she finally understood that she could be loved.
И Дэн умер в тот момент, .. когда она наконец поняла, что она может быть любима.
When mom died she left everything to the Church,.. .. and I'm taking my stuff back.
Когда умерла моя мать, она все завещала Церкви, я просто забрал свое.
I wept and wept and wept when she died.
Я много плакала, когда она умерла.
She became insane and died in the asylum.
Она сошла с ума и умерла в изоляторе.
She'd scream louder and louder and then, when she finally died, he looked so satisfied I thought he was gonna light up a cigarette afterwards.
Она кричала все громче и громче и потом, когда она окончательно умерла, он выглядел таким удовлетворенным, что я подумал, что он сейчас закурит.
Brought to the hospital, she gave birth to us and died.
- Родила нас и умерла.
The good-luck shirt she gave to Sasha is now displayed in a Russian museum honouring those who fought and died for freedom during World War 2.
Рубашка, которую она подарила Саше, хранится в Руском музее, в экспозиции, посвященной сражавшимся за Родину и погибшим во время второй мировой войны.
And now she's lying back home in the cemetery... in Tomelilla. And then Mama died.
А потом мама умерла.
My cousin Ellen married his half sister's nephew... before she got bit by that dog and died.
Моя кузина Эллен вышла замуж за племянника его сводной сестры до того, как ее укусила собака и она умерла.
She got hit by a car and died, Wanda.
Ее сбила машина, и она умерла, Ванда.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she's dead 32
and she knew it 16
and she knows it 30
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she 275
and she says 116
and she knew it 16
and she knows it 30
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she 275
and she says 116
and she is 39
and she said 267
and she didn't 24
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she said 267
and she didn't 24
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she will 20
and she left 27