In his office перевод на русский
1,216 параллельный перевод
I remember him always working late having meetings in his office, my mother asking why he couldn't hold them in the Commons.
Я помню, что он всегда работал допоздна, проводил встречи в его офисе, моя мать спрашивала, почему он не может оставить их в палате общин.
Mr. Huph would like to talk to you in his office.
Мистер Хавк вызывает Вас к себе в кабинет.
Robertson has the uplink control in his office.
Робертсон контролирует связь из своего офиса.
I met an employee who invited me in his office to talk.
Я встретила госслужащего, который пригласил меня в офис поговорить.
I told him one day, not asking to do predictions or to say a diagnosis, please treat me as a human being but I cry for five minutes in his office listen to my questions, because my father died.
Но я вцепился в одного однажды, я сказал : я не требую прогноза, которого вы все равно не можете сделать. Я просто прошу относиться ко мне, как к человеку. Сказать мне...
He wants you in his office right away.
Он хочет видеть тебя в офисе немедленно.
He couldn't hang himself, in his office, during the day.
Не мог он в петлю, да еще в кабинете в служебное время.
He and Hamilton are in his office.
Он в офисе с Гамильтоном.
- Is Al in his office?
- Эл у себя?
'I had to help Reed, trapped in his office by a desk he could no longer trust.
Я должен был помочь Риду, зажатому в своем кабинете столом, которому он не мог больше доверять.
Pretend you have to see him in his office.
Притворись, что тебе нужно подойти к нему в офис.
Considering your father has a yard full of tanks out there, I don't think you should be in his office, rifling through his files.
Учитывая, что у твоего отца полный двор танков, я не думаю, что ты должна быть здесь, копаясь в его документах.
This mural was painted on the blinds in his office.
Это он написал на жалюзи его кабинета.
So we will let Lex sit in his office... sharpening pencils.
Так что мы позволим ему сидеть в своем офисе и затачивать карандаши.
My guy's got a vet on Shaw Island, says the Othman family dog is in his office with an FBI agent's bullet in it.
у моего парня есть ветеринар на острове Шоу, говорит, что пёс семьи Отмен в его кабинете вместе с пулей агента ФБР в нём.
He wants to see you in his office right away.
Он хочет, чтобы мы немедленно приехали к нему.
Winston is in the back, on his computer, in his office.
Винстон там, с компьютером, у себя в кабинете.
And Gianni wants you in his office.
И Джанни хочет видеть тебя у себя в кабинете.
No. Just that he wanted to talk to you in his office.
Нет, мистер Марроу, он просто просил вас зайти к нему.
And what about Frank, then? In his office...
А с Франком в его кабинете ты чем занималась
How'd you know it was in his office?
Откуда ты узнал, что это было в офисе?
We'll be in his office.
Мы придём к нему в офис.
- He sold you this drug in his office?
Он продал вам этот препарат у себя в офисе? Да.
The victim's prints are everywhere in Collier's house... In his car, in his office, too.
Отпечатки жертвы везде в доме Колльера... и в его машине, и в его офисе.
Um... we found her fingerprints in his office at work.
М... мы обнаружили её отпечатки в его офисе.
That's why we only found Alana's fingerprints in Dr Collier's house and in his office and in his car.
Вот почему мы обнаружили только отпечатки Аланы в доме доктора Колльера, и в его офисе и в его машине.
Joel Adams wants to see you in his office.
Джоэл Адамс хочет видеть тебя в своем офисе.
Sits in his office all day looking at charts.
Сидит целый день в офисе, графики разглядывает.
I, for one, give a very big shit that I, for one, give a very big shit that that come-stain, Sapperstein, that come-stain, Sapperstein, was defrauding the Internal Revenue Service was defrauding the Internal Revenue Service by hiding thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of dollars by hiding thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of dollars up in his office in pillowcases, up in his office in pillowcases, which, knowing him, you can be sure were not the highest thread count.
Мне лично есть очень большое дело до того, что этот задрот Сэпперстайн обманывал налоговое управление, пряча тысячи, а возможно и сотни тысяч долларов в своём офисе в наволочках.
To amuse him when that prick man was in his office, and I just typed in the wrong address. - It was a genuine mistake.
Хотел его посмешить, когда у нас сидел тот идиот, я просто адресом ошибся.
- He's in his office, working.
- Он сейчас работает.
The Headmaster wants to see Mr Svale in his office.
Директор просил г-на Свеле подойти в его кабинет.
In his office?
В своем кабинете?
The children saw Frits in his office.
Ученики видели Фрица в кабинете.
Principal Gold wants to see you in his office.
- Директор Голд ждёт тебя в кабинете.
In his first eight months in office before September 11 th George W. Bush was on vacation, according to The Washington Post 42 percent of the time.
По оценкам "Вашингтон пост", за первые восемь месяцев своего президентства Буш отдыхал 42 % своего времени.
Back at the state trooper patrol office, thanks to the budget cuts Trooper Kenyon had to come in on his day off to catch up on some paperwork.
А в штабе патрульной службы патрульному Кеньону приходилось приходить на работу в выходной день, чтоб закончить бумажные дела.
It was in Mr. Allende's hand when we entered his office.
Он был в руке сеньора Альенде, когда мы вошли в его офис.
I have just fled my own office in horror at his fucking dimwittedness.
От его невъебеной тупоголовости, я только что в ужасе сбежал из собственного кабинета.
I don't want his calls, I don't want him in this office, and if he comes near me, I want a restraining order.
Я не хочу, чтобы он звонил, не хочу, чтобы он появлялся в офисе, и если он подойдёт ко мне близко, мне понадобится запрещающее судебное постановление.
I left messages at his office, and with his hotel in Chicago.
Я оставила сообщения в его офисе и его отеле в Чикаго.
Anakin, our allegiance is to the senate, not to its leader... who has managed to stay in office long after his term has expired.
Энакин, мы преданы Сенату, а не его главе который и без того дольше времени задержался на посту.
That night he sleeps in a room full of toys. Then, the next morning, he goes to the office, trying to go on with his life.
Следующим утром он отправляется на работу, с мыслью, что надо продолжать жить дальше.
" Tonight, throughout Deadwood heads may be laid to pillow assuaged and reassured, for that purveyor for profit of everything sordid and vicious, Al Swearengen, already beaten to a fare-thee-well earlier in the day by Sheriff Bullock has returned to the sheriff the implements and ornaments of his office.
" Сегодня ночью Дедвуд может лечь спать мирно и спокойно ибо поставщик всемозможных низменных и порочных развлечений Эл Сверенджен, отмудоханный сегодня днём по-полной шерифом Буллоком, вернул ему шерифский инвентарь и регалии.
I'd like to take the rest of the week off to sort through his affairs, but I'll be in the office on Monday.
я хотела бы остатьс € дома до конца недели, прийти в себ €, но в понедельник € буду в офисе.
The chances are, he probably killed all his mates at the post office the day his mom forgot to put a cookie in his lunch tin.
Он, наверное, поубивал всех друзей на почте в тот день, когда мама забыла положить ему на обед печенья.
Dwight is special, but I don't believe that his talents are being used in this office.
Дуайт... особенный. Но, мне кажется, его таланты не используются в нашем офисе.
maybe because he knows his son better than any of us and the thought of what lex would do in office scares the hell out of him.
- Может, затем, что он знает своего сына лучше всех нас. И мысль о том, что может сотворить Лекс в коридорах власти, пугает даже его
So, Honecker comes into his office in the morning... opens the window, looks at the sun, and says uh, what's wrong?
Приходит Хонеккер утром к себе в кабинет, открывает окно, видит солнце и говорит... э-э... что случилось?
He sat in my dad's office and held his mummy's hand while he cried.
Он сидел в кабинете у папы и плакал, держа свою маму за руку.
He has worked with them and in this office demonstrated his competence.
Он работал с ними, и в церкви продемонстрировал свою компетентность.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his head 18
in his hands 21
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his office 22
office 169
officer 2766
in his hands 21
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his office 22
office 169
officer 2766
officers 467
offices 24
officer down 213
officer reagan 31
officer peck 20
officer needs help 24
officer mcnally 17
officer kalakaua 20
officer myers 18
officer milo 17
offices 24
officer down 213
officer reagan 31
officer peck 20
officer needs help 24
officer mcnally 17
officer kalakaua 20
officer myers 18
officer milo 17