They were engaged перевод на русский
60 параллельный перевод
They were engaged.
Они были помолвлены.
They were kids in school together, they were engaged, but it's busted up.
Они вместе учились, были помолвлены, но разошлись.
They were engaged, and he courted her six months.
Они обручились, и он ухаживал за ней шесть месяцев.
- They were engaged to be married.
- Они готовились к свадьбе.
And when they descended, it was to announce... that Ffynnon Garw was indeed a mountain - of 1,002 feet- - and that they were engaged to be married.
"И когда они спустились, им только оставалось объявить... "... что Флинен Гароу был на самом деле горой — одна тысяча и два фута [т. е. 305,4 метра]... "... и что они обручились, и что скоро будет их свадьба.
G'Quan believed they were engaged in a war far outside our own world.
Г'Кван верил, они были вовлечены в войну за приделами нашей планеты.
The royal marines, they were engaged in exercises.
Морская пехота. У них были учения.
They were engaged to be married 12 years ago.
- Они были помолвлены 12 лет назад.
No, they were engaged in various fields of inquiry and alchemic research.
Нет, сэр. Я приказал им обследовать окраины города и провести исследование с помощью алхимии.
But there was something about him so when she said they were engaged I told her I was against it but being my daughter, naturally she went ahead and married him anyway.
Но в нем было что-то такое поэтому когда она сказала, что они помолвились, я сказал что я против но поскольку "яблоко от яблони", то, конечно она не послушалась и все равно вышла за него.
They were engaged, so...
Они же были обручены.
- They were engaged?
- Они были обручены?
And besides, who doesn't tell their girlfriend that they were engaged to someone who works four feet away from them?
И еще... Как можно было не рассказать девушке, что ты был обручен с той, кто работает на расстоянии четырех шагов от тебя?
They were engaged...
Они были увлечены...
They were engaged, but his life fell apart.
Они были обручены, и его жизнь пошла крахом
A photo of her and Perry from a year ago when they were engaged.
Её фото с Перри годичной давности, когда они были обручены.
They were engaged.
Они были обручены.
Jake and Erica met six months ago, and three weeks later, they were engaged. So you don't believe in love at first sight?
Джейк познакомился с Эрикой полгода назад, и уже через три недели они были помолвлены.
No, I wouldn't say they were engaged.
Нет, я вовсе не к этому клоню.
I believed they were engaged in an illegal operation.
И что вас интересовало в "Кестрел"?
They were engaged?
Они были помолвлены?
- They were engaged.
- Они были помолвлены.
He took one look at her, and they were engaged a few months later.
И через несколько месяцев они были обручены.
They were engaged ;
Они с Иваки даже помолвлены были.
- They were engaged.
- Они были обручены.
They were engaged? Hm.
Они были обручены?
But many of them were not, and they were engaged in a ritual that had all but been institutionalized at this college.
Но большинство из них невиновны. Они участвовали в ритуале, которому не хватало только официального утверждения деканатом.
The last transmission said they were engaged then a helicopter showed up.
Последняя передача показывает, что мы остановились, а потом показался вертолёт.
Seeing me behind Daniel's back, even after they were engaged.
встречались за спиной у Дэниэла, даже после их помолвки.
They were engaged, ten years ago.
Они были обручены 10 лет назад.
Was it true that they were engaged to be wed?
Это правда, что они были помолвлены?
They were engaged, in fact, but Melissa broke up with him shortly before... she died.
Они были помолвлены, но Мелисса бросила его незадолго до... смерти.
Yeah, they were engaged for a little bit.
Да, они даже некоторое время были помолвлены.
Right before they were engaged.
Прямо перед их помолвкой.
They were engaged before George left Lemon at the altar for Zoe Hart.
Они были помолвлены пока Джордж не бросил Лемон у алтаря ради Зои Харт.
Rebecca and Alistair were up against a beast back then when they were engaged, and now here you and Vincent are up against another one- - now, engaged.
Реббека и Алистер сражались с ними, когда были помолвлены ; и вы с Винсентом сражаетесь с одним из них теперь, когда вы помолвлены.
She was engaged, they were about to marry, but he left to work in Belgium.
У неё был жених, с которым она собиралась вступить в брак. Он уехал работать в Бельгию.
Apparently, they never were engaged.
Оказалось, они даже помолвлены не были.
- They were so engaged.
Никогда не видел их столь заинтересованными.
We were engaged and they found out about me and I got fired.
Мы собирались пожениться и а потом в банке узнали обо мне, и они меня уволили.
I believe they were engaged to be married.
Полагаю, они хотели пожениться.
The horror was so ruthless that the victims, those who had to confess and demand death penalty for themselves and so on, were deprived of the minimum of their dignity, so that they behaved as puppets, they engaged in dialogues
Страх был настолько силен, что жертвы, те, кто должен был сознаваться, просить для себя смертной казни и так далее, были лишены даже самого малого достоинства, поэтому они были похожи на марионеток, вели диалоги,
They were about to get engaged.
Они собирались обвенчаться.
But they were strangers and seemed off-put when I engaged in friendly stall-to-stall chit-chat.
Но они были незнакомые, и, похоже, смущались, когда я начинала дружескую болтовню между кабинками.
I mean, when they got engaged, they were so in love.
Когда они обручились, были влюблены без памяти.
She thought they were going to get engaged.
Она думала, что они обручатся.
Were they engaged before Abraham was obliged...
Они были помолвлены до того, как Эбрахам подчинился долгу...
They were engaged to be married.
Они были помолвлены.
Would that be okay, like, if they were to get hitched Or engaged or something?
Ну, скажем, женился или обручился или что-то типа того?
- Members of my team were engaged in a separate investigation when they saw Evan Lee Hartley.
Члены моей команды занимались специальным расследованием когда они увидели Эвана Ли Хартли.
They were sympathetic, engaged, connected.
Они сочувствовали, слушали, прониклись.
they weren't there 24
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were right 58
they were not 22
they were gone 49
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were right 58
they were not 22
they were gone 49