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She was all right перевод на турецкий

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She was all right.
İyi bir kız.
It said nothing except that she was all right.
Iyi oldugundan baska hiçbir sey yazmamis.
- She was all right.
- İyi biriydi.
Maybe she was all right and maybe Christmas comes in July.
Belki iyi bir kadındı, belki Noel de Temmuz'dadır.
Stupid of me to meet her so near home, but I'd got to see she was all right. Of course you had.
Onunla eve bu kadar yakın buluşmam aptalcaydı fakat iyi olduğunu görmeliydim.
I wanted to be sure she was all right.
İyi olduğundan emin olmak istedim.
But she was all right a minute ago.
Ama bir dakika önce iyiydi.
- Oh, she was all right.
- İyi biriydi.
- No, but she was all right. It was him.
- Hayır, onda sıkıntı yoktu.
She was all right.
Ona bir şey olmadı.
She was all right... but my favorite is Rita Hayworth.
Fena değildi. Ama benim favorim Rita Hayworth.
Al, when I last spoke to San Juan, they said they thought she was all right.
San Juan emniyetiyle konuştum, hatunun iyi olduğunu düşünüyorlar. Düşünüyorlar demek?
If my wife was watching, then she'd know. Just how much I loved her... and how I'm suffering without her right now. She'd know all that.
Burada olsaydı onu ne kadar sevdiğimi, ne kadar acı çektiğimi mutlaka bilirdi.
After that she was all right.
- Bir viski daha istiyorum.
Will she really be all right, just as she was before?
Gerçekten de önceki gibi iyileşecek mi?
- Was she... Were they all right?
İyiler miydi?
She was yare, all right.
Evet, çok yamandı.
Are you trying to tell me because he comes and they see her with him, driving and all that they think that they were right in saying that she was in love with him before? Before my father died?
Yani sen onun buraya sık sık geldiğini, birlikte gezdiklerini insanların gördüğünü, ve babam ölmeden önce annemim Morgan'ı sevdiğini mi söylemeye çalışıyorsun?
She wrote and said everything was all right.
Mektup yazmıştı ve her şeyin yolunda olduğunu söylemişti.
There he was on his knees, I had all that dough right in my hand... - and she has to go and blow her top. - Then what happened?
Adam diz çökmüştü, bütün mangırlar avucumdaydı ama Molly bir öfke patlamasıyla kaçtı.
No, no, Gus, she was real enough all right.
Hayır Gus, son derece gerçekti.
Oh, I guess she was telling the truth, all right.
Oh, sanırım doğruyu söylüyordu.
My mistake was saying, "All right, yeah. That's the way she loves me, that's the way I'll take it."
Benim hatam da "Tamam, o beni böyle seviyor, ben de bunu kabul edeceğim." demek oldu.
She's all right, but the man was killed.
O iyi, ama adam öldü.
Ladies and gentlemen... on behalf of Gladys Glover, she just wants me to say that, well... she was a little overwhelmed, but she's all right now.
Bayanlar ve baylar Gladys Glover adına, size dememi istedi ki, şey sadece biraz duygulanmıştı, ama artık kendine geldi.
She was smart, all right.
Kadın akıllıydı, doğru.
Owen, are you all right? - She was so scared.
- Ben birşey düşünmedim, o benim düşüncem değildi.
All right then, you admit you were waiting for your ex-wife the night she was killed?
Pekala o zaman, öldürüldüğü gece eski karını beklediğini kabul ediyorsun.
Oh, she was in Europe, all right, before the murder and just after.
Oh, cinayet öncesi ve sonrası elbette Avrupada idi.
All right, she found out, but why tell her it was you?
Peki, öğrendi, ama kadının sen olduğunu niye söyleyesin?
She was just trying to help you. Yeah, well, she sure helped, all right.
- Sadece sana yardım etmek istiyordu.
She was high all right.
I'm sure she'll be all right, but I wish there was something I could do for Mary.
Yakında düzelir ama Mary için yapabileceğim bir şeylerin olmasını isterim.
Was she all right?
İyi miydi?
Wasn't she physical enough? She was physical, all right.
- Yeterince girişken değil miydi?
She was here, all right.
Buradaydı, tamam.
She was tellin'the truth all right.
Doğruyu söylüyormuş.
When the phone rang, she ran to the phone, picked up the receiver... and she never asked her husband if he was all right.
Telefon çalınca, uzandı, ahizeyi aldı. Bir kere bile kocasına nasıl olduğunu sormadı.
All right, may be she was my daughter in some previous life but but she isn't now.
Pekala, belki daha önceki yaşamımda benim kızımdı, fakat.. ama şimdi değil.
- Was she all right?
- İyi miydi?
She said it was all right.
"Tamam" dedi.
She was upset about something, all right?
Bir şeye üzülmüştü tamam mı?
She was real all right.
Kız gerçekten harikaydı.
- She was on the run, all right, but it wasn't some penny-ante bullshit, was it?
- Kaçıyordu, ama önemsiz bir saçmalık değildi, değil mi?
Oh, yes. She was a cute one, all right.
Oh, evet. çok tatlı bir kızdı.
And then there was love, yeah, yeah she was in love all right
Sonra da ortaya aşk çıktı ;
She wanted to know if I was all right.
İyi olup olmadığımı bilmek istiyormuş.
- Was she feelin'all right last night? - She felt great to me.
- Dün gece kendini iyi mi hissediyordu?
So, she was perfectly all right.
Şey, o tamamen iyi durumda.
I was stuck with Amy for a while. She's all right.
Bir süre Amy ile kaldım.
I knew who she was, all right?
Kim olduğunu biliyordum, tamam mı?

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