Was the перевод на турецкий
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This was the first generation of American women to have independent income en masse, and when the men came back, the women weren't the same. American women had grown.
Topluca bağımsız geliri olan ilk Amerikalı kadın nesliydi onlar ve erkekler döndüğünde kadınlar artık değişmiş, olgunlaşmışlardı.
The fourth time is not the funniest time, but it was the last time I'd see the Juice.
Dördüncü en komiği olmasa da Juice'u son görüşüm oldu.
"Where was the secret serum?" is what we all said.
"Gizli ilacı nerede?" dedik hepimiz.
Last month, on the front of The New York Times, the measles was the headline.
Geçen ay The New York Times'ın manşetinde kızamık vardı.
It was so bad, the teacher looked at all the kids and was like...
O kadar kötüydü ki öğretmenimiz bize bakıp dedi ki...
And them little teddy bears would lock arms... and stare at the problem... and I'm not even bullshitting... actual love would shoot out of their chests... and would dispel anything that was fucked up.
Sonra ayıcıklar kol kola girip... soruna dik dik bakarlardı. Ve gerçekten sallamıyorum, göğüslerinden sevgi fışkırır, kötü olan her şeyi yok ederdi.
And while that was happening in Europe, here in America, for the first time, women entered the workforce en masse, by the millions.
Avrupa'da bunlar yaşanırken Amerika'da ise ilk defa milyonlarca kadın topluca iş gücüne dâhil oldu.
And then behind the scenes of that, there was a little-known government agency that started testing mind control drugs on the American public.
Tüm bunların arka planındaysa az bilinen bir devlet kurumu, Amerika halkı üzerinde zihin kontrol ilaçları denemeye başladı.
And for the first time, there was a new school of thought that was chemically induced that made people question the very society they lived in.
Tarihte ilk defa, kimyasal etkisiyle gelişen yeni bir düşünce akımı başladı ve insanların, yaşadıkları toplumu sorgulamalarını sağladı.
By 1960, the President of the United States was only 42 years old.
1960'a gelindiğinde Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Başkanı yalnızca 42 yaşındaydı.
He was gonna avoid the Cold War.
Soğuk Savaş'tan kaçınacaktı.
This country was never the same.
Bu ülke bir daha eskisi gibi olmadı.
Anyone that stood up and said anything was shot down in the streets like a fucking dog.
Ayağa kalkıp konuşan herkes birer sokak köpeği gibi sokak ortasında vuruldu.
But the show didn't go so good... all because I was talking about Bill Cosby a little bit.
Ama gösteri pek iyi gitmedi, sırf birazcık Bill Cosby'den bahsettim diye.
I didn't realize it at first, but not only did she say that, she was rushing the stage.
İlk başta fark etmemiştim ama bunu söylemekle kalmayıp aynı zamanda sahneye de koşuyormuş meğer.
You was in on the heist.
Sen de parçasıydın.
God damn, nigga, I didn't know we was going all the way back to Egypt. "
Ta Mısır'a kadar gittiğimizi bilmiyordum lan. "
Perhaps if she looked at it correctly, she would have empathy for me, the man she was attacking, a 42-year-old black comedian.
Ama duruma biraz daha doğru baksaydı benimle empati kurabilirdi. Saldırdığı adamla yani, 42 yaşındaki siyahi bir komedyenle.
Just then, Kevin came around the corner to see who it was.
Tam o anda Kevin kim gelmiş diye bakmaya geldi.
Then I looked over in the corner, and there was a box of custom-made jerseys for the local team.
Sonra köşeye baktım, içinde yerel futbol takımının formaları olan bir kutu vardı.
Each one was hand-stitched, and on the back, they stitched on "K-Hart" on all of them.
Hepsi elle dikilmişti, arkalarında da "K-Hart" yazıyordu.
I heard that when Martin Luther King stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and said he had a dream, he was speaking into a PA system that Bill Cosby paid for.
Duydum ki Martin Luther King, Lincoln Anıtı'nın basamaklarında "Bir hayalim var," dediğinde konuştuğu mikrofon ve hoparlörlerin parasını Bill Cosby ödemiş.
For some reason, I was at the Kentucky Derby.
Bir nedenden ötürü Kentucky Derbisi'ndeydim.
I was in Santa Fe the other night, and a motherfucker threw a banana peel at me.
Geçen akşam Santa Fe'deydim ve yavşağın teki bana muz kabuğu attı.
The peel was too brown.
Kabuk fazla kararmıştı.
And the whole crowd was white, so it just got instantly creepy, and everyone looked like they were looking at 12 Years a Slave.
Tüm seyirciler de beyazdı, o yüzden iş birden ürkütücü bir hâl aldı ve herkes 12 Yıllık Esaret izliyormuşçasına bakmaya başladı.
And then they arrested the guy, which was...
Sonra adamı gözaltına aldılar ki bu da...
And it was wintertime, and it had snowed recently, so there's huge snowdrifts on the street.
Kış vaktiydi ve birkaç gün önce kar yağmıştı, sokaklarda büyük kar yığınları vardı.
He was caught in the traffic.
Trafikte takıldı.
And the one guy in the back seat- - I don't know what, he was just cockier than his friends.
Arka koltuktakilerden biri... nedense arkadaşlarından daha ukalaydı.
And when the mom came in and she saw it was me, she busted out crying.
Anneleri geldiğinde beni tanıdı ve ağlamaya başladı.
There it was said they administered what The New York Times called "a secret serum."
Onlara, The New York Times'ın gizli serum addettiği bir ilaç verildiği söylendi.
After that, I was like, "Fuck going to the doctor."
Ondan sonra, "Sikmişim doktorları," dedim.
And the tape was terrible.
Korkunç bir kayıttı.
But it turned out that the black guy he was speaking of was none other than Magic Johnson, the billionaire!
Ama meğerse bahsettiği siyahi adam, bildiğimiz, milyarder Magic Johnson'mış!
The other big sports story was, fucking, Ray Rice's tape.
Diğer bir büyük spor haberi de Ray Rice'ın videosu.
It's the most violent thing I've seen happen to a woman that was shot in color.
Bir kadının başına gelen, görüp göreceğim, renkli çekilmiş en vahşi şey.
The NFL was told by a federal judge they had to reinstate Ray Rice because he was transparent with their investigation.
Federal bir hâkim, NFL'e, soruşturmadaki şeffaflığından ötürü Ray Rice'ı geri işe almalarını emretti.
What's really fucked up is the tape was made before they were married.
Asıl pislik, videonun onlar evlenmeden önce çekilmiş olması.
And I asked the girls- - we was in a coffee klatch.
Sordum... kahve buluşmasındaydık,
And what I was doing when I said that was preserving the possibility of a threesome with these bitches.
Bunu söylerken asıl yaptığım şeyse bu kaltaklarla üçlü yapma ihtimalimi korumaktı.
I asked that crowd when we was in Denver, "Is the word'pussy'offensive?" And the whole crowd said no, except for two people.
Denver'daki seyircilere "'Amcık'kırıcı bir sözcük mü? " dediğimde iki kişi hariç herkes hayır demişti.
One was a woman in the front, older than me, maybe around my age.
Biri önlerden bir kadındı, benden büyüktü, belki yaşıtızdır.
And before I could ask her why, there was one guy in the balcony- -
Nedenini soramadan balkondaki bir eleman...
The pussy was juicy.
Amcığı sulu suluymuş.
'Cause if I was in a hot tub with a girl, and I could tell that the pussy was juicy while I was in the hot tub, That's why I'm not Lil Wayne.
O yüzden Lil Wayne değilim.
And then after high school, word on the street was he had come out the closet.
Liseden sonra, dedikodulara göre eşcinsel olarak açılmıştı.
It's not that I didn't care, but I was- - I don't like talking on the phone.
Umurumda olmadığımdan değil de... Telefonda konuşmayı sevmiyorum.
I was watching TV at the same time.
Aynı anda televizyon izliyordum.
One night, I'd smoked a bunch of weed, and I was eating a sandwich, and Baba came over- - Baba is the dog.
Bir gece bir sürü ot içtikten sonra sandviçimi yiyordum ki Baba geldi... Baba, köpeğin adı.
There was a FedEx sitting on the kitchen table, and it was addressed to me, so I opened it.
Mutfak tezgâhında bir FedEx kutusu vardı ve bana gelmişti, açtım.
was there something else 49
was there anything else 50
was there a problem 17
was there 147
was there an accident 16
therese 78
then 34485
there 14012
theatre 45
theo 635
was there anything else 50
was there a problem 17
was there 147
was there an accident 16
therese 78
then 34485
there 14012
theatre 45
theo 635
theme 39
the better 784
theresa 292
there you go 7508
these 760
theodore 193
theater 45
they 3238
therefore 1419
the simpsons 168
the better 784
theresa 292
there you go 7508
these 760
theodore 193
theater 45
they 3238
therefore 1419
the simpsons 168
them 588
there you are 4720
the world is yours 18
the big bang theory 136
theory 66
theft 135
themselves 24
their 132
therapist 58
thee 27
there you are 4720
the world is yours 18
the big bang theory 136
theory 66
theft 135
themselves 24
their 132
therapist 58
thee 27