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Patron sensin перевод на английский

742 параллельный перевод
- Patron sensin.
- You're the boss.
- Patronun ben olduğunu ne zaman öğreneceksin? - Tabi ki patron sensin.
When are you gonna learn that I am the boss?
Patron sensin, patron.
You're the boss, boss.
Patron sensin.
You're the boss.
Bir iş bir de özel hayat vardır, Pépé. İş konusunda patron sensin.
There are two things, Pepe For business, you're the boss
Patron sensin.
You're the doctor.
Patron sensin.
You're the big shot around here.
Bence evlilik hayatına başlamak için yanlış bir yöntem... ama patron sensin.
It seems the wrong way to start out married life... but you're the boss.
- Tamam, patron sensin.
- Okay, you're the boss.
Patron sensin!
You're the master here!
Belki patron sensin, duyalım bakalım.
Maybe you are, let's hear you say it.
Kabul, patron sensin.
Okay. You're the boss man.
- Patron sensin.
- You're the boss, man.
Sana söylemiştim ; Ben hayattayken The Furies senin, patron sensin.
- The Furies is yours to use and boss with me in my lifetime.
Pekala, patron sensin.
Okay, you're the boss.
Patron sensin.
Anything you say, boss.
Patron sensin, al o zaman.
You're the boss, take.
Şimdi patron sensin.
You boss man, now.
Tamam, Toni, patron sensin.
OK, Tony, you the boss.
Patron sensin.
You the boss.
Patron sensin Vance.
You're the boss, Vance.
Tamam, patron sensin.
OK, you're the boss.
Pekala, Harbin, burada patron sensin.
All right, Harbin, you're the boss around here.
Ne de olsa, artık patron sensin.
After all, you're the boss now.
Pekala, patron sensin.
All right, you're the boss.
Patron sensin, Joe.
You're the boss, Joe.
Patron sensin baba.
Bud. - Hi.
Tamam, patron sensin.
I got it, Boss.
- Patron sensin.
- You are boss.
Şimdi patron sensin.
You're boss now.
Ben senin astınım. Patron sensin.
I'm your inferior, your crew.
- Ama patron sensin.
- But you're the boss.
Bir şey istediğinde, düğmeye bas - artık patron sensin.
Anything you want, press a button - you're the boss.
Patron sensin, karar ver!
You're the boss, decide!
Bana ihtiyacım olanı getir! Patron sensin.
- Or what are you gonna do?
Peki, patron sensin.
All right, You're the boss,
Josa, patron sensin.
José! You're the boss!
Patron sensin.
You're the man.
Tamam patron sensin.
OK. You're the boss.
Patron sensin Brian.
You're the boss, Brian.
Patron sensin Arthur.
You're the boss, Arthur.
Peki, patron sensin.
Okay, you're the boss.
Mmm, patron sensin.
Mmm, you're the boss.
Patron sensin, başkası değil.
You're the boss. No one else.
Patron sensin imzalayabilirsin.
You're the boss, you can sign.
Demek patron sensin.
You're the boss?
- Artık patron sensin.
- You're it now.
- Sen. Patron kovboy sensin.
- You. You are boss wrangler.
Kisuke'yi öldüren sensin, ve oğlum gibi sevdiğim Patron Sakichi'nin de başı senin yüzünden büyük belada.
Kisuke died by your hand, and Sakichi boss, who's like a son to me is in big trouble because of you.
Patron sensin.
- Well, you're the boss.
Burada patron sensin.
Well, you're the boss here.

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