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Yeterince adil перевод на английский

373 параллельный перевод
Bu yeterince adil mi?
Is that fair enough for you?
Yeterince adil bi soru, doktor.
A fair enough question, doctor.
Bana yeterince adil göründü.
Seems fair enough to me.
Yeterince adil.
That's fair enough. I'll earn it.
Yeterince adil mi?
Fair enough?
Yeterince adil değil mi?
Ain't that fair and square?
Bu yeterince adil.
That's fair enough.
Yeterince adil olacağım.
- I know. I'm gonna use good judgement.
Eğer, bir Norman'ı öldüren ilk kişi olursam, tek bir Norman'ı... Bu benim en doğal hakkım ve bana yeterince adil bir iş gibi görünecektir.
If I can kill one Norman first, just one, that'll seem fair and right enough to me.
Bu yeterince adil, değil mi?
That's fair, isn't it?
Yeterince adil.
- Fair enough.
Oh, yeterince adil.
Oh, just fair.
- Fakat, bu yeterince adil değil.
- Well, that's not good enough!
- Benim için yeterince adil.
- Well, that's fair enough with me.
Bu yeterince adil.
That's good enough.
Yeterince adil.
- Makes sense in this.
Bu yeterince adil.
It's a fair deal.
Bu yeterince adil!
Well that's fair enough.
Bence bu yeterince adil.
I think that sounds square.
Yeterince adil, Lordum.
Fair enough, my Lord.
Yeterince adil değil mi?
Fair enough?
Yeterince adil!
This is fair.
Seninde benim ki hakkında sorman yeterince adil.
Only fair you should ask about mine.
- Aslında yeterince adil.
It's absolutely fair.
Evet bence senin hakkında herşeyi bildiğimi söylemem yeterince adil.
Yes, I think it's fairly safe to say that I know everything there is to know about you.
- Yeterince adil. Pekâlâ ya kaldırımı temizlersiniz ya da kendi mezarınızı kazarsınız.
- You can either shovel the walk or you can dig your own graves
Yeterince adil mi?
- Fair enough?
- Yeterince adil.
Yeterince adil davranmadığımın farkındayım.
I know I haven't been very fair.
Oldu, yeterince adil.
Alright, fair enough
Yeterince Adil.
Lois :
Sanırım bu yeterince adil.
I guess that's fair enough.
Yeterince adil.
That's fair enough.
Sana yeterince adil ödedim.
I paid you fair.
Pekala, yeterince adil.
All right, that's fair enough.
Yeterince adil görünüyor.
That seems fair.
Yeterince adil. Bunu hak ettim sanırım.
Fair enough. I deserve that, I guess.
Tamam, yeterince adil.
All right, fair enough.
- Tamam, yeterince adil.
- Okay, that sounds fair. - ( All Groaning )
Bence bu yeterince adil olur.
That's fair enough, you know.
Tamam yeterince adil bu.
OK. Fair enough.
Tamam, yeterince adil.
Okay. Fair enough.
Kemiğe kadar dayandı, Yeterince adil davranmadım mı ona?
Push come to shove, I've been fair to him, ain't I?
- Yeterince adil. Merhaba? Anne?
Is everybody coming?
Yeterince adil.
All right, fair enough.
Ama o zaman yeterince adil olmaz.
But then it won't be fair enough.
Yeterince adil, öyle değil mi?
Fair enough, isn't it? - Okay.
Yeterince adil.
Well, that's fair enough.
- Yeterince adil.
- Fair enough.
Yeterince adil.
Fair enough.
Bu yeterince adil mi?
How's that for square?

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