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As it turns out Çeviri İspanyolca

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Well, as it turns out, you can now watch your game with a clear conscience.
Bueno, como resulta, ahora puede ver el juego con la conciencia tranquila.
As it turns out, it wasn't such a bad thing to do.
El caso es que la cosa no salió tan mal.
But as it turns out, Mrs. Fletcher, the evidence all points to your -
Pero parece que las pruebas señalan a su...
I was a little ticked off when Diane said she wanted to sell the house, but as it turns out, I think we're going to make a- - that's good, Woody- - make a nice little profit here.
Yo estaba un poco disparada cuando Diane dijo que quería vender la casa, pero como resulta, creo que vamos a hacer A- - eso es bueno, Woody- - hacer una pequeña ganancia agradable aquí.
Oh, as it turns out, he was only wounded, and although he suffered, uh, years of torture, see, uh, uh, somehow, he managed to, uh, dig a tunnel with a pair of chopsticks
Oh, como resulta, él sólo estaba herido, , y aunque sufrió, uh, los años de tortura, ver, uh, uh, de alguna manera, se las arregló para, uh, cavar un túnel con un par de palillos de y... hacer su camino a una, uh, teléfono público
Yeah, well, Fritz, as a matter of fact, as it turns out, I'm keeping her...
- Pues parece que la cuidaré...
Well, i thought i needed it, But as it turns out... I don't.
Creí que las necesitaba, pero según han ido las cosas... no es así.
So as it turns out, this has become an engagement party.
Por lo que parece, esto es una fiesta de compromiso.
As it turns out, cellular and biological activity is halted for a period of time when electricity is introduced.
Resulta que la actividad biologica y molecular se interrumpe cuando es afectada porla electricidad.
As it turns out she was in the car with Sherman McCoy when he had his little mishap.
Parece ser que... estaba con Sherman McCoy en el coche cuando él tuvo el pequeño accidente.
As it turns out...
Con razón, mira el precio.
- No as it turns out you were as crazy as her.
- No resultó que estabas tan loca como ella.
As it turns out, I may have some free time starting tomorrow.
Te diré algo. Desde mañana tendré algún tiempo libre.
As it turns out... Mrs. Claus merely undercooked my figgy pudding.
Pues resulta que la Sra. Claus simplemente sobrecosió mi pudin de higos.
- Well, we get to talking and as it turns out, the woman knew Gandhi.
- Pues nos pusimos a hablar y resulta que la mujer conoció a Gandhi.
As it turns out, I dreamed myself across time, fueled by my own will, something the Terrians don't have.
A pesar de eso, yo me transporté en sueños por el tiempo movido por mi propia voluntad algo que los Terrianos no pueden hacer.
A spy, as it turns out.
Ha resultado ser una espía.
That's wonderful, because... as it turns out, that's exactly the portion of my anatomy... I'd like to see exposed to radiation.
Es la parte de mi cuerpo que más... me gustaría ver irradiada.
And as it turns out, despite our best efforts you're the only people car pooling in all of Chicago.
Y resulta que, a pesar de nuestros esfuerzos Ustedes son los únicos compartiendo el auto en Chicago.
- As it turns out, Delia can't go.
- Resulta que Delia no puede venir.
I thought incorrectly, as it turns out, that I might... accidentally have become pregnant.
Pensé equivocadamente que... podía haberme quedado embarazada.
But as it turns out, he had a thing for young girls.
Pero resultó que le gustaban las chicas jóvenes.
I checked over the figures on those foreign bonds you bought, and as it turns out, you haven't made $ 43 million, you've lost it.
Revisé los números de Ios bonos que compró y resulta que no ganó 43 millones de dólares. Los perdió.
Well, honey, as it turns out, my, my blood tests are fine.
de acuerdo a mi examen de sangre estoy bien.
I decided not to take the trip, as it turns out, so...
Decidí no hacer el viaje, así que...
Easier said than done, as it turns out.
Es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo.
Bad weather. Wasrt familiar, perhaps, with the proper route. But as it turns out, everybody was quite happy to be where they were.
Pero lo que pasó fue que se había equivocado : mal tiempo no conocía el camino correcto pero resulta que todos estaban felices de estar allí.
As it turns out Mr. Shimokawa collects junk cars and he wants to buy yours.
Resulta que el Sr. Shimokawa colecciona coches chatarra y quiere comprar el tuyo.
Yes, well... the Arturo on this world decided - very smartly as it turns out - that his chances of returning were minimal. So he chickened out.
Sí, bueno... el Arturo de este mundo decidió... brillantemente, a mi modo de ver... que sus posibilidades de regresar eran mínimas, así que se acobardó.
I chose to stay with you until death do us part, which, as it turns out, is a hell of a lot longer than I thought.
¿ Está todo bien? Elegí estar contigo hasta que la muerte nos separe lo que es mucho más tiempo de lo que imaginé...
But as it turns out I don't think I'm handling it all that well.
Pero parece que no lo estoy manejando bien.
As it turns out, his name was Lester lvar. He was a retired cop.
Resultó ser un tal Lester Ivar, un policía retirado.
As it turns out, there wasn't anything wrong with my implants at all.
Parece que no había nada malo con mis implantes.
But as it turns out, her daughter Sadako was even more powerful.
Pero su hija Sadako tenía un poder aún mayor.
Well, as it turns out, we need you sooner.
Bueno, lo cambio por un "pronto".
But, as it turns out, all I have is the power to make her angry at me... which is still a pretty good power.
Pero sólo tengo el poder de enojarse conmigo. Eso sigue siendo un buen poder.
You know, as it turns out, I know someone who knows you.
Sabias, resulta que conozco a alguien que te conoce.
So as it turns out, no one was to blame for the riot.
¿ Y entonces? Resultó que nadie fue culpable del motín,
I was exposed to a virus but as it turns out, Mulder, that virus is not what you thought.
Fui expuesta a un virus pero como resultó ser, Mulder, ese virus no es lo que piensas.
Actually, as it turns out, they are looking for a place to live.
Además, están buscando dónde vivir, así que...
As it turns out, neither of us had to go very far to find out.
- No hemos ido lejos para averiguarlo.
But not, as it turns out, yogurt.
Pero no el yogurt.
It turns out, eventually, that the press had got hold of the wrong end of the stick, as per usual.
Al final resultó que la prensa se había equivocado de persona...
And if... Dinky, is it? Turns out to be as right a candidate for Lancer as we think, we'll have her tucked away by the weekend.
Y si Dinky es una candidata adecuada para Lancer, se integrará en una semana.
Well, it turns out that wrestlers move around as much as the military, but don't worry, we'll get something soon.
Parece que los luchadores se mudan tanto como los soldados. Pero no te preocupes, pronto sabremos algo.
Aunt Juley regards this... now it turns out it's safe as houses, and Mr. Bast should never have left... at a greatly reduced salary.
La tía Juley considera que esto... y ahora resulta que son muy confiables, y el Sr. Bast nunca debió dejar por otro puesto a un salario mucho menor.
Now if that ain't enough, it turns out as a bonus that Yo-yo was Escobar's nephew.
Y como si esto fuera poco, Yo-yo es el sobrino de Escobar.
As long as I'm here now and have come this far, – – well, I might as well stay here and see how it all turns out.
... y ya que ya hemos llegado hasta aquí tal vez me quede para ver en qué termina todo.
- It's not as bad as it looks. It turns out that he was giving these kids a speech about saying no to drugs.
Les estaba dando una charla sobre cómo decir no a las drogas.
It turns out I don't have as many thoughts as you'd think.
Pero resulta que no tengo tantos como parece.
And now, it turns out she's in the café just as this little bauble arrives.
Y ahora resulta que está aquí justo cuando llega este regalo.

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