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Buy it Çeviri İspanyolca

11,287 parallel translation
You know who wants to buy it? No one.
¿ Saben quién quiere comprarlo?
Break it, you buy it.
Lo rompes, lo compras.
Because we are a company that's about to go public. And what it does is that it saves us in case some random white dude wants to come and try to buy it from under us. Right, Dre?
Porque somos una compañía que está a punto de salir a bolsa y lo que esto hace es protegernos en caso de que algún tipo blanco quiera venir e intentar comprar esto por detrás de nosotros, verdad, Dre?
No, I don't buy it.
No, no me lo trago.
Have any extra, I'll buy it off you.
Yo te la compro.
You want me to buy it?
¿ Quiere que se lo compre?
Unless she didn't buy it.
A menos que ella no la comprara.
In what world is Venus Williams a Victorian-era executioner I buy it.
En qué mundo es Venus Williams un verdugo de la época victoriana lo compro.
I just... I always buy it off him, and the other day I didn't have enough, and he said I could give it to him when I saw him again, and now I don't know where he is.
Es que siempre le compro a él, y el otro día no llevaba bastante, y me dijo que podía dárselo cuando volviera a verle, pero ahora no sé dónde está.
I always buy it off him, and I didn't have the right change, and, anyway, I always say, "Keep the change,"
Siempre se la compro a él, y no tenía cambio, y de todas formas, siempre le digo "Quédate la vuelta,"
I just thought maybe one day you'll regret it and then, well, you can buy it back from me, for more than I paid.
solo pensé que quizás un día lo lamentarás y entonces, bueno, me la puedes recomprar, por más de lo que yo pagué.
You read that a bunch, or you buy it used?
¿ Has leído ese muchas veces o es que lo has comprado usado?
You break it, you buy it.
Si lo rompes, lo compras.
I want to buy it.
Quiero comprarlo.
Yeah, because if it said Northern Irish whiskey, no one would buy it.
Si. porque si dijera whisky de Irlanda del Norte, ndie lo compraria.
We didn't buy it.
Nosotros no lo compramos.
And I used your Black Card to buy it. Have a great day.
Y lo compré con tu tarjeta.
What if they don't buy it?
¿ Qué pasa si no se la creen?
- I don't buy it.
- Yo no me la creo.
I didn't buy it.
No lo creí.
I don't buy it.
No lo creo.
You're not the only person who wants to buy it.
No eres la única persona que quiere comprarlo.
No, I don't buy it.
No me lo creo.
It works great for those who can afford to buy it.
Funciona de manera genial para los que pueden comprarla.
- I want to buy it.
- Quiero comprarlo.
God, it is so tempting... to buy into this act.
Dios, es tan tentador creer esta actuación.
And when the bank foreclosed, you had the right to buy it, which you did at a knock-down price, leaving Scott with the debts.
Tranquilo con Anita y Michael cuando los vea, señor Gently.
He was gonna buy into Creedmoor'cause his grandson is a rapper, so it's not gonna be hard to convince him to buy into Empire, instead.
Iba a comprar en Creedmoor porque su nieto es un rapero, así que no va a ser muy difícil convencerlo de comprar en Empire, en su lugar.
If we give Mark what he wants, it could buy us more time.
Si le damos a Mark lo que quiere podríamos ganar tiempo.
They'll be wanting to buy a lot of the stuff, to make it convincing when they take over.
Querrán comprar un montón de cosas, para hacerlo convincente cuando se hagan cargo.
I assume he used it to buy his restaurant.
Asumo que lo usó para comprarse su restaurante.
Because it was owed to me and I needed it to send to Pearl's aunty so she could buy her a proper headstone.
Porque se me debía y lo necesitaba para enviárselo a la tía de Pearl para que pudiera comprarle una lápida adecuada.
It's why I need this promotion, sir - to buy a place of my own.
Por eso necesito este ascenso, señor, para comprar un lugar propio.
- Okay. Pro... It'd be fun to buy something.
- Pro : sería divertido comprar algo.
It will take more to buy a fired employee.
Se necesita algo más para comprar a un empleado despedido.
Buy a power washer, hook it up to your house.
Compra una manguera, y conéctala en tu casa.
I mean yeah, I can fake it. " Hey, let's all go to the ball game, then we can shoot stuff and buy houses we can't afford.
Es decir, sí, puedo fingir. Vamos al juego de pelota, luego podemos disparar y comprar casas que podamos pagar.
You made it look like she was sleeping so you could buy enough time to escape the crime scene.
Hicieron parecer que estaba durmiendo... para tener suficiente tiempo para escapar de la escena del crimen.
He hired us to install the box and clone the cards and buy the goods, that's it.
Nos contrató para instalar la caja, clonar las tarjetas... y comprar los artículos, es todo.
Buy enough of his junk for double what it cost, he's amenable to signing a release, get you R.O.R.'d
Compré suficiente de su mierda por el doble de su valor para que esté dispuesto a firmar vuestra liberación, conseguir que salgáis.
You know when it makes sense to buy a gun?
¿ Sabes cuándo tiene sentido comprar un arma?
It is the pact between my kind and yours, and in exchange, you buy us brunch sometimes.
Es el pacto entre tu clase y la mía, y a cambio, a veces nos invitáis al brunch.
I remember you did not buy a jacket because it was too expensive.
Pensé en el abrigo que no tuviste porque era caro.
Well, either you buy into the destiny of it all or you don't, but... Who says?
Bueno, ya sé que crees en el destino de todo o no, pero... ¿ quién lo dice?
The birdhouse, I'm giving it to my granddaughter as a birthday gift, which means I need to go buy gift wrap before Pat's Crafts closes, which means I'm gonna need to wrap this up.
Con la casa para pájaros, voy a dársela a mi nieta de regalo de cumpleaños, lo que significa que tengo que terminarla antes de que cierre la tienda de papel de regalo lo que significa que tengo que acabar ya con esto.
It's your party, and I'll buy if I want to.
Es tu fiesta... y voy a pagarla si quiero.
We buy this stuff for 5, we cut it, we sell it for 15.
Compramos esa mierda por cinco, la cortamos y la vendemos por 15.
It's been my wife's dream to buy an NFL team for a long time.
Mi mujer llevaba años soñando con tener un equipo de la NFL.
I mean, I could buy your ticket, but I don't think it's gonna be 200.
Bueno, podría comprarte la entrada, pero no creo que cueste 200.
It is possible to buy more here.
Es posible comprar más aquí.
- I buy it.
- Me cuadra.

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