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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Chandler bing

Chandler bing Çeviri İspanyolca

52 parallel translation
Hello, Chandler Bing!
Hola, Chandler Bing.
You wish, Chandler Bing!
Eso quisieras, Chandler Bing.
Chandler Bing, it's time to see your thing.
Chandler Bing, es hora de ver tu cosa.
You love me, Chandler Bing!
¡ Me amas, Chandlercito!
- Chandler Bing?
- ¿ Chandler Bing?
"Nice to meet you, Chandler Bing. Bing!"
"Mucho gusto, Chandler Bing. ¡ Bing!"
" Great apartment, Chandler Bing.
" Lindo departamento, Chandler Bing.
This photographer who seemed really dull and this actor guy who I'm not sure about because when I answered the phone "Chandler Bing" he said, "Whoa! Short message!"
Un fotógrafo medio torpe y un tipo del que no estoy seguro porque dije : "Chandler Bing" y contestó : "¡ Mensaje corto!"
Goodbye, Chandler Bing.
Adiós, Chandler Bing.
Who would've thought that someday Chandler Bing would buy me a drawer?
¿ Quién habría pensado que un día Chandler Bing me compraría eso?
The manager, Chandler Bing.
El gerente, Chandler Bing.
Uh, yes, it is.
- Sí, así es. - ¿ Chandler Bing?
Chandler Bing. Do you know me or are you just really good at this game?
¿ Me conoces o sólo eres buena en este juego?
Joanna, this is my friend Chandler Bing.
Joanna, mi amigo Chandler Bing.
Well, I will just have to soak up every ounce of Chandler Bing until that moment comes.
Tendré que disfrutar cada centímetro de Chandler Bing hasta que llegue el momento.
Chandler gets it! It's Chandler Bing!
¡ Llega a nombre de Chandler Bing!
"What is Chandler Bing's job?"
"¿ Cuál es el trabajo de Chandler Bing?"
- Hello, Chandler Bing.
- Hola, Chandler Bing.
Chandler Bing, seven!
¡ Chandler Bing, siete!
Chandler Bing, zero!
¡ Chandler Bing, cero!
This is Chandler Bing!
¡ Soy Chandler Bing!
We have a reservation under the name Chandler Bing.
Tenemos reservación para Chandler Bing.
I'd like to make a toast. To the future Mrs. Chandler Bing... ... my best friend and truly one of the nicest people that- -
Bueno, me gustaría hacer un brindis, por la futura señora de Chandler Bing, mi mejor amiga y, seguramente, una de las mejores personas que...
Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing. - You're marrying Chandler Bing?
Perdonen, no he podido evitar escucharles, ¿ se va a casar con Chandler Bing?
Chandler Bing. I guess you remember me.
Chandler Bing, yo... supongo que me recuerdas.
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Bing.
¡ Al Sr. Y la Sra. Bing!
You work up here. Where's Chandler Bing's office?
Tú que trabajas aquí, dime dónde está la oficina de Chandler Bing.
Chandler Bing!
¡ Chandler Bing!
Chandler Bing!
Chandler Bing!
- Chandler Bing.
- Chandler Bing.
chandler Bing.
Chandler Bing.
That was the real Chandler Bing.
Ése era el verdadero Chandler Bing.
You ask an intriguing question, Chandler Bing.
Haces una pregunta intrigante, Chandler Bing.
Hello, this is Chandler Bing.
Hola, habla Chandler Bing.
Hi, this is Chandler Bing.
Soy Chandler Bing.
Hi, Chandler Bing. I have a reservation.
Chandler Bing. Tengo una reservación.
You're Chandler Bing, right?
Eres Chandler Bing, ¿ verdad?
Chandler Bing.
Chandler Bing.
God bless you, Chandler Bing!
¡ Dios te bendiga, Chandler Bing!
"What is Chandler Bing's job?"
"¿ En qué trabaja Chandler Bing?"
Oh, well, this is gonna sound kind of silly but do you remember my roommate, Chandler Bing?
Bueno, te sonará tonto pero, ¿ recuerdas a mi compañero, Chandler Bing?
Chandler Bing style.
Con el estilo de Chandler Bing.
- No, Chandler Bing.
- No, Chandler Bing.
Chandler "M." Bing.
Chandler "M". Bing.
Chandler Muriel Bing.
Chandler Muriel Bing.
Chandler M. Bing.
Chandler M. Bing.

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