Even if you don't Çeviri İspanyolca
3,065 parallel translation
If you don't even have the courage to open that letter, then how can you take on that wave? Stop it!
Si no tienes valor para abrir esa carta ¿ cómo piensas afrontar esa ola?
I don't even want to know what kind of a wreck you would be if you had to look after little Caleb and Courtney all by yourself.
Ni siquiera quiero saber qué clase de cosa saldría si tuvieras que cuidar al pequeño Caleb y Courtney por tu cuenta.
Even if you don't understand why I do what I do.
Así no entiendas por qué hago lo que hago.
Brother, why don't you check... if he even knows to dance or is merely faking it...
Hermano, por que no chequeas.. .. si el siquiera sabe bailar o solo esta fingiendo.
It's out there in the air even if you don't tune into it.
Está ahí en el aire incluso si tú no te sintonizas.
"Even if you don't speak."
Incluso si usted no habla.
You've got your whole life mapped out in front of you and that's great, but don't overreact, but I don't even know if I want to get into the Company or not.
Tienes toda tu vida planeada Por que nisiquiera sé si quiero entrar o no a la compañia.
I don't even know if you received my message.
Ni siquiera sé si recibió mi recado.
Even if I don't kill you now tomorrow, you'll be executed in the market
Aunque no te mate ahora mañana serás ejecutado, en el mercado
Indian curses. But, even if you don't believe in ghosts and demons.
Pero incluso si no crees en fantasmas y demonios.
I don't even know if you guys can actually sing.
No sé si las demás saben cantar.
Even if you get it, you don't know how to use it.
Incluso, si tiene éxito, no sabes cómo usar esa cosa.
Even if I don't wanna be here, I have more of a reason than you do.
Aunque no quiera estar aquí, yo tendría más razones que tú.
You don't even know if they're still in the city.
Tú ni siquiera sabes si están aún en la ciudad.
And after a while, you hope for it - even if you don't admit it Do you know why
Y después de un tiempo, la deseas aunque no lo admitas. ¿ Sabes por qué?
I don't know, but I can write you a check right now for whatever he owes you if you'd be willing to call it even.
No lo sé. Pero puedo hacerte un cheque ahora mismo por lo que sea que les deba, si estás dispuesto a llamarlo después.
You don't even know if this is gonna work?
¿ Ni siquiera sabes si esto va a funcionar?
I don't even know if you should pick Dyson, to be honest.
Para ser honestos no sé si deberías elegir a Dyson.
Okay, well, even if you don't get into NYADA, you're still gonna go to New York.
Ok, esta bien, incluso si no entras a NYADA, irás igual a Nueva York.
I've been doing a lot of thinking this week, and, um, I don't know if it's this Karofsky thing or even seeing you perform, but I realized something.
He estado pensando en muchas cosas esta semana, y no sé, si es por lo de Karofsky o el verte cantar, pero me di cuenta de algo.
Why'd you even come on this excursion if you don't want to do any of the things we're doing?
¿ Para qué has venido a esta excursión si no quieres hacer nada de lo que estamos haciendo?
And even if they don't you still have to - deal with the bird. - [Giggles]
E incluso si no tienen los problemas, aún así tendrás que lidiar con el ave.
You realize if we don't scrape up another rider for Regionals, we won't even qualify to compete.
¿ Te das cuenta que si no encontramos otra competidora para las Regionales, no podremos competir?
Even if you don't win, you're still my queen.
Incluso si no ganas, sigues siendo mi Reina.
If you don't think it's good enough for network television, then you don't have to pass it along to the executives at NBC or even think about trying to get it to Mr. Roddenberry.
Si crees que no es bueno para la cadena de televisión entonces no tienes que pasárselo a los ejecutivos de NBC ni siquiera intentar hacérselo llegar al Sr. Roddenberry.
And White Star will take this to court if they suggest otherwise, but if this allegation holds, or gains any sort of credence, well... I don't have to remind you of the... the consequences for Titanic - an even bigger ship.
Y la White Star llevará esto a los tribunales si sugieren lo contrario, pero si este alegato tiene, u obtiene, algún tipo de credibilidad, bueno... no hace falta que le recuerde las... las consecuencias para el Titanic, un barco aún mayor.
I don't know if you even know how to love
No sé ni siquiera si sabes amar.
I don't want to leave you either, but even if I could afford to stay here, I'd never find an acting job that paid enough.
No quiero que te vayas tú tampoco, pero incluso si me pudiera permitir quedarme nunca encontraría un trabajo como actriz que pagara suficiente.
- Whoa, whoa, even if any of this is true- - and I assure you none of it is- - you don't have a lick of evidence.
- Vaya, vaya incluso si algo de todo esto fuera verdad... y le aseguro que nada de esto lo es, no tiene ni una pizca de evidencia.
Even if you don't, you can still call me.
Incluso si no sabes, puedes llamarme.
I don't even know if you hear me, but I can hear you, Jake.
Ni siquiera sé si me oyes, pero yo puedo oirte, Jake.
You're not even in the mid-80s. Uh, if I don't get an "A,"
Si no consigo una A, no podré conseguir el primer lugar de generación.
Don't take the easy road even if you've got a heavy load
No cojas el camino fácil incluso si tienes una carga pesada
Greg, I won't even talk to him if you don't want me to, but if he sees me up there, watching...
Greg, no voy a hablar con él si no quieres que lo haga, pero si me ve allá arriba observando...
All those really good qualities, even if you don`t have them...
Todas esas cualidades muy buenas, incluso si no las tienen...
I mean, I-don't even know if you'd want to be with me if I weren't married.
Quiero decir, que no sé siquiera si querrías estar conmigo si no estuviera casado.
Yeah, but you've seen that handbook, it's the size of a bloody house, you couldn't apply half of it even if you wanted to because we don't have the manpower.
Sí, pero no ha visto el manual, es del tamaño de una jodida casa, no podría aplicar ni la mitad de lo que pone aunque quisiéramos, porque no tenemos tantos hombres.
And my job is to find Laura's murderer, so if you don't mind, and even if you do, I'm gonna get my own statement from Ms. Watson about that car.
Y el mío es encontrar al asesino del Laura, así que si no le molesta, y aunque así sea, tomaré mi propia declaración a la Srta. Watson sobre el auto.
You don't even know if that's gonna hold you.
No sé si eso te va a aguantar.
Pudding pop, you couldn't fit into anybody's plan, even if you wanted to, which I know you don't.
Budincito, no podrías encajar en los planes de nadie, incluso aunque quisieras, lo cual se que no haces.
I gotta go to a place where if your dick freezes off, you don't even notice it for three days.
Tenía que elegir un lugar donde se me congela la polla, y ni siquiera me he dado cuenta en tres putos días.
- l don't even want to go to the U.S - l'd go happily if I were you
No me quiero ir los EE.UU. - Sería muy feliz si fuésemos juntas.
Silver, if you hadn't have made that call, I don't even want to think what might have happened.
Silver, si no hubieras hecho esa llamada, no quiero pensar lo que podía haber ocurrido.
We don't say that because it's disrespectful to the lady, even if they are in the nuddy. What do you call it?
No lo decimos porque es irrespetuoso para la dama, incluso si están desnudas. ¿ Cómo lo llamas tú?
I believe that you deserve better, even if you think you don't.
Creo que te mereces algo mejor, incluso si tú piensas que no.
I don't know if I even want to have a relationship with you.
Ni siquiera sé si quiero tener una relación contigo.
Even if it was my fault that you had to fall in your last race, it's time you picked up your bike, don't you think?
Aunque fue culpa mía que cayeras en la última carrera... ya es hora de que subas a tu motocicleta, ¡ ¿ no crees?
We don't have no fucking money, we don't have no plan, and if we did have some money, you gonna give it to some nigga that you don't even fucking know?
No tenemos dinero. No tenemos un plan, y si tuviéramos el dinero ¿ se la darás a un tipo que ni siquiera conoces?
You know, I don't even know if I want to be a member.
Sabes, ni siquiera sé si quiero ser un miembro.
Even if it's something you think I don't want to hear.
Incluso si es algo que crees que no quiero escuchar.
Even if Erica never got behind the wheel of a car again, I don't think that would make you feel better.
Aunque Erica no volviera a ponerse al volante de ese coche, no creo que te hiciera sentirte mejor.
even if it hurts 20
even if it is 23
even if 79
even if i wanted to 108
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even if that's true 36
even if you're right 47
even if you did 23
even if it is 23
even if 79
even if i wanted to 108
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even if that's true 36
even if you're right 47
even if you did 23
even if i was 18
even if it's true 16
even if it kills me 19
even if that were true 32
even if i could 39
even if it was 20
even if he did 22
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you don't eat 20
even if it's true 16
even if it kills me 19
even if that were true 32
even if i could 39
even if it was 20
even if he did 22
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you don't eat 20
if you don't 701
if you don't talk 19
if you don't know 82
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't like it 251
if you don't want 17
if you don't trust me 31
if you don't want to do it 24
if you don't help me 38
if you don't leave 24
if you don't talk 19
if you don't know 82
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't like it 251
if you don't want 17
if you don't trust me 31
if you don't want to do it 24
if you don't help me 38
if you don't leave 24