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Horribly Çeviri İspanyolca

1,117 parallel translation
People congratulated me over my son-in-law, but it all only made me realize how horribly I miss him.
La gente me felicitó por mi yerno, pero eso solo hizo que me diera cuenta de cuánto lo extraño...
They died so horribly.
¡ Ellos murieron de forma tan horrible!
There's a family of four here : a man, a woman and two children, horribly mutilated.
Hay una familia de cuatro... una mujer y dos niños horriblemente mutilados.
... killed her so horribly?
-... matarla en una forma tan cruel?
- Yes, horribly
- No, desde luego
- It's horribly possible.
- Es horriblemente posible.
They're horribly common, my dear Frederick.
¡ Son tan ordinarios, mi querido Frederick!
The thing I don't understand is the difference in the bodies. Those have been horribly mutilated, whereas those look like they were intact.
Lo que no entiendo es por qué esos cadáveres están horriblemente mutilados y esos otros parecen intactos.
A crime that is punished horribly.
Un crimen que se castiga horriblemente.
I hope you suffer horribly.
Espero que sufras terriblemente.
Bodies strewn around, horribly mutilated.
Cadáveres desparramados, mutilados horriblemente.
- But you made them suffer horribly, Bouvier!
- ¨ Pero sus víctimas debieron sufrir horriblemente Bouvier!
He died horribly.
Su muerte fue horrible.
He suffered horribly... but he withstood to the very end.
Sufrió horriblemente pero resistió hasta el final.
All right... he's destroyed for it, horribly.
Ese mundo le ha destruido.
Tragically, horribly.
Trágicamente. Horriblemente.
Doris Spenser's been horribly murdered.
Doris Spenser ha sido asesinada brutalmente.
Your world is horribly empty for me, your ideals laughable and your democracy is just a reign of schemers chosen by fools.
Su mundo es horriblemente vacío para mí sus ideales ridículos y su democracia es sólo un reino de planificadores elegidos por idiotas.
I knew there was something horribly evil going on here.
Creo que hay algo horriblemente malo pasando aquí.
Just like a few minutes ago when I took a running bash, and I failed horribly.
Tal como hace unos minutos donde me estrellé corriendo y fallé horriblemente.
I know. I'm going to be horribly late.
Lo sé, voy a llegar tardísimo.
It's like Biroc, but horribly burnt.
Es como Biroc, pero terriblemente quemado.
Just shout horribly... and leer at them.
Solamente grita horrorosamente... y asústalos.
Because those proverbial few moments of pleasure are very likely to leave you with a legacy which is horribly painful, difficult to cure and may get you sent home to face embarrassing questions from girlfriend and or... wife.
Porque esos pequeños momentos de placer posiblemente les dejen con un regalo muy doloroso, difícil de curar y que los enviará a casa para hacer frente a las preguntas engorrosas de la novia o... esposa.
Terribly, horribly... I'm awfully afraid.
¡ Estoy terriblemente asustada!
You've disappointed me horribly.
Me has decepcionado terriblemente.
Mrs Hacker said it was a copy, but the press are so... horribly suspicious about things.
Le dijeron que era una copla, pero los de la prensa son tan... mal pensados.
I'm horribly awake.
Estoy horriblemente despierto.
When she enjoyed happiness, she started to get horribly jealous.
Al disfrutar la felicidad, comenzó a sentirse celosa.
She wasn't crying that horribly just now.
Ella Está llorando ahora
It's all terribly, horribly true.
Es todo completamente cierto.
Yes? " May you both die horribly.
" Deseo que mueran de una forma horrible.
De una manera horrible.
Yes, but remember, his friends have been horribly murdered.
Sí, pero recuerda : sus amigos fueron asesinados salvajemente.
Three people have died horribly, Doctor.
Tres personas han muerto de forma horrible, doctor.
Humanity's return to Earth is still horribly incomplete.
El retorno de la Humanidad a la Tierra está aún horriblemente incompleto.
It stank horribly, for miles around. - Miles? - Miles!
Entonces el suboficial Stadie nos enseñó el campo
As people reached the crematorium, they saw everything... this horribly violent scene.
no tenían sala subterránea, todo estaba al nivel del suelo. Los crematorios 4 y 5 constaban de 3 cámaras de gas :
First they tortured her horribly, because she wouldn't betray him.
No es que no la creyeran, había corrido la voz en Bialystok, en el ghetto, en Grodno y en otros sitios...
.. is horribly perverted. E'posto alto sugli altari di Roma. Che vergogna!
está horriblemente pervertido, y hace el ridículo en los altares de Roma.
( Mary ) "The ilntelnt of the ullndead molnster had become horribly clear."
"No había duda sobre la horrible intención del monstruo".
You toyed with your life once too often. All those hundreds of books you've read and re-read... have made you horribly precocious.
Tus muecas son polvo al aire, y tus lecturas, cientos de libros leídos y releídos, te hicieron atrozmente precoz.
Our respectable club has been horribly insulted.
Nuestro club respetable ha sido terriblemente insultado.
We found the body after a hailstorm horribly mutilated, dashed against a rock at the foot of the tower under a window, which was...
Encontramos el cuerpo tras una granizada terriblemente mutilado, aplastado contra una roca a los pies de la torre bajo una ventana que fue encontrada...
Then you'll die horribly, right?
Entonces ustedes moriran horriblemente, bien?
Children like Katherine are born every day into a life sentence of killing horribly.
Niños como Katherine nacen todos los días... sentenciados a matar de por vida. Es horrible.
We were horribly rude to her!
¡ Y hemos sido unos groseros!
"Eight horribly mutilated bodies were found at the Modern Studios this morning as police..."
'Ocho cuerpos asesinados fueron encontrados en el estudio de teatro por la policía...
Eight horribly mutilated bodies were found at the Modern Studios this morning as police... "
Ocho cuerpos brutalmente asesinados fueron encontrados en el estudio de teatro por la policía...
Oh my God, I am horribly sorry for having offended Thee and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pain of hell.
Dios mío, siento mucho haberte ofendido y detesto mis pecados porque temo la pérdida del Cielo y el dolor del Infierno.
He's horribly fierce and huge.
Sus temibles fauces están abiertas

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