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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I asked for it

I asked for it Çeviri İspanyolca

1,259 parallel translation
When I asked for it, I was turned down. How come you got it?
Cuando le pedí, me negó ¿ Cómo es que te io dio?
I asked for it, Lieutenant, not the Captain!
¡ Se la he pedido yo, teniente, no el capitán!
I asked him to keep it up there for me so it wouldn't melt.
Le pedí que lo guardara ahi para que no se derritiera.
Precisely because of your prospective alliance... and considering members of the family asked for you... I'd like you to consider it.
Precisamente debido a su futura alianza y dado que miembros de la familia lo solicitaron quiero que lo considere.
I have asked Uncle Kau to buy it for me
Le he pedido al tío Kau que me lo compre.
I asked him ifhe was looking for a newjob, and he wouldn't even talk about it.
Lepreguntesi estaba buscando otro trabajo, pero no quiso decirme.
- I asked Coach Winters to look it up for me.
- Le pregunté al entrenador Winters que lo buscara para mí.
It's not what I asked for. What's the difference?
No es lo que te pedí para. ¿ Cuál es la diferencia?
See, I've been home for a week and Elaine didn't give me my mail till yesterday even though I asked her repeatedly for it.
Llevo una semana en casa y Elaine me entregó todo ayer a pesar de que le pedí muchas veces que me lo entregara.
People blame the military for the wars that we are asked to fight but I think it is your kind, Major that will be the death of us all.
La gente culpa a los militares de las guerras a las que nos envían. Eso es lo que usted conseguirá, mayor. Enviarnos a la muerte.
I liked it a lot. And I asked her for it repeatedly.
A mí me gustaba muchísimo, y se la pedí una y otra vez.
If I wanted ice, I would have asked for ice! Now fill it up!
Si quisiera hielo lo habría pedido. ¡ Llénalo!
She asked for it, and I'll do it again
Se lo merecía. ¡ Y lo volvería a hacer!
If I'm dressed in fine clothes... and paid well, and fed well... and I'm not asked for anything in return, then I'll do it!
Si me viste con ropas finas,. y me paga, y me alimenta,... y no me pide nada a cambio, lo haré.
I told you not to bother me, now you've asked for it
Os he pedido que no me hicierais enfurecer, ¿ cómo os atrevéis?
Well, I've asked them back tonight, and you'd better be ready for it.
Bueno, les pedí que vuelvan esta noche, y mejor que estés preparada.
You get on the phone right now. Get on the phone and tell them that I want to be in the Faust Suite. It's the one I asked for.
Llama por teléfono y diles que quiero la suite Faust.
You asked for it, I'm calling my friend!
Tú lo has querido, llamaré a mi amigo!
- I asked for it? !
- ¡ ¿ Yo lo pedí?
Now, Peg, I haven't asked for much and God knows I've gotten it.
Ahora, Peg, no he pedido mucho y Dios sabe que lo he conseguido.
He came 10 days ago and he asked me my terms so I told him 12 shillings a week. There's a small sitting room and a bedroom all complete all at the top of the house and he said he'd pay me three pounds a week for it.
El vino hace 10 dias y me preguntó cuales eran mis términos le dije que eran 12 chelines por semana hay un pequeño comedor y un dormitorio todo completo en el piso superior de la casa y me dijo que me pagaría tres libras a la semana por él.
I asked them to set it up for you.
Te lo mandaron hoy.
I asked to get it for half price. Know what the whore replies?
Le dije que me cobrara la mitad, y, ¿ sabeis lo que me contestó?
I think it's a proud day for Fairmount high that the President has asked these fine, upstanding students to speak on behalf of his education reform bill.
Creo que hoy es un gran día para Fairmount high que el presidente haya solicitado a estos buenos y aplicados estudiantes para que hablen a favor de su proyecto de ley educativa
I asked for final cut, and I got it!
Queria un gran corte final... y lo consegui!
We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!
¡ Te lo pedí en la tienda!
Because I asked Santa for it in my letter.
Porque se lo pedí a Santa en mi carta.
Just the way we asked for. I don't get it.
Tal como lo pedimos.
If they hadn't asked for it, I'd have mobilized it anyway.
Lo hubiese lanzado aunque ellos no lo hubieran pedido!
I've asked for my file for years, but they never give it to me.
He pedido varias veces mi expediente, pero nunca me lo han dado.
She asked me for a cigarette, I gave it to her, I lit it for her.
Me pidió un cigarrillo, se lo di, se lo encendí.
I trust my map to the street you asked for was satisfactory? It was.
¿ Confío en que el mapa que le hice resultó satisfactorio?
and when I asked him for it, he'd given it away to a cabaret in Barcelona. For 50 years he's been painting my portrait, and always, "this is yours,"
Sus promesas.
Would it be inappropriate if I asked Lee Janzen for his autograph?
¿ Sería impropio que le pidiera su autógrafo a Lee Janzen?
Once when I was working at... Cal-Neva, there, it got snowed in. And a Reno station asked for some report... phone reports, and I did one.
En una ocasión, trabajando... en Cal-Neva, estaba aislada por la nieve, y en una estación de Reno me pidieron... informes telefónicos.
Look, you asked for cash, I provided it.
Pediste efectivo.
But I've fulfilled every wish of my child before he asked for it!
¡ Pero yo he cumplido los deseos de mi hijo incluso antes de que él los pida!
You work for me, too. When I ask you to do something, you are to do it immediately, no questions asked!
Nina trabajas para mi y cuando te digo que hagas algo, lo haces inmediatamente sin preguntar
I just asked for it yesterday.
Te lo pedí ayer.
- I wanna return this jacket. She asked me why, I said, "For spite," and now she won't take it back. That's true.
Bueno, quiero devolver esta chaqueta y ella me pregunto por qué y yo le dije que por rencor y ahora no me la quiere aceptar.
I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but you guys asked for it.
No quería llegar a esto, pero vosotros lo habéis querido.
Lo haria y...
I have never asked you for anything but you took away my honor and only you can give it back.
Nunca te he pedido nada pero me has arrebatado el honor y solo tú puedes devolvérmelo.
She has asked for my protection, and I intend to provide it.
Me ha pedido mi protección.
And I'd be willing to bet he's the one that asked for it to be installed.
Y apostaría a que fue él quien pidió que la colocaran.
The only thing I asked you to do for this party was put on clothes and you didn't do it.
Lo único que te he pedido que hicieras es que te vistieras y no lo has hecho.
All of you asked for it and I did it!
Todos ustedes me lo pidieron y lo hice!
You asked for my opinion and I gave it to you.
Ud. me preguntó mi opinión y so se la di.
He asked me for a Megadrive and I forgot. Just talk about it.
Sólo habla de eso.
I'll have the four stones you asked for any time now... but it wasn't easy.
Tendré las 4 piedras que pidió en cualquier momento pero no fue fácil.
It's an honor that these people asked me to be there for those moments... and I get paid for it.
Para mí es un honor que me pidan que presencie esos momentos. Y que me paguen por ello.

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