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I told him to Çeviri İspanyolca

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I told him to pick up a hobby, so there it is.
Le dije para recoger un hobby, por lo que no es.
I told him to stop, but he didn't.
Le pedí que parara, pero no lo hizo.
He's at the gate, I told him to come and get her.
Está en la puerta, le dije que viniera y la buscara.
Anyways, I told him to pick me up at the building tonight.
En fin, le dije que me recogiera esta noche en el edificio.
I told him to make himself comfortable in our room.
Lo hice acomodarse en nuestra habitación.
I told him to look for work. - Yes?
Le dije : ¿ Por qué no te buscas un trabajo?
I told him to go fuck himself, wasn't his anyway,
Le dije que se fuera a la mierda, no la suya era de todos modos,
Then I told him to start walkin.
Luego le dije que caminara.
- I told him to tell you guys.
- Le dije que os lo dijera.
I told him to explain it to all of us.
Le dije que nos lo explicara a todos nosotros.
Yeah, I told him to cut Faith, - and so he picked her. - Aww.
Sí, le dije que eliminara a Faith, y así él la eligió.
I told him to get into retro-attitude, but he's facing the wrong direction.
Le dije que intentara retroceder la postura pero está volando en la dirección equivocada.
- I told him to stay home.
- Le dije que se quedara en casa.
He left because I told him to.
Se fue porque le dije que lo hiciera.
I told him to stop, twice, and he kept on doing it.
Le dije que se detuviera, dos veces, y, siguió haciéndolo.
That's why I told him to kill you.
Por eso le dije a él que te matara.
You know, if you would have just told me that you were gonna go talk to him, I would've understood.
Ya sabes, si que sólo me han dicho que ibas a ir a hablar con él, me habría entendido.
I was fucking lying to him, and I never told him.
Le estaba mintiendo, y nunca se lo dije.
I told you to stay away from Damien, and now you want me to help put you in competition with him?
Te dije que no te acercaras a Damien, y ahora ¿ quieres que te ayude a ser su competencia?
Bloody fools... I told you to keep him away from drugs.
Tontos Bloody... me dijeron que para mantenerlo alejado de las drogas.
I lied to Ely when I told him I forgive his mom For what happened between our parents.
Le mentí a Ely cuando le dije que había perdonado a su madre por lo que había pasado entre nuestros padres.
So I kind of played up to that and I told him like,
Así que actué de acuerdo a eso y le dije,
Ok, you were out there, I told you to watch him, tell me exactly what happened.
Ok, estabas afuera. Te dije que lo vigiles - dime exactamente lo que pasó.
I told Jim to tell him that's not how you do things around here.
Le dije a Jim que le dijera que así no hacemos las cosas aquí.
I went over like we talked about and told him not to talk anyone.
Fui allá tal como lo hablamos y le dije que no hablara con nadie.
I told him that if he ever wanted to go where the real action was, there would always be a job for him at the West Orange Pavilion Mall.
Le dije que si quería ir a donde estaba la acción... siempre tendría un trabajo en mi Centro Comercial.
- I told father my story and asked him for his help to escape.
- Le dije al padre mi historia y le pregunte por su ayuda para escapar.
I heard him and he told us to fucking leave!
¡ Y nos dijo que nos marchásemos!
Excuse me, did... I told him we needed a water-cooler moment next week for renewal, and, this is so weird. Jay Jay brought it to you?
Disculpa, ¿ Jay, Jay te lo llevó?
I told him that there's a CEO in town that wants to work with us.
Le dije que hay un Presidente que quiere trabajar con nosotros.
He wanted to get short stack pancakes, I told him he was gaining a little weight.
Quería comer panqueques y le dije que estaba subiendo de peso.
- Uh, he asked me why we need the rope for, so I explained him. And he told me that if somebody throw man in a well he probably was no Saint and it's better to leave him there.
Le he explicado... para qué necesitamos la cuerda... y dice que si han tirado el hombre al pozo, seguro que no era un santo... y es mejor dejarlo ahí.
I spoke to an Inspector Brown nearly ten days ago, and told him the whole story.
Hablé con un tal inspector Brown hace casi diez días, y se lo conté todo.
I told you to look after him.
Te dije que cuidases de él.
I'll tell him you told me all your little secrets and I didn't even have to ask!
¡ Le diré que usted me contó todos vuestros secretitos y ni siquiera tuve que preguntar!
The one I explicitly told him not to go back to.
A la que le dije explicitamente que no volviera.
The one I explicitly told him not to go back to?
¿ La casa a la que le dije específicamente que no volviera?
Because I told him I wanted to help you.
Porque le dije que quería ayudarte.
I told him I thought long and hard, but I had to turn him down.
Le dije que lo había pensado mucho, pero debía rechazarlo.
Didn't have any money, so I told him where to go.
No tenía dinero, así que le dije a dónde ir.
I told him I needed to refigure how she was carrying her weight.
Le dije que necesitaba recalcular como está distribuido el peso.
I told myself to remain silent and spare him, spare you those horrors, and yet I told you anyway.
Quise permanecer en silencio y perdonarle, evitarte esos horrores, y te lo dije de todas maneras.
I told him what he needed to hear, what The Centre needs to hear.
Le dije lo que necesitaba oír, lo que La Central necesita oír.
I went over there to tell him the truth, and then I didn't tell him, and then I was gonna tell him this morning, but the sex was so good that I realized that if I told him,
Fui allí para decirle la verdad, y entonces no se lo dije, y entonces se lo iba a decir esta mañana, pero el sexo fue tan bueno que me dí cuenta de que si se lo decía podría no volver a tener sexo con él,
I told him not to carry a gun.
Le dije a él que no llevara un arma. Él dijo que no estaba cargada.
I told you boys not to play with him.
Ya os dije que no jugarais con él.
Yeah, well, I told him not to rush it, you know?
Sí, bueno, ¿ Le dije que no se apresure, sabes?
We went out for a drink, afterwards. Told him I wanted to be an actor, and he very sweetly helped me set up a showcase.
Luego fuimos por un trago... dije que quería ser actor... y muy dulcemente me ayudó a presentarme.
All right, I hope you told him to fuck off.
¿ Le dijiste que ni loco?
I told him that I wanted to be honest with him.
Le dije que quería ser honesta con él.
I had someone tell him that his mom was on the phone, and then I told the deejay to play Danni's favorite song.
Hice que alguien le dijera que su madre estaba al teléfono, y entonces le pedí al DJ que pusiera la canción favorita de Danni.

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