If you didn't Çeviri İspanyolca
13,116 parallel translation
If there had been a ton of people here, it would seem like you just invited random people you didn't know.
Si aquí hubiera un porrón de gente, sería como si solo hubieras invitado al azar a gente que no conoces.
So if there's a chance that he didn't do it, don't you want to be sure?
Así que si hay una oportunidad de que él no lo hizo, ¿ no quieres estar segura?
I know this is asking a lot, but we wouldn't come to you if Reddington didn't believe that this Djinn might be helpful in clearing my name.
Sé que esto es pedir mucho, pero no nos vendrá a ti si Reddington no creía que este Djinn podría ser útil en la limpieza de mi nombre.
Okay, okay, remember, hemsy, just grab a drink, Then ask her if she would still be interested in you If you didn't look like, uh, handsome with the cheekbones.
Está bien, está bien, recuerda Hemsy, solo toma una bebida, y pregúntale si seguiría interesada en ti si no lucieras, guapo con los pómulos.
- I didn't know if I'd ever see you again.
- Yo no sé si alguna vez te vería de nuevo.
When she asked you if there was any hope for us and you didn't say anything, it was...
Cuando ella te preguntó si había alguna esperanza para nosotros y tú no dijiste nada, fue...
You wouldn't have to fix any of them if you didn't keep borrowing parts for your useless gadgets.
No tendrías que arreglar ninguna si no tomaras partes para tus aparatos inútiles.
I was just wondering if you didn't need to be there?
Solo me preguntaba si usted no debería estar allí.
If you didn't see me for even one moment, you'd cry.
Si no me veías un momento, llorabas.
As if you didn't know.
Como si no lo supiera.
If I didn't need the manpower I would feed every one of you to my Vetala.
Si no necesitara mano de obra, alimentaría a mis Vetala con todos vosotros.
- If he didn't tell you where, then I can't, can I?
- Si él no te ha dicho dónde, yo tampoco, ¿ no?
Is it OK if you didn't go today?
¿ Te parece bien no irte hoy?
First, we started with the answering machines, which was kind of good because if you really didn't wanna see somebody again, you didn't have to call'em back.
LA HISTORIA DEL SEXTING Primero, comenzamos con contestadores automáticos, lo que era bueno, porque si no querías volver a ver a alguien, no tenías que responderles el llamado.
And you really didn't have to talk to them if you wanted to.
Con eso, de verdad no tenías que hablarles si no querías.
Oh, please, don't feel bad if you didn't get anything for us.
Por favor, no os sintáis mal si no nos habéis comprado nada.
Hell, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were the real deal.
Joder, de no ser porque conozco al de verdad, diría que eres tú.
If it was supposed to be a surprise, why didn't you say anything?
Si debía ser una sorpresa, ¿ por qué no lo advertiste?
You'd be crazy if you didn't take Arizona.
Estarías loca si no eligieras Arizona.
But if you thought you were making GHB... if you didn't know you had created an analogue...
Pero si pensabas que estabas haciendo GHB... si usted no sabía que habías creado un análogo...
If you found her, why didn't you find Sarah?
Si la encontraron a ella, ¿ por qué no encontraron a Sarah?
- If I didn't tell him... do you think he wouldn't know?
- Si no le decía... ¿ piensas que él no lo sabría?
I wouldn't be alive if you didn't want something.
Yo no estaría vivo si no quieres algo.
You know I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to.
Sabes que no estaría aquí si no fuera necesario.
If that's true, why the hell didn't you tell me about it?
Si eso es verdad, ¿ por qué diablos no me lo dijiste?
If I didn't know you, I'd ask you for an autograph.
Si yo no te conocía, me gustaría pedir un autógrafo usted.
I'll deny it if you ever repeat it, but there wasn't a day when I didn't feel i was in over my head.
Lo negaré si alguna vez lo repites, pero no hubo un solo día en que no sintiera que me venía grande.
You sound surprised. Well, if I didn't know any better,
Creo que eso son tres victorias seguidas.
He said I was next if I didn't come clean as to who took his money, you or Alvin.
Dijo que yo era el próximo... si no confesaba en cuanto a quién agarró su dinero tú o Alvin.
If you're charged with a murder you didn't commit, you'd want to blame anyone but yourself, even your birth parents.
Si usted es acusado de un asesinato que no cometió, Usted quiere culpar nadie más que usted, Incluso a sus padres biológicos.
You acted as if you didn't know Colston, Cheryl.
Usted actuó como si que no sabías Colston, Cheryl.
See, your song has details that only the killer would've known, so if you didn't do it, then somebody told you how it went down.
- Mira, tu canción tiene detalles que solo el asesino podría conocer, así que si tú no lo hiciste, alguien te dijo cómo pasó.
Did you threaten to tell the press that he had an illegitimate daughter if he didn't pay?
¿ Amenazaste con contar a la prensa que tenía... una hija ilegítima si no pagaba? No.
I mean, if he really supported you, why didn't you make a public statement?
Si realmente te ayudaba, ¿ por qué no hiciste... - una declaración pública?
If you didn't kill him, why are you covered in blood?
Si no lo mataste, ¿ por qué estás cubierto de sangre?
- Damn it, girl, if you didn't sell every last match, it...
Si no vendiste todas las cerillas, yo...
If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you were profiling.
Si no te conociera mejor, diría que estabas perfilando. - ¿ Yo?
But if you didn't understand the joke... don't worry.
Pero si no entendieron el chiste, no se preocupen.
Why'd you come if you didn't like the risk?
¿ Por qué has venido si no te gusta el riesgo que corremos?
I swear to god, if I didn't want to marry you, I would marry you.
Lo juro por Dios, si yo no quiero casarme contigo, me casaría con usted.
I thought you might pick up if you didn't know it was me.
Pensé que podría recoger si usted no sabía que era yo.
I hadn't... uh, I didn't know if you'd be okay with that.
No sabía si te parecería bien.
'Cause if... if you were on one of those meds and you didn't tell us, then that could have a very bad reaction based on any medications we might give you.
Porque si tomaras... una de esas medicinas y no nos lo dijeras... entonces podría tener una reacción grave... según los medicamentos que te demos.
If I didn't know better, I'd say it looks like you're trying to get yourself killed.
Si no le conociera mejor, yo diría que parece que está buscando que le maten.
If you didn't want me to change, you should have let me die.
Si no querías que cambiara, deberías haberme dejado morir.
We didn't know if you were alive.
Nosotros no sabíamos si estabas viva.
As if you didn't know, Korath.
Como si no lo supieras, Korath.
You always telling me what to do. If you had problems with me, why didn't you just talk to me?
siempre me decias que hacer si tenias problemas conmigo, porque no me lo dijistes?
I think kelly. it would be kind of weird to it would be kind of weird to me if wiglesworth didn't like Me if wiglesworth didn't like ask about what's going on, you
Se me hace muy raro que Wiglesworth no haya preguntado qué es lo que pasará ¿ me entienden?
I'd make you tell us who that person was, and if you didn't, have you arrested for treason.
Le haría decirnos quién es esa persona, y si no lo hace, la hago arrestar por traición.
I-I didn't know if you were gonna be here.
No sabía que ibas a estar aquí.
if you didn't know 17
if you didn't do it 20
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you didn't do it 20
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152
if you don't eat 20
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you like 1152
if you don't eat 20
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82