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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It seems that way

It seems that way Çeviri İspanyolca

426 parallel translation
Well, sometimes it seems that way.
- A veces lo estoy.
- It seems that way, doesn't it?
- Lo parece, ¿ no?
Yes, it seems that way, but I don't know what it is.
Sí, eso parece, pero no sé qué es.
The union won't, or it seems that way.
Por lo visto, el sindicato no puede.
Yes, it seems that way.
Es casi seguro ya. Yo creo que funcionará.
It seems that way to me.
Eso es lo que creo yo.
It seems that way because you've accomplished everything I've ever dreamed of.
Parece que es así porque usted ha conseguido todo lo que yo siempre he soñado.
It seems that way, doesn't it?
Eso parece, ¿ verdad?
- Well it seems that way.
- Sin embargo parece que sí.
But... From the way I see it... it seems to me that President Joo is waiting.
Pero... por lo que veo... parece que el Presidente Joo está esperando.
My friend, it seems to me that you overrate enormously the way women feel about beauty.
Sobreestimas, amigo mio, a mi parecer, en mucho el concepto de belleza en las mujeres.
It seems like a better way to live, that's all.
Esa vida me parece mejor.
Or that's the way it seems.
O eso parece.
Seems once you start a thing like that, there's no way of stopping it.
Parece que una vez que se empieza algo así, no hay modo de pararlo.
It seems this tropical climate affects some people that way.
Al parecer, este clima tropical vuelve románticas a ciertas personas.
Well, most of the time it just seems that way.
Suele parecerlo casi siempre.
But just the fact that you've come all the way from Vienna for this, it seems strange.
Pero el hecho de que venga desde Viena, parece extraño.
Tough, but that's the way it seems to be.
Lo siento, pero así parece ser.
It seems to be the only way that I can show my appreciation of what you're trying to do.
Parece ser la única forma de mostrarle mi agradecimiento por lo que quiere hacer.
I ain't no general, but it seems to me that's one way to win.
No soy general, pero me parece una forma de ganar.
That's the way it seems to you now,
Eres el único hombre al que he querido.
Well, that seems a rather self-centered way of looking at it, somehow.
Bueno, ésa parece una forma bastante egoísta de verlo.
By the way... it seems strange to me that a man of your name and fame should not be one of us.
Por cierto, me resulta extraño que un hombre como usted no sea uno de los nuestros.
But it seems to us that there ought to be a way for you to make them understand that $ 25,000 was way out of line.
Nos parece que deberíais explicarles que pedir 25.000 dólares es una exageración.
It only seems that way.
Eso es lo que parece.
It seems to me that the best way of employing the period... would be for you all to attempt the verses again.
Me parece que la mejor forma de emplear este periodo... será que todos intenten hacer los versos de nuevo.
I didn't know you felt that way about it but seems like a lot of fuss and grief over little furniture and stuff.
Yo no sabía que te afectara tanto pero no parece más que un montón de chatarra y algunos trastos viejos.
- He just gets out of the hole for that last try, now he sends word he's got a surefire way of getting over here. It seems he's got something he wants to tell me.
Parece que tiene algo que quiere decirme.
Seems that way, don't it?
Eso parece, ¿ verdad?
And then, do it later on but that seems like such a hack's way of getting married, so we're going to drive up-state, or over to Jersey, or wherever it is that you do it, and do it.
Y luego, lo haremos más tarde, pero casarse así parece algo rutinario, así que vamos a... ir al norte del estado, o a Jersey, o a donde... se haga eso, y lo haremos.
She wants us to pick her up on the way to the meeting...'cause it seems that Oscar is off to Hollywood again.
Quiere que la recojamos camino de la reunión... porque al parecer, Óscar se va a Hollywood otra vez.
But it seems strange to me that in all these years you didn't find a way..... to throw those ones out.
Pero que en todos estos años no pudierais echar a esa gente... a mí me parece raro.
I'm sorry, but that's the way it seems to America.
Lo siento, pero es la forma en que lo percibe una americana.
It just seems that way when you look at it.
Simplemente lo parece cuando lo estás viendo.
At the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat, then it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way.
En el preciso momento en el que el enemigo se aferra a su garganta entonces parece que para sobrevivir hay que usar los métodos del enemigo, para sobrevivir por encima de todo, mirar hacia otro lado.
- It only seems that way.
- Sólo te parece eso.
It seems to me, by the way you're talking that this machine can think for itself like a human being!
Por lo que me parece, por la forma que lo cuenta, que esta máquina puede pensar por si misma, como un ser humano!
It seems to be that, perhaps out of an excess of caution, my colleagues keep asking you indirect questions to which you can only reply in a roundabout way.
Parece ser que, quizás por un exceso de prudencia, mis colegas insisten en hacer preguntas indirectas a las que usted responde con rodeos.
I don't know, it seems to me that if they ain't got you one way, they've got you another.
No sé, me parece que si no te pillan de una manera, te pillan de otra.
It seems that I was part of it, but in a disagreable manner, like it had to that way.
En cierto modo era como si fuese parte de ello, pero de un modo desagradable, como si tuviese que ser así.
- It seems about five miles that way!
- Me parece que unos cinco más para allá.
I've been out there thinking about the day... and the way it has gone... and it seems to me that now... I need to make a few personal statements. For a variety of reasons.
He estado allá afuera pensando sobre este día y cómo ha transcurrido y me parece que ahora necesito hacer algunos comentarios personales por una serie de razones.
It seems it's turned out that way.
Así ha tenido que ser.
Well, it always seems that way the first time... but you'll see, it's actually rather simple.
Siempre es así la primera vez... pero luego, como verá, resulta muy sencillo.
It seems that Colossus and Guardian have found a way to communicate starting by the multiplication tables.
Parece que Coloso y Guardián están buscando una base para comunicarse empezando por las tablas de multiplicar.
As Your Majesty can see from report number four it seems that Mr. Wagner is on his way to Stuttgart.
En el informe 4 se indica que está en Stuttgart.
I certainly have. It seems to me that the way a black policeman... and a white policeman working side by side, hand in hand, were able to crack this case...
Por supuesto, creo que el hecho de que un policía negro... y un policía blanco trabajaron lado a lado, mano a mano, pudo solucionar el caso...
- Everything I did was for nothing? - Seems that way, doesn't it?
- ¿ Lo que he hecho ha sido inútil?
I'm only guessing... but it seems to me that the prowler came in this way... and he knocked over the flower pots... and when Mother came in... he was hiding in the shadows... and when she saw him, he shot her.
Sólo estoy conjeturando, pero me parece que el intruso entró por aquí y arrojó las macetas.. ... y cuando Madre vino estaba escondido en las sombras y cuando ella lo vio, él le disparó.
It seems that we're going the same way.
Parece que vamos a la misma parte
- It seems more interesting that way.
- Me parece más interesante.

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