Not by yourself Çeviri İspanyolca
452 parallel translation
I didn't do it! No... not by yourself...
No he hecho nada.
You couldn't, Brick, not by yourself.
No puedes hacerlo solo.
- Not by yourself.
- No por ti mismo.
You're not by yourself.
Usted no está solo.
I'm not gonna stand by and see you kill yourself.
No dejaré que te mates sin hacer nada.
You know, my only wonder is you've not been in love yourself by this time.
Lo único que me extraña es que tú no te hayas enamorado aún.
Second, and most important, You must not allow yourself to be influenced by that obnoxious creation of legal nonsense, reasonable doubt.
Segundo, y lo más importante, no se dejen influir por esa odiosa creación, ese disparate legal :
You do not consider by yourself, what a thing are you?
¿ Qué clase de cosa es usted?
Gentlemen, judges and jury members of the high court, if London shall escape the bitter fate of Babylon, of Sodom, of Gomorrah, then do not let yourself be moved by that courtesan!
¡ Señores del tribunal, miembros del jurado, si Londres debe escapar de la suerte de Babilonia, de Sodoma y de Gomorra, no se dejen enternecer por esta vil criatura!
Men like yourself — German, or of German ancestry — rise up with all the might and power of the great German people behind you conscious of the sacred duty that binds us all together... and in the knowledge that he who doesn't forget his people... will not by his people be forgotten.
Los hombres como ustedes, alemanes o de origen alemán, criados con toda la fuerza y el poderío del gran pueblo alemán, conscientes del sagrado deber que nos une a todos, y sabiendo que el que no olvide a su pueblo jamás será olvidado por su pueblo.
So I will not stand by and see you make a fool of yourself.
Por eso no me quedaré a ver cómo haces el ridículo.
I was just taking her off - you're not under the impression that you learned to fly all by yourself, are you?
¿ No creerá usted que aprendió solo?
You may deny him, Toddy... but you'll not rid yourself of him by saying the devil is dead.
Podrás negarlo, Toddy... pero no te librarás de él diciendo que el diablo está muerto.
You're not married yourself, by any chance, are you?
¿ Usted no está casado, verdad?
You will perhaps never see Her Ladyship or Sir Henry. But if by chance you should find yourself in the same room with them, you will not be in the room.
Es posible que nunca la vea, pero si coinciden en la misma habitación, usted no estará.
You must not let yourself be intimidated by Charlotte.
No debe dejarse intimidar por Charlotte.
You should have told me, and not carried this awful thing around by yourself.
Deberías habérmelo dicho, no sobrellevar ese peso terrible tú solo.
You're not getting so rich out here all by yourself.
No te estás enriqueciendo aquí afuera sola.
Mere curiosity. Why not make yourself known by us right away?
Por curiosidad. ¿ Por qué no se identificó al llegar?
And since you know you cannot see yourself so well as by reflection, I, your glass, will modestly discover to yourself that of yourself which you yet know not of.
Ya que sabes que no puedes verte sino reflejado... yo seré el modesto espejo que te muestre... lo que no sabes que hay en ti.
By not receiving the Crown Prince, you sever yourself from your people, whose hearts he has already won.
Si no recibe al principe de Prusia, se separa de su pueblo, cuyo corazón hace tiempo está con el.
You should know enough by this time not to absent yourself without leave.
Ya tienes edad suficiente para saber que no puedes ausentarte sin permiso.
I respect your grief, but I'm not going to stand by... and watch you punishing yourself and punishing that boy.
Respeto tu situación, pero no voy a esperar... y ver como te castigas y castigas a ese chico.
It's not fair, going out by yourself.
No es justo, te largas solo.
Not all by yourself.
No está solo.
If you can deliver me those beat-up hotels for a price like not over five million, cash, by the way, for tax reasons, you've got yourself a deal.
Si me das esos hoteles por menos de $ 5 millones... en efectivo, por razones fiscales, hacemos el trato.
If necessary you can live your life by yourself, I'm not quite in that position
Si fuera necesario usted puede valerse por su cuenta. Yo no tengo esa suerte.
Surely you would not want more time by yourself.
¿ Estás segura de que no quieres más tiempo para ti sola?
You should not be doing all of this by yourself.
No debería hacer todo este trabajo usted solo.
- Surely not by killing yourself.
- Suicidándote, desde luego que no.
Just stay home and try not to go outside by yourself.
Quédate en casa y no salgas solo.
"... you must not allow yourself to be tormented by them... "
"Aunque debe rechazar tales cosas..."
You're all by yourself for hours and hours, and in between times, people are yelling at you to slow down, go ahead, to take madison avenue, to not take madison avenue, to turn right, left, stop.
Estás solo durante horas y horas. La gente te grita que frenes, que aceleres, que cojas Madison Avenue, que no la cojas, que gires a la derecha, a la izquierda... que te pares y, sobre todo, te dicen que te confundes.
By not killing me, you condemned yourself to death.
Al no matarme, te has condenado a muerte.
You can go by yourself, but not with me.
Puedes irte solo, pero no irás conmigo.
Espero que no estés solo en la Calle de los Amantes.
I told you not to go off by yourself.
Te dije que no salieses sóla.
It seems to me that you do not understand the awkward situation in which you have placed yourself by your behavior.
Me parece que no entiende la incómoda situación en la que usted mismo se ha puesto con su conducta.
I'm not watching you get yourself killed by those men.
No me quedaré a ver cómo te matan esos hombres.
I'm not going through that again, seeing you in that miserable place by yourself.
No volveré a vivir eso, viéndote sola en ese lugar miserable.
So, by God, why not make it easy on yourself?
¡ Vamos, negro, no lo pongas más difícil!
By the time we finish, you may find yourself not only not an abnormal girl, but one of the few genuinely normal people on Earth.
Cuando acabemos, quizá no sólo no se sienta anormal sino una de las pocas personas normales sobre la Tierra.
But look, why not just hand me over to UNIT and make your escape by yourself?
¿ Por qué no me entregas a UNIT y te escapas tú solo?
We real life policemen are not as stupid as we are sometimes portrayed by writers like yourself.
Los policías de verdad no somos tan idiotas como nos hacen parecer los escritores como usted.
Possess and be possessed by it until you are what you will to be and not merely a mask, attempting to deceive yourself and others.
Posee y sé poseído por él hasta que seas lo que deseas ser y no sólo una máscara, intentando engañarte a ti mismo y a los demâs.
Do not attack by yourself!
No ataque nunca solo.
Do not attack by yourself, Leave a little bit of glory for them,
No ataque nunca solo. Deje algunas migajas de gloria.
By guilt, I mean not feeling pleasure in the touch of your husband, and instead seeking it in a dream, in a memory.. by yourself.
Cuando hablo de culpa, me refiero a no experimentar placer con el marido y buscarlo sólo en sueños o fantasías a solas.
I and the 1,673 people I represent, whose names are on this petition, will not allow their futures to be determined by bureaucrats at the beck and call of industrialists like yourself, for whom the elderly and children are just figures in a ledger.
Yo y las 1.673 personas que represento, y cuyos nombres figuran en esta petición, no permitirán que su futuro sea decidido por burócratas a disposición de industriales como usted, para quienes los ancianos y los niños son sólo números.
No matter what you do, you're not gonna change it by yourself.
No puedes cambiarlo tú solo.
Calm down, it's not a time to... leaving yourself get carried away by hysteria.
Tranquila, no es momento de... dejarte llevar por la histeria.
not by a long shot 121
not by me 60
not by choice 41
not by you 36
by yourself 153
yourself 387
yourself included 25
not bad 2340
not bloody likely 20
not bad at all 156
not by me 60
not by choice 41
not by you 36
by yourself 153
yourself 387
yourself included 25
not bad 2340
not bloody likely 20
not bad at all 156
not because of you 21
not because of me 29
not before 64
not better 39
not both 22
not buying it 19
not back 19
not because of me 29
not before 64
not better 39
not both 22
not buying it 19
not back 19