Now you're dead Çeviri İspanyolca
440 parallel translation
Well, now, if you're going to take us through the next 1,200 years, by the time we find the trumpet, we'll all be dead.
Bueno, si me va a contar los siguientes 1.200 años... para cuando encontremos la trompeta, ya estaremos muertos.
- You're late. She may be dead now.
- Ya estará muerta.
We've got you now. One move and you're dead men.
Un solo movimiento y sois hombres muertos.
And now you're dead.
¡ Y ahora no sientes nada!
Don't let us down on that debate now, or you're a dead bunny.
No nos defraude en el debate o morirá.
Helen's dead now, but you're safe.
Helen ha muerto, pero usted está a salvo.
Now you're dead.
Ya te moriste, ni modo.
Look at yourself. You're half-dead right now.
Mírate. ¡ Si ya pareces medio muerto!
"Let in a little fresh air." Now open the window, you let in the flies... and you're dead. You stupid!
"Deja entrar el aire." Si abres la ventana, las moscas se meten... y te mueres. ¡ Qué estúpido!
Now you have no eyes, this poor girl is dead and we're both in great danger.
Ahora no tienes ojos, esta pobre chica está muerta y los dos corrremos grave peligro.
You're in dead trouble now, boy.
Te la estás jugando de verdad.
If it hadn't been for these good bandits, and you can see how they're welcomed you,... by now I'd be dead.
Si no hubiera sido por estos bandidos buenos, que ya ves cómo te han recibido a ti, a estas horas estaría muerto.
And now, to save your own neck, you're trying to pin the shame of it on Chris, your own dead son.
Y ahora, para salvar su pescuezo... trata de deshonrar a Chris, su propio hijo muerto.
If you looked into a magic crystal... and you saw your army destroyed and yourself dead... if you saw that in the future... as I'm sure you're seeing it now... would you continue to fight?
Si miraras una bola de cristal... y vieras a tu ejército destruido y te vieras a ti mismo muerto... si vieras eso en el futuro... como seguro que lo ves ahora... ¿ seguirías luchando?
You're Charles Voss's wife. Now that he's dead, you're their only lead.
Usted es la esposa de Charles Gost y ahora que él está muerto es su única pista.
38 years now you're dead.
Has estado muerta por 38 años.
Vasak, you're a dead man now!
¡ Vasak eres hombre muerto ahora!
Now she's dead, and you're starting again.
Ahora está muerta, y empiezas de nuevo.
Now, look, you're working a so-called dead mine.
Mira, estás trabajando en una mina abandonada.
- Now remember, Max- - if you forget who you are for an instant, they'll know you're an impostor and you'll be dead.
- Recuerda, Max. Si tú olvidas por un instante quién eres ellos sabrán que eres un impostor y serás hombre muerto.
You're a dead man right now.
Ya eres hombre muerto.
Now you're dead, perhaps some of your old friends will pay less attention to you. Give you more elbow room.
Ahora que está muerto, quizás sus viejos amigos le dejen en paz, con más espacio para operar.
Now, either I get out of here or you're a dead man.
O salgo de aquí o usted es hombre muerto.
"We're not interested in any offer." That was what you said to this man, and now he's lying there, dead!
"No estamos interesados en ninguna oferta". Eso es lo que le dijo a este hombre, - y ahora yace ahí, muerto.
We thought Mr. Berrgain's family were all dead. And now you're his second visitor in the last few days.
Creíamos que toda la familia del señor Berrigan había muerto, y ya es usted el segundo visitante.
Now is when I leave bring your ass here or you're dead
ahora es cuando los dejo trae tu trasero aqui o eres hombre muerto
You're dead and buried now.
Eres un cadáver. Ve a que te entierren. Púdrete.
Now you're dead!
¡ Ahora te mataré!
Stop right now or you're dead, and you know I mean that.
- Para o eres hombre muerto. Sabes que hablo en serio.
Todos tienen que pagar las nuevas tasas o estàn muertos.
Now if he's not back with the money in ten minutes you're a dead man.
Ahora si no vuelve con el dinero en 10 minutos Usted es hombre muerto.
Conmigo, te mueres seguro.
If they're dead, you'd think we'd have seen some bodies by now.
Si están muertos, ya habríamos visto sus restos.
Now that you're dead, I can tell you.
Ahora que estás muerta, te lo puedo decir
You're going to meet death now! The living dead!
¡ La muerta viviente!
You`re dead now, Harry.
Ahora estás muerto, Harry.
Tell me what you're planning now that Doi is dead.
Dime que estas planeando ahora que Doi esta muerto.
♪ Now you know, you know You're gonna knock'em dead
# Now you know, you know You're gonna knock'em dead
Speaking of which, now that you're dead, you can do without lunch and without dinner.
Hablando de eso, ya que está muerta, podrá pasar sin almuerzo ni cena.
You're dead now, woman.
Estás muerta, chica.
So you're dead now... shit.
Así que ahora estás muerto.
Do it now, or you're dead.
Hazlo ahora, o estás muerto.
You're a dead man now!
¡ Eres hombre muerto!
You're dead meat now, boy!
Para mí estas muerto, muchacho!
Well, you're dead now, so shut up!
Pues ahora estáis muertos, así que cerrad el pico.
You're now dead.
Estás muerto.
You're dead now you ballet rat!
Hoy te mueres, rata ballet.
It's just like, you gotta make the best of it while we're still alive because any day now, boom and we're dead.
Hay que sacarle provecho a todo mientras estemos vivos porque cualquier día de éstos estaremos muertos.
Now, you drop your gun, or these two right here, they're dead.
Tirad las armas o me cargo a esos dos.
We're dead meat now, skank! You listen to me.
Ahora estamos perdidos.
If you don't get out of this coffin right now, you're gonna wish you were dead.
Si no sales de ese ataúd ya vas a desear haber muerto.
now you're talking 179
now you're just showing off 20
now you're getting it 42
now you're thinking 17
now you're scaring me 19
now you're here 51
now you're back 22
now you're 20
now you're not 16
you're dead to me 58
now you're just showing off 20
now you're getting it 42
now you're thinking 17
now you're scaring me 19
now you're here 51
now you're back 22
now you're 20
now you're not 16
you're dead to me 58
you're dead 1119
you're dead wrong 17
you're dead meat 37
dead 2365
deadline 20
deadly 57
deadshot 26
dead girl 16
dead end 102
dead or alive 151
you're dead wrong 17
you're dead meat 37
dead 2365
deadline 20
deadly 57
deadshot 26
dead girl 16
dead end 102
dead or alive 151
dead ahead 30
dead man walking 43
dead meat 35
dead man 40
dead people 32
dead body 39
dead hands 25
dead on 16
dead serious 25
dead and 19
dead man walking 43
dead meat 35
dead man 40
dead people 32
dead body 39
dead hands 25
dead on 16
dead serious 25
dead and 19