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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / She liked it

She liked it Çeviri İspanyolca

524 parallel translation
- But she liked it.
- Pero a ella le gustaba.
I told my mother what I'd seen here, and she liked it.
Le explicaba a mi madre lo que veía.
Or is it the beginning? I'm awfully glad she liked it.
- Qué bueno que le gustó.
She liked it there.
Le gustó el lugar.
I'm glad she liked it.
Me alegro de que te guste.
I guess she liked it before I come but...
Imagino que le gustaba antes de que yo naciera, pero...
- Fine. She liked it fine.
- Bien, le ha gustado.
- Yeah, she liked it fine.
- Sí, le ha gustado mucho.
So Courbet told me a young woman came into the gallery and... she liked it.
Courbet me dijo que una chica entró en la galería y... le gustó.
She liked it.
Le ha gustado.
She liked it.
Le gustó.
Yeah, she liked it, but I didn't like it, because I didn't buy it for her.
A ella sí, pero a mí no, porque no se lo había comprado yo.
Naomi looked like she liked it very much.
A Naomi parecía gustarle mucho.
It is also said that when he asked her how she liked it, she countered by asking him how his wife liked it.
También dicen que cuando el Rey preguntó si le habían gustado, ella lo contradijo diciendo : "le gustaron a su esposa".
A bitch like many others. She liked it, a lot.
Él le gustaba, y cómo.
She liked it so much, she left him and invented some of her own tricks.
A ella le gustó tanto que lo dejó e inventó algunos trucos propios.
If she liked it.
Sí, si le gusta eso...
The child saw it very skinny, and yet, she liked it :...
La niña la vio muy flaca, sin embargo le gustó :...
And she seem extremely sad,... and yet, she liked it.
Y parece estar muy triste,... sin embargo le gustó.
My old friend Bessie Smith whose records shared many an afternoon with me in Paris said she liked it when her daddy took her for a buggy ride.
Mi vieja amiga Bessie Smith cuyos discos me acompañaron tantas tardes en París, decía que le gustaba cuando su papá la llevaba a pasear en coche.
I don't think she liked it at all at first, but then she started getting calls from several of her friends congratulating her, and she said to me,
creo que le ha parecido mal al comienzo. despues comenzó a recibir llamadas telefónicas saludos de los amigos.... luego me Dijo que se sentía como una estrella. estaba encantada
Apparently she liked it there.
Al parecer le gustaba allí.
I think she'd have liked it. - Don't you?
Creo que le habría gustado, ¿ no?
And all while leading me to believe she liked me, it's you she continued loving?
Dejándome creer que yo le gusto pero es a ti a quien ama.
It was the only sort she liked.
Es el único que bebe.
I'm sure of it, if she'd liked it.
De eso estoy segura, le habría gustado.
If you like someone and you don't tell'em right off, why, maybe all that time you wasted, she liked you too, so, well, all that time's wasted, ain't it?
Si alguien te gusta y no se lo dices pronto estás perdiendo el tiempo, porque puede ser que tú también le gustes a ella. Así que, ¿ para qué esperar tanto?
She sat at the bar with me... She liked a certain tune and played it on the jukebox.
Estaba a mi lado en el bar, le gustó una canción y yo la puse en la máquina.
Es poca cosa, ya lo sé, pero... si ella fuera alguien de confianza... si a ella... a ella le cayera usted bien, señor... bueno... eso le daría una perspectiva nueva... podría convertirle en una persona completamente distinta, créame.
She'd seen the picture, had liked the face and made it a part of this companion she imagined.
Vería su foto, le gustaría la cara y la hizo parte de la compañera que se inventó.
Nulty was watching my apartment. So I decided to call on Ann to find out why she was living alone... and if she really liked it.
Nulty estaba vigilando mi casa... así que decidí visitar a Ann para ver por qué vivía sola... y si le gustaba.
I only bought it because my wife told me I should. She liked the upholstery.
Lo compré porque a mi mujer le gustaba la tapicería.
She liked it there.
Le gustaba el sitio, no sabría decirles por qué.
Oh, Mrs Chester said she liked that tune of his because it's Christmas so he has played it every blessed day for the last six weeks
La Sra. Chester le dijo que le había gustado esa melodía, y desde hace seis semanas la toca sin parar.
Well, if she liked me, man, I wouldn't try to understand it.
Si gustara de mí, amigo, no intentaría entenderlo. - Esteban.
She saw it in the movies and liked it.
- Ella bailará en la luz de un foco. Lo vio en una película y le gustó.
You liked it at the house, she thought you could use it.
Te gustó cuando lo viste en casa.
A pity that my wife isn't here with us. I'm sure she would've liked it.
Una lástima que mi mujer no esté aquí con nosotros... estoy seguro que le gustaría también a su señora.
But I think she liked it.
Pero pienso que le gustaba.
Because she kneew I liked it.
Porque ella sabía que me gustaba.
you see, your mom, well, she never liked it here at bly, and your father was always chasing after mechanical instruments.
A tu mamá... nunca le gustó este lugar. Y tu padre siempre andaba tras instrumentos mecánicos.
I don't know what she said but it sounded like she liked me.
No sé qué dijo, pero sonaba como que yo le caía bien.
But you see, when I saw the type of lady that she was... and that she liked to have her bread buttered on both sides, well, she practically admitted it.
Cuando vi qué clase de mujer era ella y que le gusta lo bueno, pues prácticamente lo admitió.
I won it at a fun fair, last night, and I thought she would have liked it.
Lo gané en una feria, anoche, y pensé que a ella le gustaría.
Fell in love with Marie Dorothée it but One day The young man some distance And believed not to be heard You trust a friend saying that she would never marry... With a greyhound because he Just liked the fox terrier.
Marie Dorothée se enamoró de él pero un buen día el joven que estaba a cierta distancia y que creía no ser oído se confío a un amigo diciéndole que jamás se casaría con un galgo inglés porque a él sólo le gustaban los fox terrier.
I don't think she really liked it.
Creo que no le gustó.
And Granny liked it so much... she nearly ate the whole pooch herself.
A la abuelita le encantó. Casi se lo comió ella sola.
If she liked someone, she might have done something about it.
Si le gustaba alguien, podía hacer algo al respecto.
She liked me and I liked her a lot, too. It went on from there.
Yo le gustaba... y ella me gustaba a mí.
- She really liked it, huh?
- ¿ Realmente le gustó, huh?
She really liked it.
Le ha gustado mucho.

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