So it's a win Çeviri İspanyolca
138 parallel translation
It's become a tradition for her to win the cup and her roses mean so much to her.
Es algo tradicional para ella el ganar el trofeo y sus rosas significan mucho para ella.
We have a tradition to uphold, - so I want you to remember... - ( hissing ) that it's not how you play the game but whether you win that counts.
Tenemos una tradición que mantener, así que recuerden que lo importante no es competir, sino ganar.
We'll win the war by talking less and working more. Besides, it's the mambises who'll win. So stop complaining.
La guerra la ganamos si hablamos menos y trabajamos más, además, si alguien gana la guerra son los mambises, así que cose y deja de quejarte que en esa hamaca va a descansar alguien que buena falta le hace.
[Vavra] So it's a no-win situation with a junkie.
Es una situación sin salida con un drogadicto.
Because sometimes in poker it's smarter to lose with a winning hand so you can win later with a losing one.
Porque a veces en el pocker, es más acertado perder con buenas cartas... Para poder ganar luego con balas. Entiende?
So let's win big here, and then it's on to Australia.
¡ Así que a ganar aquí y luego, a Australia!
That's the good news, but the not so good news is we probably not to win it.
Cuando Rachel Reynolds le dijo que la droga pertenecía a su hermano.
But you pull up out of nowhere, you start my car, you make me laugh and the next thing I know, I'm at a baseball game that you win! I mean, it's so surreal.
Pero apareciste de la nada, me arreglaste el auto me hiciste reír, y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos me vi en un estadio ¡ en un partido que ganaste!
- So... if I win... it's because deep down you know you're about to make... the biggest mistake of your life.
- Entonces... si gano... es porque muy en el fondo sabes lo que estas a punto de hacer... el error más grande de tu vida.
So, Kelly, I hope you win it, and after you win it, you can stuff it in Sue's face.
Así que, Kelly, espero que ganes para que luego puedas restregárselo en la cara a Sue.
Ever since I was a little kid... I wanted to be either a doctor or a blooper... so it's basically win-win for me except now I can't feel my legs.
Desde que era pequeño..... yo quería ser o un doctor o un blooper así que es casi una situación de victoria-victoria para mi, salvo por el hecho de que no puedo sentir mis piernas.
And it... it's... It gets said so many times, that I was so driven to win and-and you know, I was so focused, and I was. I was very intense with what I wanted to do, but-but the game changes for everyone, and it did change for me, and when Tina and I... we started becoming close, and it... and it
Tina tiene razón y se se dijo muchas veces que estaba determinado a ganar y y que estaba encaminado, y lo estaba fui muy intenso con lo que quería, pero pero la competencia cambia, para todos y cambio para mí cuando Tina y yo...
So I mean, It's a win-win situation.
Así que es decir, es una situación de ganar-ganar.
But I'm playing to win a million dollars here, and so if you trust somebody, it's your own fault. You're a fool for not playing the game.
Y si confías en alguien es tu culpa, por no jugar de la mejor manera.
- So here I was pinning Noreen's hopes for education on an animal that couldn't win if it was shot out of a cannon.
- Y aquí estaba apostando las esperanzas de educación de Noreen a un animal que no podría ganar aunque lo disparen con un cañón.
She was so impressed that she went back into the bunker and said to the Führer, "You know, there's a statue up there and if you win the war, I'd like you to buy it for me."
Se impresionó tanto que volvió al bunker... y le dijo al Führer, "Sabes, hay una estatua allí afuera... y si ganas la guerra, me gustaría que me la compres."
You make it so everyone gets a shot in, and no one takes the blame. It's a win-win situation.
Se aseguró de que todos intervengan y nadie es el culpable, la ventaja es clara.
If you're intending to brave all, hasten to her rescue, and so, win fair lady's heart you'll have to do it alone, mate.
Bueno, si deseas correr a rescatarla... y ganarte su corazón, tendrás que ir solo.
So, it's a win-win. Yeah.
- Entonces ganamos.
Well, I didn't sign him up so he could win some ribbon like it's a doggie show.
No le inscribí para que ganase un lacito como si fuera un concurso canino.
It's your word against a dead girl's, so you win.
Es tu palabra contra la de una muerta, tú ganas.
- So it's not going to let him win. - No.
Así que no va a dejarle ganar
Obviously, most people think that girls are weaker, and women aren't cut out for this kind of thing, so I think it's really important that we win this challenge.
vamos a patearles el culo.
I mean, she's so competitive in her head... and so driven to win and be the best at what she's doing... that sometimes it takes away from how much fun she's having.
Es tan competitiva en su cabeza... y tan motivada para ganar y ser la mejor en lo que hace... que, a veces, le quita parte de la diversión.
It's my job to organize things so you win and I'm asking you to use these bars and just go out there and give it the Obree magic.
Mi trabajo es organizar las cosas para que ganes te pido que uses las barras y salgas allá afuera a darles la magia de Obree.
Look, Julie, I'm very protective of J.D., so it's gonna take a lot to win me over.
Mira Julie, yo protejo mucho a J.D así que te costará conquistarme.
I mean, you know, steph pointed outthat it didn't reallygo with anything elsethat we had, so shepainted it white anddistressed it a bit, and added someantique crystal pulls, but still... a win's a win. You know whatI'm saying.
Quiero decir, sabes, Steph realzó que de verdad no combinaba con nada de lo que teníamos, así que lo pinto de blanco lo lijo un poquito, y le añadió unas tirones de cristal antiguos, pero aun así... una victoria es una victoria.
So it's a win-win for us.
- Así que en cualquier caso ganamos.
Something classier than this'll win. Because I was thinking the same, and then I was looking down the list of nominees and it's all crap this year, so you've got as good a chance as anyone. No, no.
Ganará alguien con más clase que yo.
Well, then we can run for Congress, so it's win-win.
Y nos podremos dedicar a la política, así que igual salimos ganando.
So you think I'm seeing a band, I do my fantasy draft, and it's win-win.
Tú crees que estoy con un grupo, yo estoy con mi equipo ficticio, y los dos contentos.
A new plan that it will win the war so much, and as tawdry as this it can sound, the heart and people's mind.
Un nuevo plan que ganará tanto la guerra, y tan cursi como esto pueda sonar, el corazón y la mente de la gente.
In the end it's a win'Cause we grown so close together
In the end its a win, because we grown so close together
So it's a win-win situation.
Así que era una situación provechosa.
So, Governor, you remain in the race despite the fact that... it's a mathematical impossibility... that you can win and our question is : Why?
Entonces, usted sigue en carrera a pesar del hecho... que es matematicamente imposible... que usted pueda ganar, la pregunta es : ¿ Por qué?
Which, as it happens, is a place I've always wanted to hang out, so it's totally a win-win.
Que, como siempre sucede, es un lugar... dónde siempre he querido estar, eso sí, en una situación ventajosa para todos.
So I had a feeling that.. I had to do it, I had to! Otherwise they win, that's the way I thought of it at the time.
Tuve que hacerlo, de otra forma ellos ganaban, asi lo pensaba yo en ese momento.
I know, like, if i didn't win she'd take you, so it's not like -
Sé, que si no hubiera ganado ella te elige a ti, así que-- -
I never bet on baseball, and I bet we'd win here, so it's not as if I'm throwing anything here.
Nunca apuesto al beisbol, y aposté a que ganaríamos, así que no estoy perjudicando a nadie.
So it's kind of a win-win situation.
Así que esto es ideal para los dos.
So Shane's not gonna win a MacArthur genius grant anytime soon. It's really nice for once to be with someone who's a little bit uneducated.
Shane no va a ganar un premio por su inteligencia en algún momento cercano, es bueno estar por una vez con alguién que no es tan educado.
And someone has to lose for you to win, so it's not loving your neighbour.
Y alguien tiene que perder para que tu ganes, asi pues, no es amando a tu vecino.
So just'cause a horse won its last few races, doesn't mean it's gonna win against a different class of horse.
Sólo porque un caballo haya ganado las últimas carreras no significa que ganará contra caballos de otras clases.
Well, if we're not gonna deal, this hotel has an excellent spa, so it's a win for me either way.
Bien, si no vamos a negociar este hotel tiene un spa excelente. Así que gano de cualquier manera.
But the motherfucker only plays one song, so it's not entirely a win-win situation.
Pero sólo toca una canción, así que no es una ganancia total.
So now we can just date secretly and see where that takes us. It's win-Win.
Así que ahora podemos salir en secreto y ver a donde nos lleva.
I should have said no, but he got to stare at my ass as I walked away, so it's a win for both of us.
Debería haber dicho que no, pero tuvo que mirarme el trasero mientras me iba, así que ganamos los dos.
And it's like if there is a pinball god maybe they're cursing him because he's second or third place, and he's so great he deserves to win finally and so if I were to pick someone to win,
Y es como si fuera un Dios del pinball tal vez le pusieron una maldición porque siempre es segundo o tercero y es tan grandioso que merece ganar finalmente.
I know I'm in trouble this week, so the fact there's a second veto possibly floating around and I can win it is huge.
Sé que estoy en problemas esta semana, así que el hecho de que haya un 2º veto que pueda ganar, es muy importante.
I heard Stiltskin say That he can't make the Hanks lunch happen, So he's gonna outbid anyone who tries to win it.
He oído decir a Stiltskin que él no puede conseguir la comida con Hanks, así que va a superar a cualquiera que trate de ganar.
But technically, you're doing this because it'll help us win Nationals, which means there's something in it for you, so it doesn't really count as you doing something nice.
Pero técnicamente, estás haciendo esto porque nos va a ayudar con las Nacionales, lo que significa que sí obtendrías algo de eso, así que realmente no cuenta como que estás haciendo algo bueno.
so it's done 19
so it's over 58
so it's up to you 22
so it's 240
so it's fine 24
so it's like 40
so it's okay 41
so it's your fault 19
so it's you 54
so it's true 182
so it's over 58
so it's up to you 22
so it's 240
so it's fine 24
so it's like 40
so it's okay 41
so it's your fault 19
so it's you 54
so it's true 182
so it's official 29
so it's my fault 51
so it's settled 30
so it's possible 18
so it's not 23
it's a win 135
a winner 23
a window 19
so it goes 27
so it is 192
so it's my fault 51
so it's settled 30
so it's possible 18
so it's not 23
it's a win 135
a winner 23
a window 19
so it goes 27
so it is 192