So it's your fault Çeviri İspanyolca
182 parallel translation
It's all your fault, taking so much time over your beer.
La culpa es suya por tardar tanto en tomarse la cerveza.
It's your fault for looking so beautiful.
Es culpa tuya por estar tan hermosa.
It says so! It's your fault.
Tenemos una tragedia en casa y él se pone a hacer el canelo.
Ah, so it's your fault.
Ah, tú eres la culpable...
If I may say so, it's all Your Majesty's fault.
- Perdonad, pero, es culpa vuestra.
- So then it's your fault?
Entonces culpa tuya.
All I know is that you've changed everything for me, so it's your own fault.
Sólo sé que lo cambiaste todo para mí, así que es culpa tuya.
So, it's nobody's fault you could put your finger at.
No fue culpa de nadie.
Chris, I'm so thirsty it's all your fault
Chris, me muero de sed y es culpa tuya.
If I go there, I bet. If I bet I lose, so it's your fault.
Si voy apuesto, si apuesto pierdo y será culpa tuya.
So it's your fault.
Por eso la culpa es suya.
It's your fault! If you hadn't been so stupid, they wouldn't have found the note and we'd know who Fabrizio is now.
La culpa es sólo suya si usted no se hubiera comportado como un imbécil el mariscal no habría visto la nota y ya sabríamos quién es Fabrizio.
It's our fault too, it's your generation's fault, of people like you.. if so many young people are failures.
¡ Es culpa nuestra también, es culpa de tu generación, de gente como tú el que tantos jóvenes sean fracasados!
It's really not my fault your memory is so imperfect.
Sólo su apariencia.
It's not your fault, dear chap, but I've never been so bored, in my whole life.
No es culpa suya, amigo, pero nunca me he aburrido tanto en mi vida.
So it's all your fault.
Así que es todo culpa tuya.
But you're so sexy, so it's not my fault if I wish to provide what your heart craves.
Pero eres tan atractiva, así que no es culpa mía si deseo proporcionarte lo que tu corazón anhela.
You might be embarrassed to see the tiffin carrier... but actually it's not your fault you've come for a holiday... so rather it's our fault to call you all for breakfast so early in the morning.
Tal vez le dé vergüenza ver el porta-meriendas... pero en realidad no es su culpa. Han venido de vacaciones... y por lo tanto la culpa es nuestra por invitarlos a desayunar... tan temprano por la mañana.
It's your own fault because you're so wishy-washy.
Es tu culpa. Por ser tan débil.
Even the judge said so. It's your fault.
También el escribano lo ha dicho.
So it's your fault?
Habéis sido vosotros. Genial.
- I thought so, but it's not your fault.
Sí, ya me lo figuraba. Pero Vd. No tiene la culpa de eso.
If you hadn't been born, there'd only be three of us, which isn't enough to enter, so it's your fault.
Si no hubieras nacido, no estaríamos aquí. Tres no pueden participar en el concurso.
Oh, now, remember, I didn't buy any of these presents... so if you don't like your present, it's not my fault.
Recuerden que yo no compré ninguno de estos regalos... así que si no les gustan, no es mi culpa.
So stupid. It's not your fault.
- ¡ Soy tan estúpida!
It's all your fault we've eaten so much.
Es culpa tuya que hayamos comido tanto.
it's your fault for being away so long.
es tu culpa por estar fuera tanto tiempo.
So it's my fault. It was me who took your man and your property.
Así que ahora soy yo la culpable, por robarte tu hombre y tu propiedad.
It's your own fault for being so damn desirable, Al.
Es simplemente tu culpa, Al, por ser tan atractivo.
I think it's important for you to see this so that you realize, you know, who you are isn't necessarily all your fault.
Es importante que veas esto para que te des cuenta... que ser como eres no es necesariamente tu culpa.
So it's your fault?
¿ Entonces es tu culpa?
So you're saying that there's a problem in your marriage and that it's your fault.
Entonces usted está diciendo que hay un problema en su matrimonio,... y que es su culpa.
So you're saying that there's a problem in your marriage and that it's your fault.
Entonces ud está diciendo que hay un problema en su matrimonio, - -y que es su culpa.
It's your fault he's so upset!
¡ Es tu culpa que se haya disgustado tanto! ¡ Ahora se está muriendo!
I can't believe I waited so long when all I had to do was say something. Listen, it's not your fault.
No puedo creer que esperé tanto, cuando tenía que decir algo.
So if you wanna blow hard with your big words, tell me how it's my fault that Wade might die?
Así que si quiere tener toda la razón con sus grandes palabras..... dígame, ¿ Cómo es que, es mi culpa que Wade esté al borde de la muerte?
But it's your fault, if I might say so.
Pero fue culpa suya, si me permite decir.
And it's all your fault. So I wanted to talk to you and say I'm not talking to you.
Todo es tu culpa y quería hablar contigo para decirte que ya no hablaré contigo.
So it's your fault.
Entonces es tu culpa.
So it's NOT your fault.
Entonces no es tu culpa.
So it's my fault your cat ran away?
¿ Es mi culpa que se haya escapado tu gata?
You believe it's your fault that it failed, and... it may be so.
Cree que fue culpa suya que fracasara, y puede que así fuera.
It's your fault we have so much crime in this country and it's your fault we have so much violence in this country.
¡ Es culpa suya que haya tantos delitos en el país! ¡ Y es culpa suya que haya tanta violencia en el país!
Oh, so it's my fault No that you left your bag in my car? .
¿ Así que es culpa mía que te dejases la mochila en el coche?
It's your fault as you're so beautiful..
- Eres demasiado guapa.
So if one of them does something wrong, it's not your fault.
Si uno de ellos hace algo malo, no es su culpa.
But I'm playing to win a million dollars here, and so if you trust somebody, it's your own fault. You're a fool for not playing the game.
Y si confías en alguien es tu culpa, por no jugar de la mejor manera.
It's my fault too because I don't see the little love squares you leave around. So I get angry because I don't feel your love. And then you get angry with me because I don't see it.
En parte es mi error, porque no noté los cuadrados de tu amor..... ahora me pongo mal porque no siento que me amas y a lo mejor te pones mal porque no los ves y a lo mejor es porque es el tipo incorrecto de amor.
I see. So, it's your mother's fault that you've fallen behind?
¿ Estás diciendo que tu madre es la culpable de tu retraso?
So you have no sense of humour? It's not your fault
¿ Entonces no tienes sentido del humor?
It's not your fault your brother is so creative.
No es tu culpa, tu hermano es tan creativo.
so it's done 19
so it's a win 16
so it's over 58
so it's up to you 22
so it's 240
so it's fine 24
so it's like 40
so it's okay 41
so it's you 54
so it's true 182
so it's a win 16
so it's over 58
so it's up to you 22
so it's 240
so it's fine 24
so it's like 40
so it's okay 41
so it's you 54
so it's true 182
so it's official 29
so it's my fault 51
so it's settled 30
so it's possible 18
so it's not 23
it's your fault 367
your fault 80
so it goes 27
so it is 192
so it doesn't matter 23
so it's my fault 51
so it's settled 30
so it's possible 18
so it's not 23
it's your fault 367
your fault 80
so it goes 27
so it is 192
so it doesn't matter 23
so it is true 19
so it would seem 69
so it was you 44
so it seems 95
so it was 29
so it does 25
so it 43
so it would appear 17
so it would seem 69
so it was you 44
so it seems 95
so it was 29
so it does 25
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