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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / So you keep saying

So you keep saying Çeviri İspanyolca

166 parallel translation
So you keep saying.
Eso dice siempre.
So you keep saying, but I can't see him.
¡ Me lo has dicho cien veces, pero no veo nada!
So you keep saying, but they'll never do it.
¡ Ya lo sé! ¡ No paras de decirlo! ¡ Pero no lo harán!
- So you keep saying, Hitler!
- ¡ Sólo dices eso, Hitler!
Yes, so you keep saying, Tegan. Is anyone saying you're wrong? - I am.
Sí, ya lo has dicho, Tegan. ¿ Alguien dice que estés equivocada?
- So you keep saying.
- Sigue así.
So you keep saying, but who is this person?
No dejas de repetirlo pero, ¿ quién es esa persona?
- So you keep saying.
- Y sigues con eso.
So you keep saying.
Sigues insistiendo.
- So you keep saying.
- No dejas de decirlo.
So you keep saying.
Ya me lo has dicho.
So you keep saying, but I don't see it.
Eso dices tú, pero Yo no lo veo.
So you keep saying.
- Insistes con eso.
- So you keep saying.
- Siempre dices lo mismo.
So you keep saying.
Sí, no paras de repetirlo.
- So you keep saying.
- Pues no lo parece.
So you keep saying, but when will that happen?
Eso me dices todo el tiempo, pero ¿ cuándo va a suceder?
- So you keep saying.
- Ya lo has dicho.
I assure you, the cure for all those ailments and much more, is also here. - So you keep saying.
Te lo aseguro, la cura para todas tus dolencias y mucho mas esta aquí
- So you keep saying.
- Si usted lo dice.
You know, they can take care of this at the monastery. So you keep saying.
Se pueden ocupar de esto en el monasterio.
JONES : So you keep saying.
Eso es lo que tú repites.
So you keep saying.
Eso no lo dudes.
- Yeah, so you keep saying.
- Sigue, no te pares.
- So you keep saying.
Eso dices tú.
So you keep saying.
Entonces, sigue hablando...
So you keep saying. Then back off.
Todavía estás de licencia, ¿ lo recuerdas?
So you keep saying
Según usted.
So you keep saying.
Así que puedes seguir diciéndolo.
Don't keep on saying so, you idiot!
No lo diga más, idiota.
you don't have to keep saying it... even so, it's nice that he goes in the barn, it's real nice.
No es necesario seguir diciendo... - Aun cuando no este. Es bueno que vaya al granero.
So you're saying you'd be like Dave... and just let Cal keep doing what he was doing?
¿ Dices que serías como Dave? ¿ Y dejar que Cal siguiera haciendo lo que hacía?
- No, I'm not saying that at all. - That's what you just said. No, I was saying we cannot prevent child molestation... so let's cut our odds down and take out... the homosexual group and keep in the heterosexual group.
No, estaba diciendo que no podemos prevenir el abuso de menores... si no reducimos las probabilidades y sacamos... al grupo de homosexuales y mantenemos el grupo heterosexual.
So what are you saying? We can't keep the field?
¿ Dices que no podremos mantener el campo?
So what I'm saying is that, if you could, uh, well, you know, kind of, if we could keep it to ourselves?
Lo que estoy diciendo es que ojalá pudieras... mantenerlo entre nosotros.
So what you're saying is, if you've got a business meeting, I should keep my personal feelings out of it and let you go out in that tie?
¿ Lo que dice es que si tiene una reunión no debería meterme y dejarlo salir con esa corbata?
You keep on saying he's dangerous. You never explain to me... why you're so afraid of him.
No haces más que decir que es peligroso, pero nunca me explicas... por qué le tienes tanto miedo.
That's an incr edibly embarrassing moment f or any prof essional athlete, so when we come back, we'r e gonna show it to you a couple of mor e times if only so that I can keep saying "virgin snow."
Es un momento increíblemente penoso para un atleta profesional, así que cuando volvamos, se lo enseñaremos un par de veces más aunque solo fuera para que yo pueda seguir diciendo "nieve virgen".
So you keep saying.
No dejas de repetirlo.
What did you want from me? We had our life together! And it wasn't so bad as you keep saying.
Nuestra vida no ha sido tan espantosa como tú crees.
So why are you keep saying that..
Sí, ya me lo has dicho.
You keep saying I'm gonna meet her one day, so I'm just -
Y siempre dices que algún día la conoceré, entonces yo...
You're the only one saying this. So keep you head up.
Eres tú quien lo ha dicho, así que levanta la cabeza.
Just because you keep saying it doesn't make it so.
El hecho de que lo repitas no hace que sea así.
You keep saying that the core is too big to be affected by anything short of nukes. - So...
Ustedes siguen diciendo que el núcleo es muy grande para ser afectado por algo menor a descargas nucleares.
That's what I keep saying. This man is so pigheaded you lose all patience with him.
Este hombre es tan obstinado... que te hace perder la paciencia.
I want to thank you so much for saying that we can keep our guns.
Quiero agradecerte por decir que podiamos quedarnos con nuestras armas.
Are you saying that just so you can keep him?
Dime Menachem, ¿ de esta forma quieres protegerlo? En dos días que me des lo pondré en forma.
- Ah, so you keep on saying.
Así que sigues diciendo eso.
You know, here's where I get reductive on your ass,'cause you keep saying "aircraft," but so far, no one's been able to identify whatever it was that people saw.
Tú sabes, aquí es donde obtengo un reductivo en tu culo porque sigues diciendo "aeronave" pero hasta ahora, nadie ha sido capaz de identificar lo que sea que aquella gente vio.
Alright, you're saying that you don't care, but you keep saying it over and over, so that must mean that you really do care.
Vale, dices que no te importa, pero lo dices una y otra vez, así que eso significa que sí te importa.

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