Some of that Çeviri İspanyolca
26,264 parallel translation
Give me some of that.
Dame un poco de eso.
Hey, brother, you got some of that, uh, Egyptian Musk?
Hola. ¿ Tienes almizcle egipcio?
He needed some of that energy, i think, to survive.
Necesitaba mucha de esa energía para sobrevivir, creo.
Why don't you use some of that brain power to save your marriage?
¿ Por qué no empleas esa astucia para salvar tu matrimonio?
Even if we have to put you down in the mud and make you oink like a pig. Oh, yeah, get you some of that sweet bacon.
Aunque haya que tirarte al barro y hacerte chillar como un cerdo.
I'd kill for some of that shorty vote.
Mataría por un poco de ese voto enano
I'm hoping that you and I can tap into some of that old magic and finish what I started a few months ago.
Espero que tú y yo podamos inspirarnos en esa vieja magia... y acabar lo que empecé hace unos meses.
I just know that some of the members of the board would like to...
Solo sé que a algunos de los miembros del consejo directivo les gustaría...
Do you think there might be some kind of, uh, correlation between your constantly buying alcohol and, uh, cocaine and the fact that you're always broke?
¿ Crees que exista alguna relación directa entres tus compras constantes de alcohol y cocaína y el hecho de que nunca tengas dinero?
All I know is that he's some kind of high-up government official.
Solo sé que es un alto funcionario del gobierno.
You come by tonight, and we'll prepare some samples of the food and wine that we have in mind.
Viene esta noche y vamos a preparar algunas muestras de la comida y el vino que tenemos en mente.
Look, I don't have time for this, but at a glance, I mean, there are some things in here that'll come back to bite the ass of whoever signs it.
Mira, no tengo tiempo para esto, pero a simple vista, quiero decir, hay algunas cosas aquí que tendrán consecuencias negativas para el que sea que firme esto.
I don't have all the details, but Percy sent Sebastian over some photos of tire tread. Van that was following Laurel for the last few days.
No tengo todos los detalles, pero Percy le envió a Sebastian algunas fotos de marcas de neumáticos de la furgoneta que estuvo siguiendo a Laurel hace unos días.
Apologies, that was the last of the moose. But cook may be able to scrape up some cold rabbit?
Mis disculpas, era lo que quedaba de alce, pero puede que el cocinero encuentre un poco de conejo frío.
Some random apartment building filled with strangers that will be a constant reminder of how empty my life is?
Algunos apartamentos aleatoria edificio lleno de extraños Que será un recordatorio constante de lo vacía que es mi vida?
And at least if I'm with you, there's a chance that I could be of some use.
y al menos si estoy con usted, existe la posibilidad de que yo podría ser de alguna utilidad.
Your... Worship, according to the Preclearance Act of 2001, the country of destination can detain a passenger if that passenger has, in some way, lied to the preclearance officer, and our client did not lie.
Excelencia, de acuerdo con la Ley de Aduana Previa de 2001, el país de destino puede detener a un pasajero si el pasajero, de alguna forma, ha mentido al agente de aduana previa, y nuestro cliente no mintió.
He might be able to ID some members of z-brotherhood, the ones that came to visit when Dwight was there.
podría ser capaz de identificar algunos miembros de la hermandad Z Los que vinieron a visitar cuando Dwight estaba allí.
Well, you know that I manage some of the freshest acts in show business.
Bueno, ya sabes que manejo a algunos de los actos más frescos del espectáculo.
Morris : You know, a lot of the biggest players right now are people with really serious business backgrounds, and it's made some of the people feel like they're being pushed out of the game, that there's no room for the mom-and-pop grower.
Muchos de los grandes tienen gente con buenos antecedentes de negocios y ha hecho sentir marginados a muchos, sin un lugar para los cultivadores caseros.
And I'm hoping we see Brodie and Kurt, because some other contestants kind of hinted that maybe he had, like, a crush or something, and so I was like, " Oh.
Espero ver a Brodie y Kurt, porque me han dicho que le atraigo. Así que dije "Oh, ok."
That's where we should find the monument, or some kind of statue for a broken chair.
Es donde encontraremos el monumento o algún tipo de estatua de una silla rota.
So, I made some copies of the inspection that I had done last spring.
He hecho algunas copias de la inspección que hicieron la primavera pasada.
Frank found 7 pounds of meth in some shitty storage locker that Monica had and now he wants to sell it.
Frank ha encontrado siete bolsas con meta en un almacén de mierda que tenía Monica y ahora quiere venderla.
But think about it... at some point in your life, every one of you was once a believer, and at some point, you left that part of you behind.
Pero pensadlo, en algún momento de vuestra vida, todos vosotros fuisteis creyentes y en algún momento, dejasteis esa parte de vosotros atrás.
I once did some shit that I didn't want to face, so I dropped my phone in a glass of beer.
Una vez hice algo que no quería enfrentar así que lancé mi teléfono en un vaso de cerveza.
Well, before I say that, I'd like to take some pictures of Eric's belly, just to make sure that everything's moving through okay.
Bueno, antes de decir eso, me gustaría tomar unas fotos del estómago de Eric, para asegurarnos de que todo se esté moviendo correctamente.
Is that all right with you, if I take some pictures of your tummy?
¿ No te importa si tomamos fotos de tu pancita?
Some community group, Citizens of Neighborhood Development, put the debate together and they're claiming that one of their interns forgot to notify us.
Un grupo comunitario, Ciudadanos de Desarrollos Vecinales... situaron un debate juntos y están alegando... que uno de sus pasantes olvidó notificarnos.
But at the end of the day, there's gonna be some guys coming to lift that shit.
Pero al final del día, habrá algunos chicos que van a venir a levantar esa mierda.
Well, what are some of your good qualities that you're aware of? - Um...
Bueno, ¿ cuáles son algunas de tus buenas cualidades de las que eres consciente?
How the hell was I supposed to know that place is some sort of disgusting, greasy national treasure?
¿ Cómo diablos se suponía que tenía que saber que ése sitio es una clase de tesoro nacional grasoso y asqueroso?
She said that your hands were burnt, like they'd been in some kind of an explosion.
Dijo que sus manos estaban quemado, como si hubieran sido en algún tipo de una explosión.
Now, given that the Midnight Ranger's territory was Greenpoint, perhaps you should visit some of the neighborhood tailors, dry cleaners.
Ahora bien, dado que el territorio de la medianoche del guardabosques era Greenpoint, tal vez debería visitar algunos de los sastres de la vecindad, tintorerías.
We got some blurry pictures, an idea of where his regular patrol was, that's it.
Nos dieron algunas fotos borrosas, una idea de dónde estaba su patrulla regular, eso es todo.
Brother, is that some kind of threat?
Hermano, ¿ es ese un tipo de amenaza?
No, this profanity is part of some strategy that, at its end, sees you restored, these two gone away, and that man Dove punished for all he has done.
No, esta profanación es parte de alguna estrategia que, a su final, le verá a usted rehabilitado, a esos dos alejados y a ese hombre Dove castigado por todo lo que ha hecho.
We got a distress call that some of the prisoners got to the gun safe.
Dieron aviso de que algunos presos llegaron a la armería.
It's very apparent that Susan is suffering from some form of dementia.
Es muy evidente que Susan sufre de algún tipo de demencia.
Coming into Troy on your own is risky enough, but to meet her? That's supposed to be some sort of coincidence, is it?
¿ Se supone que eso sea coincidencia?
And then after that, we're gonna go for tea at Margaret's, and I offered to make some of those cucumber sandwiches that you love so much.
Y después de eso vamos a ir a tomar té a casa de Margaret, y he dicho que haría esos esos bocadillos de pepino que te encantan.
I mean, I'm going over all the material that you and Spencer took photos of from the lock box but everything except for Mary's DNA is in some code that I can't crack.
Estoy revisando todas las fotos que hicisteis Spencer y tú de aquel maletín, pero todo salvo el ADN de Mary está encriptado con un código que no puedo descifrar.
Some folks in town think that is the end of online newspapers, but I have got some insight into what's really going on over at Knight Ridder and I think that just real opportunity is being vacated there.
Algunos amigos en la ciudad piensan que es el fin de los periódicos en línea, pero tengo una visión diferente de lo que está sucediendo en realidad en Knight Ridder y creo que la oportunidad real de esto está siendo desestimada.
We do, just some of us have lives that we'd like to get back to.
Y así es, pero algunos tenemos vidas a las que queremos volver.
Some people have said that after six months of this bombing parts of Yemen look like Syria did after years.
El conflicto ha obligado a 2,5 millones de personas... a huir de sus hogares. Dicen que después de seis meses de estos ataques... partes de Yemen se ven como se veía Siria después de años.
- I think I'm gonna need some hair of the dog on that.
Creo que voy a necesitar algo para sacarme esta resaca. ¿ sí?
But some of the things that you love have fallen by the wayside, including one thing that's been gathering dust in your father's garage.
Pero algunas de las cosas que le gusta han quedado en el camino, incluyendo una cosa que ha estado acumulando polvo en el garaje de su padre.
Y-You told me about it, some... silly charm that burned brightly in the presence of you.
Me lo contaste, algo... que brilla en tu presencia.
And many citizens also are feeling some sort of impact from this fog leads us to believe that there is some sort of...
Y muchos ciudadanos también están sintiendo... algún tipo de impacto de esta niebla... nos lleva a creer que existe algún tipo de...
Some young, feminine, yet strong personality that would add to the story so much so, that the Academy would do nothing but give her the award for best actress to ever exist in the history of the world.
Alguien femenina pero con personalidad fuerte que le agregue tanto a la historia que los Óscar tendrían que darle un premio por ser la mejor actriz que jamás existió en todo el mundo.
Well, in that case, maybe he could take up my offer of a hot bath and some clean clothes.
En ese caso, puede que él pudiera aceptar mi oferta... de un baño caliente y algo de ropa limpia.
some of them 141
some of it 85
some of us 51
some of you 27
some of the time 21
some of them are 20
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
some of it 85
some of us 51
some of you 27
some of the time 21
some of them are 20
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20