Someone took it Çeviri İspanyolca
409 parallel translation
Someone took it away last night.
Me la robaron durante la noche.
Someone took it.
- Alguien la tomó.
- But someone took it.
- Sí, pero alguien lo cogió. - ¿ Quién?
Someone took it, I tell you.
- Te digo que la ha cogido alguien.
- I'm positive someone took it.
- Estoy segura de que alguien lo tomó.
I had $ 4o and someone took it on me.
Tenía 40 dólares y alguien me los robó.
- I don't know! Someone took it.
¡ Alguien se lo llevó!
I took what was left then someone took it from me.
Tomé cuando se quedó y alguien me toma por de fuera,
Someone took it by mistake last night at the cocktail party, and I thought that you might've gotten it.
Alguien lo tomó por error anoche en la fiesta y pensé que quizás lo tuviera Ud.
Someone took it upon themselves to film my... most private life.
Alguien se ha dedicado a filmar... mi vida mas privada.
Someone took it
Alguien lo cogió.
Someone took it out, and they didn't bring it back.
Alguien se la llevó y no la trajo de regreso.
- Someone took it away from you.
- Alguien te lo quitó.
Yet someone took it for granted that we'd miss this one leaf, hidden in the middle of your forest.
Aún así, alguien dio por sentado que se nos pasaría por alto esta hoja, oculta en medio de su bosque.
Someone took it!
¡ Alguien la tomó!
- Sorry, Fish'n'Chips. Someone took it. - What?
No puedo, "pescado y papas" se lo llevaron
It's like someone took it.
Es como si alguien se lo hubiera robado.
Just that someone named Anderson took it a week ago, paid cash in advance.
Sólo que un tal Anderson la cogió la semana pasada, pagó en efectivo.
"They thought it would be nice for me to know her, " so that I would have someone my own age to talk to. " So Nellie took me there to meet her.
Dijeron que me iría bien tener a alguien de mi edad con quien charlar, así que Nellie me llevó a conocerla.
But it took someone of my sister's courage to make it come true.
Pero hizo falta el coraje de mi hermana para hacerlo realidad.
Maybe it would be better if someone else took him, some nice family with money.
Tal vez sería mejor que alguien más lo llevara... una buena familia con dinero.
He couldn't tell someone the truth, so he took it out on the Magistrate and the Colonel.
No ha podido decir a nadie sus cuatro verdades. Pero se ha vengado del juez y del coronel.
It took someone more perceptive than us, or more fortunate, to find the city that the forest had hidden from the eyes of the world.
Fue necesario que alguien más sensible que nosotros, o más afortunado, diera con esta ciudad que la selva había escondido a los ojos del mundo.
So it moved to America where someone took advantage of a loophole in the rules and invented a little formation called the flying wedge.
Así que vino a América... donde algunos abusaron de un agujero en las reglas... e inventaron una pequeña formación llamada "la cuña voladora".
When I wrote it, I was feeling mean and spiteful and took pleasure in making something up that might cause trouble to someone. "
"Cuando la escribí pasaba por un mal momento... y mi intención era hacer daño a otra persona"
Even if it did, someone surely took it.
Aunque fuera así, seguro que alguien la cogió.
But how can you be so certain that someone took one of the bishop's spiders... and deliberately placed it in Sir Henry's room... that it wasn't in his luggage from South Africa?
Pero ¿ cómo puede estar seguro de que alguien tomó la araña del obispo y la puso adrede en el cuarto de Sir Henry y no que vino en su equipaje desde Sudáfrica?
Or someone else took it.
O alguien más la tomó.
The only thing that's been shown is that someone stood to kill him and took it upon themselves to do it
Lo único probado es que alguién tenía interés en hundirlo Y le cargó esa muerta
I think someone took it to that.
Creo que alguien la empujó a esto.
Since she couldn't have gone out by herself, it means someone took her out.
Como no pudo salir sola eso significa que alguien se la llevó.
- What I was going to say is... even though someone did take her out of this room... it doesn't necessarily mean they took her out of the school, too.
Lo que quería decir es que incluso si alguien la sacó de esta habitación eso no significa que necesariamente la sacase de la escuela.
Because of 4 poor guys we took away from the pigsty, we're not turning back... Even if it means paying a certain someone that I know...
Por cuatro desgraciados muertos de hambre que sacamos de la pocilga no volveremos atrás, cueste lo que cueste, se los digo yo.
Then someone took out a knife and opened him up'and inside it shimmered of gold
Alguien cogió un cuchillo y le abrió el abdomen. Dentro de él brillaba el oro.
Looks like someone took a dump in it.
Parece que alguien se cagó en el.
Every day someone gets married, retires, dies. And soon they will do it for you as well, take my word. - Took it!
Cada día se casa alguien, o se retira, o muere, y pronto la harán por tí también, escucha mis palabras - ¡ Toma!
It's like someone took a vacuum cleaner and straightened out the mess.
Es como si encendieran una aspiradora y lo limpiaran todo.
What if someone came into your house and you're hungry... and took the little bit of food you had... in the fridgerator... and threw it down the toilet would you behave in a civilized way?
Era el alimento para esas personas. Ahora, ¿ que pasaría si alguien entra a su casa... Cuando tenga usted hambre... y se lleva la poca comida que tenga en su refrigerador?
No one knew whether it was a boy or a girl, because on the day the baby was born, someone took the child away.
Nadie supo si fue hembra o varón. El mismo día que nació... alguien se lo llevó.
But I gave it to someone with real theater experience. They took it in hand and helped me revise it.
Se la di a alguien con experiencia y me echó una mano para revisarla.
Someone took the trouble to wipe off all the fingerprints, and it's something an ordinary killer in a big hurry to get away probably wouldn't think about.
Alguien se tomó el trabajo de limpiar las huellas digitales algo que a un asesino normal apurado por escapar no se le ocurriría.
It took time to accept that my mother could love someone else.
Me tomó tiempo aceptar que mi madre pudiera amar a otro.
Or rather help me get someone who took responsibility and sign it.
O más bien, ayudarme a encontrar a alguien que tomara la responsabilidad de firmar el permiso.
Just took someone who loved me to point it out.
Ha hecho falta que me Io dijera alguien que me quiere.
That our brother married a whore, no doubt about it. But, shall we also tell that then someone took advantage and poked his biscuit?
Que nuestro hermano se casó con una zorra, eso ya lo sabemos... pero alguien más aprovechó para mojar su "bizcocho". ¿ Lo decimos o no?
It's as if someone took every serial killer, and rolled it into one incredible being.
Es como si alguien tomara varios asesinos seriales, y creara un monstruo increible.
It's time someone took care of that guy.
Es tiempo de ocuparse de él. Hay que eliminarlo.
Someone took it out. Must've been diseased.
¿ Estaba enferma?
As so often in these cases it took someone outside our situation to point it out to us.
Como suele ocurrir en estos casos que alguien este fuera de control por nosotros, que nosotros mismos.
Well, my life was shaped because someone invented gunpowder and... It took me around the world.
Mi vida ha sido guiada porque alguien inventó la pólvora y eso me llevó alrededor del mundo.
It's like someone went into the ape cage and took out the tire swing.
It's like someone went into the ape cage and took out the tire swing.
took it 16
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
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it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
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it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
itis 22
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it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
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it was 5878
itis 22
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
itself 24
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's just 7387
itself 24
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's just 7387