Something like that Çeviri İspanyolca
17,485 parallel translation
Something like that.
- Algo así.
I must still know how the game works to be able to do something like that.
Debo todavía saber cómo funciona el juego Para ser capaz de hacer algo así.
- to do something like that.
- Sí, lo hará.
Something like that.
Algo así.
And it is double that if they're on crutches or in a wheelchair, or something like that, so...
Y el doble si usa muletas o silla de ruedas o algo así...
It crosses your mind, something like that.
Te pasa por la cabeza, algo así.
- Something like that.
- Algo así.
- You fighting sharks? - Something like that.
- ¿ Peleas contra los tiburones?
Where the hell could something like that have come from?
¿ De dónde diablos podría haber venido algo así?
Though I think it unlikely something like that could roam long abroad without someone seeing it.
Aunque creo que es poco probable que algo así pudiera vagar por ahí durante mucho tiempo sin que alguien lo viese.
Ingrid was wearing something like that, wasn't she?
Ingrid llevaba puesto algo así, ¿ no?
His father, when he goes up to the volcano, and if he wants to smoke, he just calls out and the fire will come down, and take the fire and light his cigarette or pipe or something like that.
Y si quiere fumar, simplemente llama y el fuego desciende y le enciende el cigarrillo o la pipa o lo que sea.
So, if we were to place this in our anatomy, we'd set it up something like that.
Si lo colocamos sobre nuestra anatomía, va justo aquí.
Do you really think he would do something like that?
¿ Realmente crees que haría algo así?
Something like that, yeah.
Algo por el estilo, sí.
Something like that, I know.
Algo como eso, lo sé.
Because something like that happened to me.
Porque algo así me pasó a mí.
Something like that can help, but maybe only for a moment.
Algo así puede ayudar, pero aunque solo sea por un momento.
Do you really think I'd do something like that?
¿ Crees que haría algo así?
- Something like that.
- Algo como eso.
Yeah, something like that.
Sí, algo como eso.
Something like that.
Algo como eso.
And unlike the Dutch at the 1600s, we know how to fight something like that.
Y a diferencia de los Daneses del 1600 sabemos cómo pelear contra algo como eso.
Did you have any idea he would do something like that?
¿ Tienes idea de por qué lo habrá hecho?
You don't imagine something like that! Look!
¡ No imaginas algo así!
I mean, do you ever think what it must be like to have something like that happen to you and for there to be no redress?
Quiero decir, ¿ alguna vez pensaste lo que debe ser... que te suceda algo así y no haya algún desagravio?
I was waiting for you to say something like that.
Estaba esperando que dijera algo así.
Where would you even get something like that?
¿ Dónde se consigue algo por el estilo?
This is what I- - this is what- - I like that. I knew I was gonna do something stupid when I got here, so I was like, "I'm gonna bring you a gift." Foresight.
Sabía que haría una estupidez, así que te traje un regalo.
But please know that I am well and abide in something like contentment.
Pero por favor, sé que estoy bien y estoy en algo parecido a la alegría.
Jerry wouldn't do something like that.
- Jerry no haría algo como eso.
Say something, like that speech you gave to the fifth graders yesterday.
Diga algo, al igual que el discurso que dio... a los alumnos de Quinto Grado ayer.
Still something to credit a man like that?
¿ Se sigue dando crédito a un hombre así?
The eruption produced something like 15,000 cubic kilometers of ash and pumice that was pumped high into the stratosphere and spread across the globe.
La erupción generó 15 000 kilómetros cúbicos de ceniza y piedra pómez que se elevaron hacia la estratósfera y se diseminaron por todo el planeta.
The molten rock came up to the surface and rent open a 27-kilometer-long fissure that stretches in this direction for something like half of that distance.
La roca fundida subió a la superficie y abrió una grieta de 27 kilómetros que se extiende en esta dirección por la mitad de esa distancia.
It looks just like a paint pot linked to a laptop, and yet that's recorded this unique data service, so that's really something.
Parece un tarro de pintura conectado a una computadora. Sin embargo, registró toda esa información. Es realmente sorprendente.
I didn't think that I would see something like what I saw.
No creí que fuera a ver algo como lo que vi.
I told him, "I know this guy. " And I would bet my life that he would never do something like this. "
Le dije, "conozco a ese chico y apostaría mi vida por que él nunca haría algo así".
It's like the building attacked me or something, but that's not possible, is it?
Es como si el edificio me atacase o algo, pero no es posible, ¿ verdad?
And when I see something that beautiful and that rare and that romantic, it also reminds me that, you know, I'm never gonna find a love like that.
Y cuando veo algo tan bonito, tan raro y tan romántico, también me recuerda, bueno, que nunca voy a encontrar un amor como ese.
That impromptu speech you gave during the city's latest crisis got a lot of people's attention, and there's something I'd like to talk to you about.
Ese discurso improvisado que dio durante la más reciente crisis de la ciudad ha atraído mucho la atención de la gente y hay algo de lo que quisiera hablarle.
Ah, it's nothin'. I just use these for Instagram. That's something I like!
Ah, no es nada solo los uso para el instragram es algo que me gusta!
Like it changed me and that's why I have to resign, because I could never belong to something that turns its back on the truth.
Como me cambió a mí y es por eso que tengo que renunciar, porque nunca podría pertenecer a algo que le da la espalda a la verdad.
I think that, like, very few people set out to intentionally do something that they know is wrong.
- Claro. Creo que poca gente se propone... hacer algo que sabe que está mal.
I was thinking that, um... when we get home that maybe we could start talking about potentially moving in together, if you feel like that's something you wanna start talking about.
Estaba pensando que... cuando volvamos a casa podríamos empezar a hablar sobre... la posibilidad de vivir juntas... si crees que es algo que tienes ganas de hablar.
I feel a little worried about her. Like... I don't know, that she's gonna do something stupid or...
Me preocupa un poco... que ella vaya a hacer alguna estupidez.
It looks like they stumbled across something, something that had been hidden away.
Parece que se tropezaron con algo, algo que había estado escondido.
Jesus, woman, if you can't find anything to do in a place like that, there's something wrong with you.
Si no puedes encontrar nada que hacer en un lugar como ese, algo está mal contigo.
I'm saying... I know how shitty this feels, like something's taken over your body, and you feel sick and, like, a little crazy, and I'm sorry because I didn't get that before, and I was harsh and cold and...
Estoy diciendo... que sé lo mal que sienta esto, como si alguien se hubiera apoderado de tu cuerpo, y te sientes enferma y, no sé, un poco loca y siento no haberme dado cuenta antes,
Like, if somebody might have given you something to knock you out, it could test for that.
Como, si alguien te hubiera dado algo para dejarte fuera de combate, podría hacer un test para eso.
Norman, why are you saying that like I locked you in a dog crate or something?
Norman, ¿ por qué dices eso como si te hubiera encerrado en una jaula o algo así?
something like this 93
something like 162
something like what 29
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
something like 162
something like what 29
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830