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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Stick with it

Stick with it Çeviri İspanyolca

1,016 parallel translation
As long as he's in command, we'll have to stick with it.
Mientras él está al mando habrá que obedecerlas.
Stick with it, Boy.
Resiste con ella muchacho
Stick with it.
Sigue con ello.
Well, you... You've sort of got to stick with it.
Tienes que acostumbrarte.
I'd get me a real job and stick with it.
Buscaría un empleo de verdad y trabajaría.
Man takes a job, he should stick with it.
Si usted consigue un trabajo, debe estar con él.
Well. You just stick with it.
Pues sigue con eso.
You still wanna stick with it?
¿ Quiere seguir adelante con esto?
Oh... you like it so much, you stick with it.
Oh... si te gusta tanto, apáñate tú con él.
But I got something now... and I'm going to stick with it.
Pero ahora tengo algo... y perseveraré.
Oh, do you remember when I told you to stick with it?
¿ Te acuerdas el día que te dije que siguieras con ello?
Oh, she wanted to give up, and I told her, "You stick with it, little lady."
Oh, ella quería dejarlo, y le dije, "Sigue con ello, jovencita."
If you're not going to stick with it, get out now.
Si no van a seguir adelante, váyanse ahora.
The name happens to be O'Donnell, if it's all the same to you... and I have a good mind to charge you with false arrest... only I don't know if I could make it stick.
Mi nombre es O'Donnell, si no le importa... y podría acusarlo de arresto falso, aunque no sé si podría demostrarlo.
Pero también me divierte estar del lado de los menos lanzados... asistir al desfile... viéndoos tocar los tambores y los fagots... y llevarme los méritos.
We're gonna stick it out with you.
Resistiremos contigo.
Now, if you wanted to stick something together... and needed the stuff to stick it with, where would you buy it?
Si necesitáis pegamento para pegar algo, ¿ dónde lo compraríais?
And last night I got talking with some of the RAF fellas in the mess... and it occurred to me that if a guy didn't get here until the middle of things... maybe he kind of oughta stick around until the end.
Y anoche hablando del asunto con algunos chicos de la RAF..... se me ocurrió si un tipo que ha llegado hasta la mitad de algo no puede hacer un esfuerzo y llegar al final.
So the only way they know how to fight... is to hold a long stick and beat each other on the shins and legs with it.
Así que la única forma que saben de pelear es coger un palo largo y golpearse en las espinillas y las piernas con él.
I could be in that room myself and see her plant that knife with my own eyes... and I couldn't make it stick unless I grabbed her by the wrist... and held on to her until I had her in solitary?
Podría haber estado yo en el piso y verla con el cuchillo en la mano. Le aseguro que no serviría de nada. A menos que la sujetara hasta tenerla encerrada.
- Oh, I don't want anything, Horace, unless it's to stick around awhile and fnish my work with Vicki.
- Papá, no puedes... - No quiero nada, Horace, que no sea quedarme un tiempo a acabar mi trabajo con Vicki.
The kid said I couldn't get away with it, and I had to stick my chin out.
Ella dijo que no lo lograría, y yo tuve que arriesgarme.
You touch a snapping turtle with a stick and he grabs at it with his teeth.
Si tocas a una tortuga con un palo, lo cogerá con los dientes.
You stick with me, you know you'll get it.
Quédate a mi lado y verás cómo lo consigues.
When it comes to women or horses, Joe... you stick with the horses.
Si se trata de mujeres o caballos, Joe... opta por los caballos.
I wish you'd knock it off with that stick.
Ojalá le pegara con ese palo.
No, I'll stick with it.
- Yo lo haré.
I don't have to make it stick with you.
No tengo que dar el pego contigo.
Finally, it was me a month ago when you were returning with the basket of eggs who jumped on you with a stick.
En fin, fui yo quien hace un mes una noche que regresabas con un cartón de huevos te salté encima y te molí a palos.
We don't own one stick of furniture in this company. But we, along with the 290,000 people who read this paper, Have a vital interest in whether it lives or dies.
No poseemos ni una astilla del mobiliario de esta compañía, pero junto con las 290.000 personas que leen este periódico, tenemos un interés vital en si vive o muere.
Just stick with it, Elwood.
Haz un esfuerzo.
You can't stick it on with soap, Peter.
No puedes pegártela con jabón, Peter.
When it cuts loose, stick with us older men.
Quédense con nosotros, los hombres mayores.
Yes, it is bad with the licorice stick.
Sí, es un salvaje con ese palo dulce.
You picked up a stick and you hit him with it.
Agarraste un palo y le pegaste con él.
The world is ball with stick through it.
El mundo es una pelota con un palito en el medio.
You get a stick with a fork on it, sometimes you can twist it. Then you can yank'em out.
Se mete dentro un palo como una horquilla, y se empieza a remover.
And then I hit it with this stick!
¡ Mira qué garrote!
It's fatal to stick here with your canvases. That's my world.
Es letal que te quedes aquí con tus lienzos.
Don't you think it would be better with one stick?
¿ No crees que sería mejor con un palo?
Do you realize if they stick to their stories we can never be certain which of them did it, never be able to charge any of them with this crime?
¿ Sabe que si mantienen su versión... nunca estaremos seguros de quién Io hizo? Nunca podremos acusar del crimen a ninguno.
I've been told to stick with this story till it's solved.
Me han dicho que siga Ia noticia hasta que termine.
If you threaten with a knife, even with a stick- - armed in any way- - it's death penalty. Think about that, unless you want to come back and see us. Freedom.
Trató de escapar en dos ocasiones más, y cuando llegó el día de su liberación...
From now I will use milk as bait and I'll sleep with a stick at reach to see if so I get to kill it.
Desde hoy pondré leche como cebo y dormiré con un garrote al alcance de la mano para ver si así logro matarla.
You stick it with glue.
Eso lo pegas con goma.
Too bad. I do it with a stick.
No importa, hago el amor con un palo.
A stick, with a scarf attached to it.
Un palo, con un pañuelo atado que hace de cuerda,
They play it with a ball and a big stick called a bat.
Bueno, yo lo cambiaría, señor Barker.
They play it with a ball and a big stick called a bat.
Juegan con una pelota y un gran palo llamado bate.
L can let him know that I'm going to stick through it with him to the very end, no matter how bad.
Puedo hacerle saber que me quedaré con él hasta el final sin importar lo malo que sea.
It will not stick with it.
- Un hogar para Danny.

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